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Amnesia Kush.......Yum yum


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@@HazyDaze thanks for popping in, and for your kind words. Your right,there is no real need for them to come out now. As I noticed last night the smell is getting more pronounced. With them being out is a security risk. Now I know what the feed ratio to run off is, they can stay where they are.

@@botanics cheers old pal, I am with you on things a bit hairy when they are out. Yours don't have long to go through.

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I have too with my pissy little camera mate, need the lighting etc, rather take them in the box though, it does whiff a bit for a while if I don't go around spraying the place with odour neutraliser. The chop is the worst though man, scary times and early hours job lol

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@@Tenchie thanks for stopping by. Yeah,they are starting to put some weight on now, it will be the end of the sixth week tomorrow. I am hoping that they will be nice and beefy come the end of week 10.

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@@Highburyway thank you kind sir. I think your right,another 4 weeks and these should be quite fat. I think you are a few days ahead of me with yours.

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Coming along great sy and it sounds like you have the nutrient level correct :) If possible now I would only bring out of the tent if needed. The only reason I say is they are wacking on weight now and could very easily snap a branch :)

Your doing a fine job mate Keep it up the finish line is in sight :)

All the best


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@@Dinafem-Mark muchous gracias hombre. Your right about not coming out of the tent, they can stay where they are. As having them out at this stage, is a security risk as they do smell tasty.

Just finished replacing the oven hood filters that cover the passive intakes, it is shocking the dust they collect. Two layers seem to work well restricting the light escaping but letting air in. Just secured to the side of the tent with Velcro, as silver tape can come loose.

Time for a smoke. Oh and the next run will be dinafem,I have been impressed with both strains I have grown so far,just need to decide which ones. Plan to see what bargins can be found on 420, and make my purchase then.

Stay safe out there people.

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@@Dinafem-Mark that's great to hear. Cheers mukka.

Greetings,and welcome to day 42 of flower.

As you might of guessed from this late night entry,it was feeding time for the girls. Maybe I should call them ladies now they are gaining maturity.

Tonight we had OT grow @ 1ml/l and OT bloom @ 2ml/l, as they were staying in the tent,it was decided to reduce the feed from 3.5l each,to 3l each. The first portion consisted of 1000ml each given slowly,the following servings were 500ml each. The ladies were then zipped up,and left to bask in 1000w of goodness.

Temps in the tent tonight reached 80.6f with the window adjar, and 79.8f at pot level, humidity 30%.

Also I have turned the ballasts over, switching the one that was set at 600w to 400w, and the one that was set at 400w to 600w. I thought this would be a good idea to have alternative settings every 48 hours.

On with the show.........






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@@Dinafem-Mark thanks mate, they have been a pleasure to grow. They even survived being drowned,and seem to of pulled through. The next few weeks will be exceptionally fun,as they should start to fill out.

One of the ladies is definitely on the turn,her sister is maybe 5 days behind. So on the bus today I thought they might not make it to 70 days. So to be on the safe side instead of going with 1.5ml bloom and 0.5ml grow,take things down to 1ml bloom and 0.5ml grow, then look to start the flush in maybe 8 days time. That way if the ladies are ready before the 70 days,they will of had a good few days on just water.

Oh and just a quick note on the grinder, it has lived up to the hype. Although the size of it,could be used as a weapon...... It has got some weight in it. But the build quality is very nice,it is super smooth to use. Can see it lasting years. Well done space case.

Speaking of grinders, time for a joint.

Live long and prosper

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