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Amnesia Kush.......Yum yum


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@@Sun Maid Rosin cheers mukka, only another 8 weeks and I will be picking your brain on Rosin techniques.

Well only a few more hours and I can get the girls out, for the feed. Also the canes will be added for support, I will just secure the branch with twist n tie plant wire.

Just been to feed the local birds in my friends garden,and now I am waiting to clean the windows of another friends. All my friends seem to be older than me,and ask me to do the odd job for them. I just hope someone does the same for me when I am retired, guess that is the time to have family around.

Well that's all folks. Stay happy,stay green,stay chilled.

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@@Sun Maid Rosin cheers mukka, only another 8 weeks and I will be picking your brain on Rosin techniques.

Well only a few more hours and I can get the girls out, for the feed. Also the canes will be added for support, I will just secure the branch with twist n tie plant wire.

Just been to feed the local birds in my friends garden,and now I am waiting to clean the windows of another friends. All my friends seem to be older than me,and ask me to do the odd job for them. I just hope someone does the same for me when I am retired, guess that is the time to have family around.

Well that's all folks. Stay happy,stay green,stay chilled.

is zour amnesia kush stazing short or is it reaching for the stars ever tried there critical kush .. i have a deep cheese journal going at 3 wees flower ..looking for my next seed pick ..would like a shorter plant this time around as my fullwater system grows plants insanely big in no time at all

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@@dinafan the Ak is a stretchy girl imo, the critical mass cbd I ran was definitely shorter. Not run the critical Kush, but the Kush I have run was a short plant. I do like to keep them low in veg with LST though.

Hope that helps.

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yeah seems crazy you think of kush and you think of short plants have run the power kush i suppose that was medium ... i hope my deep cheese have finally stopped stretching gettin a bit scared because the gavitas i use push out are 900umol at 1 mtr from tops yikes

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@@dinafan gravitas scare me, your a brave man. Deep cheese, I was having a look at that earlier cheese x cheese if I remember.

you should be scared you know the scene in raiders of the lost ark when they he opens the ark and his eyes melt and he turns to dust thats me at 5 oclock every day when i open the door i had a lux meter tha measured upto 99k luk witch is the twice the amount of light the sun produces on the equator line bright in other words ..at it broke the meter now it just says error ... the deep cheese is the most bullet proof plant i have ever grown thats why i selectted it as my first run in rdwc ..last time i had deep cheese my timer broke 3 weeks into flower and they must of got 24hr light for about 8 days and not a single male flower or anything .its the perfect plant for me total christmas treee style perfect as i do not remove any branches of leaves ..but have to say i have 2 phenos that i have never seen before so really looking forward to see them ..also im sure there will be at least 1 or 2 plant of the months in there .got some crazy colas forming for 3 weeks will take some pics before lights on

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Well hello there folks,

This is a late night entry as feeding has just been completed and the girls are back in the tent.

I am pretty sure that the stretch has stopped now, as they measured 24" and 25",as we are now into the third week I am guessing they have decided to produce some buds rather than grow.

Feeding wise they were given OT bloom @2ml/l and received 3.5l each, this was given in 500ml portions with the obligatory smoke and a brew between. The final run off from each plant was 300ml and 600ml, they were left in this for about 30 minutes and then popped back into the nice warm tent.

Temps in the tent with lights on earlier was 79.2, and 72.8f at pot level. I also noticed that one of the clip on fans had given up the ghost, so this has been replaced.

As mentioned earlier they were due to be staked with canes for support come the final weeks. One girl had 4 main tops so these were staked and tied with twist and tie wire. The second had two mains with more lower tops than the first. So the two mains were staked and tied. Two more canes were put in the remaining corners. Then I got a long length of wire and secured one end to one cane, and went from one to the other. Forming a kind of side supporting frame.

On with the show......this concludes day 18





Edited by sy100276
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I tell you what mate, I reckon these are gonna be bumpers these ;) and there must be something in the air killing circulation fans dude, mine died too and had to pop out and get one lol

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@@botanics thanks for popping in, and for your optimism on the harvest. But it looks good, as when moved last night before the support they did have a bit of a wobble to them....... So fingers crossed.

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Things are coming along great mate :). You have done a great job pulling these back to such a healthy vibrant state,well done!.

Can I ask when you say you have been feeling black is this like me depression?

All the best sy and thank you for the continued picture updates very much appreciated.


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