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Amnesia Kush.......Yum yum


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@@Dinafem-Mark your comments are very nice to read.

Not really much to report today, as the next feed is tomorrow. Temps are steady at 69-72f with lights off,and humidity has increased to 37%,this is without the bucket of water in the tent.

Also,on a sude note, one did discover some twat has robbed one of the washing lines,I am in a bit of shock to be honest. I mean cars get robbed,but a washing line? lol

Pardon my language but this is sad as fuck mate. Your keeping yourself to yourself and you have some dick steeling your washing :(

There are some really lowlife people out there :(

Sorry mate

All the best


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@@Dinafem-Mark they did not steal the washing, I took the washing out to hang out as the day is nice. And discovered that a rat had taken one of the lines. But your right mate.....fucking tragic

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@@Dinafem-Mark they did not steal the washing, I took the washing out to hang out as the day is nice. And discovered that a rat had taken one of the lines. But your right mate.....fucking tragic

They stole your washing line?, this is even lower :)

All the best


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@@Fredi cheers matie Boy, and the chin is staying up. I always try to look on the bright side,but some days are harder than others.

@@Dinafem-Mark tell me about it, takes the piss, at least they left the post to hold the line up. lol.

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Anyone one wanna purchase some washing line I've happened upon ? :bag:lol

Proper wrong that is Sy mate, they used to go lining round my parts when I was a kid, all sorts would disappear but never the line itsef :shock:

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Proper shocking.......Why the fuck would u steal a washing line???

Some strange scummy fuckers in this world! :(

Edited by Welshstonedchick
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@@stonerwizard I think this world is getting worse. The other week this new neighbor asked if they could ponsr a roll up,when I said that I had none, she said "could I take your bin bag,to get the dimps out?"

@@botanics so it was you!!!!! lol. I heard it was strange up north, but this takes this biscuit, or washing line lol

@@Welshstonedchick I think it will be bugging me for a while,I mean who the fuck would take a line? Very strange.

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Maybe it was macgyver......he needed it to stop Some bad guy.....other than that I can't see the reason to steal a washing line lol

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West Sy bud :yep: You know, where the desert ends and the lush green growth begins lol

Talking of washing line, 'tis what I used to use to hang my old 600 poot light, great too, had the old pulley's and cleat hook on the side of the groom :yep:lol

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@@Welshstonedchick either him,or the A team were on a mission?

@@botanics maybe that's what happened, they were setting a grow room up,and thought "we forgot to get the hangers" and ponced my line rather than wait. lol

Tonight is the night for the girls to get fed,so as you can imagine one is quite excited to get some sniffbanging done,I am thinking that from now things will become rather stronger each day.

Temps last night when lights on,was 80.3f, the lights off temps are the steady 69-72f. With the window slightly open during the night I am happy to be running a 1200w (2x600w),but I am watching temps carefully as the temperature should start to increase in the coming weeks. Hopefully we will be able to squeeze through to the end without dimming them down. But I think in the summer 1000w will be the max.

That is all for now,time for a brew and a joint.

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