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Amnesia Kush.......Yum yum


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Evening folks,

Welcome to day 36,just squeezed past they half way mark

Tonight it was time for the rations to be dished up for the ladies. There was still signs of lack of nitrogen, as a fee of the smaller leaves had turned yellow and died. So I thought a wise move would be to up the grow to 1ml/l. This was given along with 2ml/l OT bloom. They had 3.5l each,with a 300ml run off from one,and 400ml from her sister. Thus was given in 2 x 500ml portions,with 30 minute rest between and then repeated.

Temps in the tent are maxing at 82.3f,so I am happy with that. Unfortunately due to my neighbor having very good ears,and things need to be as quiet as possible, one if the Clio on fans has been turned off for now. The other one is lower down the tent pointing through the canopy.

As always here are a few snaps, the scent is getting stronger now. I am guessing that this time next week I will have to start feeding in the tent might reduce the feed on each a touch to reduce any run off issues.

Take care,and stay safe.





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Things are coming along great sy and nice to hear that you were there for your neighbour mate :)

Now you are at the half way stage of bloom you will start to get a few lower level yellowing. This is the plant using up the stored nutrients and natural :)

Your doing a fine job and been great to watch so far :). Keep up the great work and get that grinder sticky :bong:

All the best


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Good morning campers welcome to day 40

Well what I night I had last night, apologies for not updating last night but I couldn't see it type as I was pretty tired. So here I am today bright and breezy for an update.

Day 39.......

Both the girls were fed at 8pm,after the lights had been on for an hour. On the menu was OT grow @ 1ml/l,along with OT bloom @ 2ml/l. Bothgirls were given 3.5l in 500ml portions over the course of a couple of hours.The run off collected was as follows:

Plant 1 : 400ml. Plant 2 : 500ml

The temps in the tent, when the girls came out were 83.6f, and 85.6f at pot level, humidity 30% (window open).The girls really did look like they needed a drink. So when they had finished the feed, they went back in the tent on the dry tray. I then turned one of the ballasts to 400e. I am guessing that the weather is changing, so we will be running at 1000w from here on in.

Here are a few pics from last night......





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@@botanics the new growth seems to be clear of any problems, the added 1ml/l grow seems to be about right as no more leaves had shriveled and turned yellow. But from next week I think it will be reduced to 0.5ml,with the bloom @ 1.5ml/l. With the last week before flush just 1ml/l bloom.

Upon inspection of the buds last night,one girl is definitely in front of the other with a few pistils turning, so it might be that the other is more hazey, also her bud structure is more spear like. The next few weeks should be quite fun as they start to fatten up.

Well one must depart as the beverage is cooling,also I feel like now would be a good opportunity to indulge in a fat joint.

It has just started to hail here, where's the sun gone? Is this gods way if saying " run the 2 x 600's my child" lol

Keep smiling, keep growing

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I dunno how folk can pull full flowering plants out for pics aye, ya must stink the house and possibly Street out mun.. :scared:

Looking tidy sy... :stoned:

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@@HazyDaze to show as all their donkey dicks (nice dicks if your into that) on a Sunday before we all watch songs of praise and feel guilty.

Right Strawberry Blue bong time before Sunday church meeting at the mates.

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