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Amnesia Kush.......Yum yum


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You don't want purple anyway sy. Yeh it looks nice but It always seems to take summat away from the terp profile of the plant. I dunno but all purple plants I've had have had a similar taste profile, even being totally different strains..

It's like the colouring adds a certain terp profile.... I don't know the science of it all mun.. Just something i noted over the years. I may be talking shite like lol

Looking tidy sy, smashing it yield wise on this grow bud...

I thought similar to you too @@HazyDaze all the purple weed I had tried didn't have much taste.

You should try the pak, Loads of flavour in every plant.

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@@Devcal thank you my good man, they do look like they will be good yielders. The last few weeks is always exciting,seeing what they become.

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I thought similar to you too @@HazyDaze all the purple weed I had tried didn't have much taste.

You should try the pak, Loads of flavour in every plant.

This is what I was going to say. Our pak is a purple strain through genetic traits not through colder temps :) she is full of flavour. I do think yes strains that purple out can loose some flavour in the end product. This could be down to temps? But not all purple strains taste the same :)

All the best


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Everything is coming together great sy and good call on dropping back the feed. The plants will be fine on just water for the final week or so and if then you think they need a few more days then continue with just water. I do know some growers that do 2-3 week flush but I think 7-10 days is fine and will give a nice clean end product :)

Thank you for the continued picture updates very much appreciated and keep up the great work mate :bong:

All the best


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@@Dinafem-Mark thanks mate,your advice on the flush is useful.

Tonight is the last night that they will be having water with added nutes,that's right the end is in sight. Feeling a bit sorry to see them go,but very happy at the thought of some jars that will have some buds in.

Well I have got a bit of hash to smoke,and a brew to drink. One shall return later with the feed details and some glamour shots.

Stay happy and stress free.

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Evening pop pickers,welcome to day 48 (well the last few hours)

Before the lights came on the ballasts were switched from 600 to 400w and 400 to 600w on the second.

Temps have been steady when lights are off, 69-72f. With the lights on this evening we had 81.6f,this is with the window adjar as fresh air is always good.

Feed wise this evening I decided to drop the grow,and just give them 1ml/l of OT bloom. Both girls had 3/litres each,in 500ml portions with a rest when each had been given 1000ml. When the feed had been dished up, I let them settle for about 30 min and was pleased to find maybe 2% run off. As this will evaporate, I zipped the tent back up and fired up the lights. I also switched on the second fan,which is facing a different way to the first fan. One lower down just above pot level, and the second at the top of the plants (hope that makes sense).

Smells are coming through well now,and one is a bit more lively than the other. One has some skunky funkyness to her,the second has a bit of zing to her bouquet.

More of the pistils have stared to turn,so the 10-14 day flush should be perfect.

On with the show.....






Edited by sy100276
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Excellent read this diary!

Good work sy, it seems you've learnt a lot with this grow and it's working out a treat 👍

Do you have plans for your next run?

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@@beezee thanks for the kind words mate. Your right I have learnt a lot from this grow,and I have enjoyed it thoroughly. Happy to be at the stage we are though. But I would not of been able to get here without the help of some good friends with wise words. As for the next run,trying to decide between a heavy indica in the form of blue Kush. @@botanics and @@blackpoolbouncer really rate it. Or another contender is Super silver, i am sure this would be a great sativa to grow out,and i cant find a diary on it......so maybe one is due?

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No probs matey :) I'll happily read thru this again!

I've got the blue kush auto running in a tent at the mo, I'd be interested to know how it compares to the photo version??? Also got some of icki's ps x ssh and heard nothing but good things about that.

I reckon you've got a tough choice to make there!

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