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Amnesia Kush.......Yum yum


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I'm glad you have taken the washing line robbery in your stride mate. Some shameless shit going on in the world.

I agree temps are going to go up as the great British summer approached so all you can do is keep a eye on temps and dial it in from there :)

I'm sure the girls will appreciate the feed :)

All the best


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@@Dinafem-Mark I find it is best not to get stressed about things,just go wish the flow. Kind if picked it up when I had CBT therapy.

Well hello there and welcome to another session of late night ramblings, otherwise known as the last hour of day 27. That's right almost the 4 week mark. It is so close I can almost touch it.

This evening on the menu for the girls was 1.5ml/l ot bloom. Both girls had 3.5l each with the run off being 400ml,and 500ml. Watering wise it was the usual 500ml each,repeat,rest,500ml each,repeat,rest.

Here are few pics,with the flash off






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Then we have some with the flash on, it does look like things are coming along nicely me thinks






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They are looking great sy and this is the right attitude for sure just go with the flow :)

Thank you for the picture update very much appreciated.

All the best


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@@Dinafem-Mark thanks mate. I just find getting stressed does not really help,just magnifies the problem.

@@stonerwizard cheers for dropping in my magical friend. I hope to have a few jars full from these girls. They do seem to be shaping up nicely. Looking at yours,I think we will both well stocked.

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Evening folks,

I tell you, fans piss me off!!! Just been in the tent to install the new clip on fan I purchased today. Clipped it to the frame,and secured with plant tie wire. Plugged it in,the blades moved a touch and stopped. Clicking the switch, there was no joy,might be the plug socket? So I plugged the working fan in to the socket. That worked fine,so it is safe to say the fan is Duff. Grrrrrrrr I am a tad annoyed. Deeps breaths.......happy thoughts.......

Well I do say everything happens for a reason,and being in the tent it was noticed that couple of leaves on one plant seems to be yellowing. Not sure what it could be,but it seems to be on a couple of leaves and kind of staring on a few others. I have taken a pic, so if anyone could help,I would be grateful.

Hope your days gave been good ones.




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Plug fuse Sy?

When I get that panel fan idea constructed mate I'll do some schematics and mail em to you ;)

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@@botanics it was a brand new fan, it might be the fuse like you say,but i don't have any spare. So I am back there today,but Iwill check it works before I leave the shop.

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Well what do you know.......just tried the new fan in a wall socket and the thing works,so it must be the extension lead not being able to cope with 2 fans,which is a bit strange,but such is life. The girls are out for a feed tonight, so it will give me a chance to swap the extension lead for a different one.

As the night of feeding approaches, I have been thinking about the yellowing of some of the leaves. Maybe the feed needs to be upped a touch from 1.5ml to 2ml,after all we are now in week 5.

That's all for now, going to finish this joint,take tablets and then call to my neighbor.

Have a good day out there,the world can be a crazy place.

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Sy, check that extension for loose wires at the terminals or damage mate along the run, just to be safe like ;) oh and if you ever need to put fuses in fan plugs, a 3 A will do it and can pick them up from wilko or rob old plugs from table lamps.

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@@botanics cheers for the advice. The extension threw me a bit,copes fine with one fan in either of the sockets. But when both sockets are in use seems to have problems. Had it a while,so better to be safe than sorry.

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Plants looking nice @@sy100276

Could it be your night time temps causing the yellowing?

Do you have those side intakes open?

Could be a cold breeze on the plants

Glad you sorted the fan out before you went back to the grow shop.

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@@Highburyway many thanks buddy,your too kind. The vents on the side of the tent are open,night time temps are 69-72f,although it did drop to 68.3f yesterday. When lights are off the window is closed.

Greetings pop pickers to day 30,well the last hour of it.

That's right it is another late night entry,which means the girls have just been fed. Both girls received 3.5l,the run off from one was 500ml,and 400ml from the other. As mentioned the OT bloom has been increased to 2ml/l,so we shall see how things progress. The feeding was given in the usual was over a couple of hours.

As the girls were out I thought it a good idea to sort the fan out. I had earlier found an extension lead of good length, checked it worked with the fan, which it did. Well I don't know what made me think of testing the fan in the existing lead that was in the tent again. But I did,and would you Adam and Eve it,the damn thing works!!!! So Inow have one 180mm fan one side moving air around the tops,and the same sized fan moving air at under the canopy.

As they were out,I decided to give a bit of a tidy up,and removed some of the yellow/faded leaves. They were low down,but a couple were in the middle. I left these,but took the lower ones. Here are a few pics of what was removed......





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