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Amnesia Kush.......Yum yum


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Looking lovely sy well done geeza. Enjoy your joint I am just sparking a blunt now enjoying your pics. Peace man

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Cheers mate your at 42days yeah? There looking nice mate how many days do you think you have left? 30? I hope to be smoking mine by then but there criticals take ages never again mate never. 2 times I done them now they take fucking ages

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@@1lastchance 43 days today. Meant to go 70, but looking like it might be 65? We shall see.

The next batch might be a 12 weeker.

Edited by sy100276
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Good stuff bud, I'm thinking of getting a tidy grinder soon, plants looking good mate, that resin I bet is picking up now and the aromas developing well :)

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@@botanics treat yourself mate. I spent ages thinking about it, but not bought anything for myself for ages. Thanks for the kind words. Yep,the scents are starting to come through now, next feed I will give the old sniff test and try and get a description, other than nice,very nice.

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Oh that be Hazy's 'Sniffbanging' then Sy ;) I recently found out I'm a 'sniffbanger' too lol I think I will treat myself when I got some pennies bud :yep:

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Good evening good people, welcome to day 45.

This evening the girls were dur a drink,and after much thought over the course if the day, we went with 1ml/l OT bloom and 0.5ml/l OT grow. Both specimens were given 3l each.this was given in 1l portions,with 30 minutes between feeds. The plants were rotated so they are not static.

Temperature in the tent tonight with the lights on are stable at 80.8f,with the window slightly open.

Had a bit if a strange day today, went to the doctor in order to get him to fill in my bus pass form. He then informed me that it us a case if managing my illness,rather than cure it. Oh and I will be on anti psychotic tablets and anti depressants for the rest of my life. So I left not really knowing what to think,as I had always thought the voices and dark thoughts would end one day. But these things are sent to try us,and I kind of like being different. Oh I did say I smoked cannabis, and he didn't say a word about it.

Any how less of me,and more of them (them being the girls)

First set of pics are with the flash off





Edited by sy100276
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Yeah they are looking great Sy, reckon there's gonna be some nice colours in there too by the end mate ;), lovely job on the mainlining and can see the work you puts into them, good stuff bud :yep:

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@@botanics many thanks my friend. I don't think we will get purple,but some nice colour none the less.

@@Freax cheers matey.

@@Sun Maid Rosin cheers buddy.

Well it is getting ever closer, the day we all look forward to...... Chop day. I plan to take a tester at day 56 to see where the land lays.

Right,I better refil my brew and light this joint. Enjoy the weekend folks

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You don't want purple anyway sy. Yeh it looks nice but It always seems to take summat away from the terp profile of the plant. I dunno but all purple plants I've had have had a similar taste profile, even being totally different strains..

It's like the colouring adds a certain terp profile.... I don't know the science of it all mun.. Just something i noted over the years. I may be talking shite like lol

Looking tidy sy, smashing it yield wise on this grow bud...

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