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Amnesia Kush.......Yum yum


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@@1lastchance thanks buddie. I will drop it next feed. I have heard that these are a bit delecate on the nutes. 1.5ml it is.

@@ftcarer lol,your right there mate we must be. In fact when I put my soil order in I am going to get a couple, I like botanics idea with the PCfan set up.

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Looking great sy :) If there are unsavoury people hanging around be safe!

Thank you for the picture update very much appreciated.

All the best


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Greetings one and all,welcome to day 24 (well the last few hours).

It has been a few days since the girls have been out,and I could have a good old look. Although I do rotate them each day, it is nice to spend some time with the ladies.

As we were getting a slight tip burn on a few leaves. The feed has been reduced to 1.5ml/l. Tonight they both received 3.5l each,with 700ml run off from one,and 500ml from the second. The feed was given in the usual way with 500ml each, resting between feeds.

Temps with the lights on have been 80.4f,lights off have been 69-72f. Humidity is between 25-30%.

Smell wise, there is definitely some aromas coming through. I am guessing over the next few weeks this will gain strength. But yum yum indeed.

Tonight's shots were taken with the flash on,mainly to show the bud formation.

Thanks for reading. Time for one last brew before bed.




Edited by sy100276
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Your going to have some nice buds on these girls ;) I found with this amnesia kush I went in to hard on my feed :( next time round I will take it easy with it ;)

What sort of smells you getting @@sy100276 ? Trust me mate make sure yourcarbon filter is a ok this strain proved I needed a new one lol

looking forward to seeing how these turn out all the best ;) T.O.B

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Nice job Sy ;) Ramping it up now these, some bats you will have for sure mate, see I do like this mainlining like :g: , keep up the top work Sy :yep:

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@@The Old Boy cheers for stopping by bud, and for the advice on the filter. I have a rhino pro up at the moment, only been used for 6 months. So hopefully she will be fine. The smell I get from one girl is a citrus kind,still quite subtle but it is there. On the second girl has a skunky funky kind of smell.

@@Denzthegooner welcome, your here at the best bit,the buds should start filling out in the coming weeks. Thanks for the compliment. My advice is get growing, best thing I have ever gone.

@@Highburyway cheers boss, your right they do seem to be forming nicely.

@@botanics thanks for the kind words my friend. They do seem to of picked the pace up a tad. Hopefully the jars will be filled from my efforts.

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These have come on some sy since last time I looked in. Gonna have some massive buds here fella..

Good stuff at day24... :yep:

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@@HazyDaze muchous gracias buddy, thanks for stopping by,and for your kind words. The problems early on,has not seemed to diminish her flower development.

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@@stonerwizard thanks alot mate, yours are looking pretty damn fine too. At least with a couple of smack addicts around,it will keep little old me well off the radar. lol

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Things are looking great sy the girls are starting to pack the weight on now. Nice structure you have!

The hard work in the beginning is starting to pay off. Nice work!

Thank you for the picture update very much appreciated.

All the best


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@@Dinafem-Mark your comments are very nice to read.

Not really much to report today, as the next feed is tomorrow. Temps are steady at 69-72f with lights off,and humidity has increased to 37%,this is without the bucket of water in the tent.

Also,on a sude note, one did discover some twat has robbed one of the washing lines,I am in a bit of shock to be honest. I mean cars get robbed,but a washing line? lol

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