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Amnesia Kush.......Yum yum


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Sy, you sure your food mix aint too hot ? I can see a fair bit of tip burn (the yellowing leaves from the bottom I would say is due to the plant stripping out as they have become sinks, but I also think you're burning them a bit ;)

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@@botanics thanks mate, I am unsure what you mean by sinks,sorry. I dropped the feed because of the tips to 1.5ml,but with the fading leaves I increased it to 2ml. The blurb on the feed schedule says 4ml/l at this stage.

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'Sinks' apparently Sy are when a leaf uses more energy than it produces and therefore becomes more of a hindrance than it helps the plant overall, I'm a bit sketchy on it to be honest so can't advise and need to read up on it more, but it does make for interesting reading (bit of a knowledge freak me mate, always looking and digesting new stuff).

Have a google at it bud and see what you find.

With the feeding mate you know how they are doing, but don't just follow charts blindly as they are generic and cater for the majority, your girls will tell you better Sy ;)

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@@botanics I hear you loud and clear with the charts mate. The new growth was clear of burnt tips at the 1.5ml mark when I looked last night. So I might drop it back to that,as the OT bloom is pretty hot so to speak.

Well I have just had a bit of Google and YouTube action, it looks to me that it might be a lack of nitrogen. As the leaves are fading from Green to yellow on the lower leaves,and spreading upwards but new growth is green. From what I can gather this is because nitrogen is a mobile element, and as the new growth needs it more. The plant takes it from the lower older growth,and moves it to the tops. From what I understand, the N needs to be increased. So maybe a little drop of grow for the affected plant along with some bloom. The Npk of bloom is 354, the grow is 553. Another option would be to add some fishmix but that won't be here until Wed. So I was thinking maybe 0.5ml/l of the grow with 1.5 of bloom,and see how things go. From what I can see the effected lleaves will not improve, and will be lost. Strange,as I always thought they used more N in the growth stage.

Time for a brew and a smoke,not even taken my coat off yet since I got in,lol

Edited by sy100276
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I do think yes maybe a little over feeding but mainly those lower leaves will start to yellow up and use all reserved energy they have stored.

They do look to be packing some weight on so maybe just a tad less feed to level them out :)

All the best and thank you for the picture update very much appreciated.


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@@Dinafem-Mark many thanks for stoping by. As the new growth looked to be burn free,I think I will go back to the 1.5ml bloom,and add 0.5ml/l grow to try to raise the nitrogen for them. As there was some on both plants,they will both get a dose.

This has been the first time I have had this issue,and I have enjoyed doing a bit of research,and finding a solution. It is good to learn,and this grow has given me a few good lessons.

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Best way to learn bud is to have issues :yep: You watch now on the other girls and see how you find you are reading them earlier ;)

This is probably the best way to learn by doing it yourself. You would not imagine how many growers who are doing there 1st grow expect to get amazing results. This does not happen unless you do a lot of reading.

Take @@Freax he did 3 years reading and research before even sowing a seed now he is on his 4th or 5th and going of the last grow has thing down.

Trial and error is a great way to learn and your doing a great job sy :)

All the best


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@@botanics thanks my friend. Your right it is good to learn, I have got so much from this grow and we are a few days from the halfway point.

@@Dinafem-Mark cheers geeza, I can imagine there are a few that try to run before they can walk. I did a bit of reading before I started, but it is nice to actually see problems and try to fix them. I don't think these would of made it this far,if it was not for all the help I have received from everyone.

@@Freax many thanks for the link mate,very interesting.

Greetings, just a short update as the fun will come tonight. As mentioned the problem seems to be lack of nitrogen so tonight they will get a drop of grow along with bloom. When they are out, I will have a check for fresh tip burn on new growth because they were given 2ml bloom last time, the feed is due to increase by 0.5ml next feed. So that would put them on 2ml/l,kind of thinking to start the 2ml tonight depending on the tip burn. As for the grow that will be added,on this subject my thinking is to give 0.5ml ot grow. Hopefully this should give them enough nitrogen,if it continues then we shall just have to go with 1ml/l grow.

Been a productive day so far,done a bit of housework. So now I am going to roll a joint and make a much needed brew.

Keep smiling, keep growing, keep learning

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Things are ticking along nicely in here mate, despite the issues.

Everyday's a school day eh?

What you smoking? :D


Edited by Sun Maid Rosin
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@@Sun Maid Rosin good to see you mate. Thanks for the good vibes.

Smoking some hash this evening. Only 35 days,2hours and 37 minutes till I can have my jars filled again. (Not that I am counting, lol)

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Evening all,well I have just got in for the closing minutes of day 33 of flower.

Tonight they both came out for a feed,I think I could of had them out a couple of hours sooner,as leaf droop was evident on both girls. On the menu tonight was 2ml/l OT bloom with a side order of OT grow, which was given at a rate of 0.5ml/l. I think that I will be using the grow up until flushing starts. Both were given 3.5l each,with a run off of 350ml from one,and 450ml from the second. After sitting in the run off for 30 or so minutes, they went back in to the tent on a dry tray.

Temperature in the tent tonight was maxing at 80.1f (26.7c). Lights off temps are 69-72f (20.5-22.2c). So I am quite happy with those figures. Humidity is still around 30%.

On with the show,here are a few pics from tonight





Edited by sy100276
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