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Amnesia Kush.......Yum yum


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Looking great sy :) you will find with some strains that they do like a bit of grow even during the bloom phase :)

They look to be doing very well :)

Thank you for the continued picture updates very much appreciated.

All the best


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@@Dinafem-Mark your good vibes and kind words are always welcome at this party mate. Yes the N problem threw me a bit,but I guess these are really going for it. Did throw me for a bit though,at least I have learnt another lesson,and now know what to look for. Might be able to sort it earlier next time.

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Hi @@sy100276 don't worry too much about the leafs your plants are looking good.

Suppose that the beauty of running clones, you know what the plant wants and when.

I add ecothrive charge to my compost at 1ltr to 100ltr jacks magic. When I stop the grow feed at 14 days into flower, I top dress the charge at 20ml to 16ltr pot.

I feel it helps but I got nothing to prove it does.

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Whatever works mate, finding your system and all that is all a personal thing, thought about boosting the medium myself but worry, what's this 'charge' stuff mate, is it for the miccos and beneficials?

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Hi mate,

The charge is insect frass.

Taken from their website.

How Does Charge Work?

Charge improves plant growth in a number of ways. Firstly, Charge provides a range of macro and micro-nutrients needed for healthy plant growth. Secondly, mealworm frass is packed full of beneficial microorganisms. Laboratory tests have shown that Charge consistently contains more than 450 million colony forming units of beneficial rhizosphere bacteria per gram! These beneficial bacteria charge the potting mix, making it more favourable for root growth and function, and vastly improve nutrient cycling and availability when growing organically. Finally, being an organic waste from insects, Charge contains derivatives of chitin, which is a modified polysaccharide found in large concentrations in the cell walls of insects. The chitinous derivatives found in Charge are able to naturally elevate the plants in-built resistance to pests and disease, as well as increase growth rates and productivity; ensuring a healthy and fruitful crop.

Sorry for the cut and paste.

Me personally I notice the root growth is excellent when I use this. I use this on both indoor and outdoor plants.

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@@Highburyway thanks mate, it is nice to know there is not much to worry about. The charge does sound like it Is good stuff. Been looking at that Mycrorysol (might of spelled that wrong )

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Thanks mate for that, yeah it sounds good and should help the miccos out. @@sy100276 Miccos mate are probably THE best thing I introduced after first reading about them when I grew years ago, combined with Rockdust the plants' vigour and resistance to issues and LSF is seriously boosted plus improved yield. (the reason I found out about them was because LSF was the new kid on the block so to speak then and I had issues with it, but I didn't after, ever ;) )

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What are 'granules' mate are they like miccos, endo, ecto ect?


No worries mate, I've just had a look on the web, I haven't had an in depth read but same thing more or less it seems Sy ;) Actually if the granules are tailored for Cannabis specifically then they should be superior as the correct fungi for the root zone is being used (there's multitudes and you get different ones in different soils etc)

Edited by botanics
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@@sy100276 How are you finding the granules?

I started using them this grow. Tbh I can't tell if they're any better than the rootgrow.

Read good things about tnc mycos, cheaper than granules too.

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@@Highburyway I have always used granules,my roots were to bad. But with the mycos I am guessing it is less manufactured than the granules. I have also read good things. It was @@Devcal that got me reading about them,and yes they are cheaper than the granules. Also seen a kind of dipping gel from the same people with added.

Oh what a crazy few days it has been,firstly my next door neighbor posted a note saying could I stop leaving my bathroom light on,as the extraction fan was keeping him up over the last few days. So I had to dismantle the veg tent,and put my bedroom back to how it was. Also moving the extraction furthest away from the connecting wall. I have also wrapped the fan in heavily lined curtains, and surrounded with pillows. So everything is back to "normal" lol.

Well as you can imagine I was a bit pissed off,so decided to treat myself to a fancy grinder, after reading about gold clippers......went for a large space case. Good job I am single,as this would if not been possible lol it is due to come today,shame I will just have to put Street weed through her for the next few weeks.

Yesterday I called at my neighbor, as I go in each day and feed the birds,as he us unsteady in his feet and has had a few falls. Well in the afternoon he was asleep so I left him alone, deciding to call back later. Well I called back about 4 and called out "only me" and popped my head in his front room. The guy was struggling to speak,and it looked like he had fallen as there was stuff all over. Made him a brew and his CO ordination was shot to pieces. Popped next door to tell our friend and he said "dial 999" well and ambulance came and luckily it was not a stroke, it had been a hypo,from his sugars being too low. We it shook me up a bit,but I called today and he is back to his happy self.

Well that's all for now folks, time for a brew as these biscuits are calling me.

Keep smiling, keep smoking, keep growing.

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Hello again.

Well the new grinder has arrived, it is quite LARGE. lol


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Nice one on helping your neighbour Sy, poor guy could have gone into coma and you're a good bloke ;) The grinder well, got to spoil yourself lad :yep:

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