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Amnesia Kush.......Yum yum


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@@botanics the more i think about it,the more i am tempted. Blueberry kushiness mmmmm

@@beezee you are sure to have a good run with yours. I think a photo run would be good, as there are a fair few abk grows about. But that super silver keeps calling me.

Maybe I should start a poll and then I don't have to decide. lol

I do an old neighbors cleaning once a week,and call each day to feed the birds in his garden. Well today more bird food is needed, he gave me some cash to buy it. But he said "take a brew for yourself", now wtf does that mean? Being a southern chap,I am in aware of northern sayings. Does he mean take a pound for going,or keep the change? I expect about £5 change,and brews don't cost a pound anymore. Why can folk just say what they mean. Confused dot com lol

Oh my days I am so excited I might explode,counting down the days until a sample can be obtained. As I didn't really want to sample any till day 56. Aiming for the end to be day 63, but as we all know these things are not set in stone,but 63 days seems about right. But I have a loupe to double check the trichs, but I find 75% turned to be a starting point to start checking random buds.

Well it is still raining,and temps in the tent have just reached, 68.9f, humidity 32% so Iam off to fire up the hheating and roll a bifta before setting off.

Keep on smiling, keep on laughing, keep on growing.

Edited by sy100276
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Cheers mate, the training is in full effect for me now!

I'm sure whatever you choose, you'll enjoy it!

I can't help you northern sayings, being welsh, I can barely understand them lol

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Afternoon fella..hows things?

Plants are looking like they are putting on a bit of weight now mate.

Won`t be long now till you have them jarred up!

See your planning ahead and looking into some indica strains.

I can recomend Dutch passion Mazar and Motavation (dont be fooled by the name lol )

There might be some ssh x psycho sisters left in the subbie beans,Icki cooked them.

Good luck with the final few weeks mate.


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@@Tenchie thanks for stopping by my friend. I managed to bag some SSH x psychosister,might run them for Christmas. Thanks for the heads up on the DP strains. Thanks for the happy vibes mate.

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Things are looking great sy you've done a great job and with the help of the community and some dedication on your part have pulled together a great grow :).

Can I ask I know you are switching your ballasts from 400-600 every few days. I think this could put a strain on the bulbs you use? I know ballasts have 400,400sl-600 and 600sl but I would think if this is done on a regular basis then it could effect the bulb usage over time. This I could be totally wrong about :)

Now to the plants they are looking great and Imo not to far from harvest :) how long do you think mate?

All the best and thank you for the picture update very much appreciated.


E2a a poll is a good way if you can not decide :)

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Shouldn't really stress the lamps out too much Mark, it's the over current that would do this so boosting the lamp will reduce it's shelf life, however dimming a lamp and not running it at it's designed pressure will reduce luminous flux density and PAR accordingly ok for temp but best match lamp to output from the ballast ideally (I've just put an order in on a halide for this very reason mate)


Done Mazar mate about 8 years ago and was good then :yep: Very piney/limonene and total Indica in growth pattern with very dark leaves :yep: Nice smoke fair play, but no Blue Kush ;) and watch for heat stress on them if you decide to run it at some point.

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@@Dinafem-Mark thanks for your kind words my friend. I am thinking maybe 10-13 days on the girls,the flushing will start from tomorrow.

@@botanics ever grateful for your comments as always my green fingered chum.

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I was thinking the same mate 10 days maybe 2 weeks max :). Nice to see you've done some research on the bulbs mate and now you have explained it, it does make sense :)

All the best


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Sorry mate,the motavation I mentioned above sounded like it was from Dutch Passion,it aint mate,quick google and you`ll find them. ;)


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Hello friends, welcome to day 51 of flower. Well more the closing stages, but that means the flushing has started.

Both girls were given 3l each,with a small amount of run off from each pot. They have been rotated, and the ballasts have been switched. This is to save me taking them out to swap their positions.

A few of the leaves are changing colour,as the plant uses up the food that's in the leaf. Well I hope that is what's happening, or we are well screwed lol.

Looking at them,I can only see another 8/9 days to go for these ladies but I might take them to 63 days but we shall see.

Been feeling a bit off centre the last few days, in fact since the doc gave me the comments about it is just a case of managing my illness and not curing it. I really did think that this chap was going to get better one day. It has kind of taken any hope away,the tablets I take I have learnt that they affect my sexual appetite, and I do struggle to finish. So there goes my chances of children. It kind of makes me feel less of a person, if that makes sense? But at least have got this hobby,and a partner would just complicate my happy life.

Any how on to a more cheerful subject.......pics






Edited by sy100276
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Readying up now they be mate ;) cracking updates Sy :yep:

And another thing, never say never mate ;)

I did this after I was informed post chemo, the chances of baring offspring were seriously diminished if not completely...couple of years later I get the shock of my life, much we know and much we don't bud ;)

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@@botanics thank you kind sir, I think your right......it is getting close. But I always feel a tad guilty when it comes to the chop,think we all get attached though.

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Yes Sy, I can relate to this, I get a bit of a sad vibe going on when the time comes to pull them too, but soon goes bud (especially when they are fired up and doing the magic :D Then on to the next adventure :yahoo:

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