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Amnesia Kush.......Yum yum


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@@Dinafem-Mark many thanks for your kind words. Yes the black mood,is depression, I have a habit a thinking I am worthless etc. But the enjoyment I get from this hobby really helps me stay positive.

Not really much to report on the girls,temps with lights off is 69-72f, it reached 79.3f last night with the lights on and window adjar. We are approaching the start on week four,so thoughts of seeds have popped into my head. Might have to make a purchase, there are a few that I like,oh the joys of being indecisive. Well I have about a week or so to decide.

Well that's all for now, enough of my ramblings.

My cup is almost empty, and I need to roll a joint.

Keep them jars full

Edited by sy100276
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I always notice mate ;) I say to the missus "Sy hasn't been on for a couple of days, must be on downer" It's not you bud, and never was, it's the egos of others projecting onto you what they see in the mirror about themselves, you're not worthless even though society seems to constantly push that notion (done to keep us all in line), you're doing damn fine at this lark, so forwards into the beyond :yep:

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@@botanics thanks for the positive vibes my friend. Greatly appreciated.

Well I have had quite a busy morning, been shopping for a friend,dropped off my script for happy pills at the docs. Bit sick if buses now,do I plan to chill until 4ish,then it is round to my neighbor and see how he is doing. Then home for some food,then it is feeding time for the girls,in fact I think we should call them ladies as they are maturing. Pretty excited to see them,and give them a sniff. Should be coming through about now. But I have carried out a stem rub,and citrus comes to mind when my fingers are smelt.

I have noticed that the heating needs to be used more often to keep the temps within the 69-72f range with lights off. So the second tent is calling me. I think another week or so,and it will be up. After all i have had no problems since that damn drug letter come through the door.

Well I have had this joint in my mouth since I started this update,so I better stop typing and fire this bad boy up.

Hope everyone is happy and well.

Toodle pip.

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Evening all, well it is the closing stages of day 21 of flower. That's right only another 7 weeks to go,and needless to say I am pretty damn eexcited. So imagine what I will be like on chop day,one had better apologize now lol

Tonight it was feeding time at the zoo,the rations were 2ml/l OT bloom. Both ladies took 3.5l this was done in the usual fashion,500ml each until 2 litres had gone. Then rest and repeat. The results of the run off were 700ml from one,and 500ml from the other.Tonight's fun and games was over about three hours. The ladies then returned to the dry tray in the tent.

Speaking of the tent, one of the small fans started clicking and quickly died, what is it with fans these days.....utter crap. So for now I just have a 7' clip on moving air around the tops. I will get another fan on Wed when I get paid,so that will be a trip out to the hydro store.

Here are a few pics from tonight.......






Edited by sy100276
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Looking grand in here mate. Bet you can't wait. I flipped mine yesterday.......only ten more weeks haha

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Hi mate hope you well? not looked in on you in a while sy your doing a grand job.

If it was me I would ease off the feed a little chap you got dark green almost shiney leaves with a little nuet burn. You should see a better yeild if you sort that mucka

Peace mate

Edited by 1lastchance
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These pissy circulating fans just aint up to the job mate 24/7, I'm thinking of putting a rig together with some 150 mm computer fans on a panel then putting steel strips up the side of my cab, magnets to the panel then for easy adjustments like. When I've got the funds for the construct mate I'll put up a build thread :yep:

These girls in here are looking very good mate and looks like the bloom will go mental :)

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@@1lastchance thanks for stopping by, also for you advice on the feed. I put the burnt tips down to the amount of bytes that I had been using. They have been on 2ml/l of ot bloom,and I was thinking of upping it by 0.5ml. But with you saying that I think I better drop it by 0.5ml.

@@botanics cheers me old mukka, one is inclined to agree with your fine self.......let's hope we are both right and they go crazy.

Speaking of crazy........

There is a guy that has just moved in to the community, never spoke to him until Mon,when he was at the bin and small talk was made about the recycling. He then mentioned my cat that follows me like a dog (very strange). But he kind of mumbled his words and was standing there like he wanted to talk. Anyway,I didn't ask his name and walked off. Well last night I was coming from my neighbor and he was stood by the bins again. He kind of walked and I asked if his day had been good to which he mumbled some more. Then he kind of followed me to my door, and asked if I smoked and could he pinch a roll up. The guy was struggling so I said I would make him one. As this washhappening I asked what he was up to that evening. He said his mate had won a tenner on a scratch card, and they were going to "get some smack,and that". I almost fell over in how blantant he was, so I will not be being neighborly with him again. So glad my door stays locked and I don't open it. So it looks like there is another heroin addict moved, mind you is smack the same thing? Well as long as they ddon't bother me they can do what they want.

Oh and I have been a bit gutted about loosing the bangi haze f2's,but security had to come first. Well I think the wind has blown over now, and I feel a lot calmer about the whole thing. Also the tent started crying as she didn't like being in the cupboard. Then my seed tin started speaking to me," pick me,pick me" they called. So I cracked,and popped some c3x(c3xcheese) subbie seeds in to water.

This concludes this update, stay safe,stay happy.

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@@botanics thanks for clearing up that bud. Just been thinking, your idea with the PC fans sounds like a plan. Best of luck with it.

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Dirty smack heads you should have flipped him in the biffa bin and fucked off whistleing.

Yes mate you want to just lower it a little, your see those yellow tips stop and a much nicer shade of green come along.

If you do your not only get a better yeild, your have to do less of a flush when the time comes as well

All the best man

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