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Amnesia Kush.......Yum yum


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Tidy work with the cloning butt :yep:

They can be taken at the beginning of flower, but Mark is right, best in veg like you have done as it keeps the strike rate up and they move a lot quicker than being taken after the switch, oh and they will root in plain old water too mate, most soft cuttings will, some change the water out daily for this, but you can keep the water for longer if a drop (not too much) of bleach is put in there, little bit of sugar too ;) (old school way of gardening and can also use the same method for keeping cut flowers sweeter for longer)

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@@sy100276 Best thing about taking cuttings before switch to flowering? If they haven't taken root by around 10-14 days into flowering, you still have another opportunity to take more cuttings from any lower region trimmings :yep:

Hope you're good bud,

Danny :yinyang:

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@@dannychoo thanks mate. You know me....always good thanks.Yes that was my kind of thinking, only 2 days in so hopefully we will be fine. Like you say it no roots by 10 days, I will take some more. But I am saying my prayers for this bunch, just looking for 4 to root so fingers ccrossed.

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@@sy100276 Best thing about taking cuttings before switch to flowering? If they haven't taken root by around 10-14 days into flowering, you still have another opportunity to take more cuttings from any lower region trimmings :yep:

Hope you're good bud,

Danny :yinyang:

This is a very good point :) and as said usually 10 days to root but I would allow 14 just to be sure. If they still look limp after 10 days then take more. I would say around day 5 they start to look better then day 7-10 roots :)

All the best


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@@Dinafem-Mark thanks mate. Like you say,we shall give them 10/11 days from being taken and see what we have. (Hopefully some nice roots to place in to squares.

With reference to the cuts, I have been misting daily and removing excess water when needed. I am trying to keep the jiffi pellets wet.

How do I describe things for the young ones?........#buzzin. lol

Welcome to day 6 in the flowering cycle.

Well it had been 2 days since the girls have been fed,so tonight was their lucky night. The soil was dry to the finger test earlier,so this chap knew that dem bitches be grateful man. The servings have not changed as we are still in week one of flowering, they were as follows:

2.5ml/l OT bloom. 5ml/l root stimulator. 1ml/l catalyst. 0.5ml/l bio silicon.

They took 3 litres each with a 5% run off maximum, which I was happy with. This was given as follows:

1000ml/45 min rest/500ml/rest/500ml/rest/500ml/rest/500ml/rest.

After this had been done,back on to the dry tray in the tent they went. I also changed their position in the tent,first out.... First in.

Remered to take the measurements of the girls,the "mother" is @ 17", and her sister is @ 14.







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Plants are looking good sy.

I'm no expert at cuts but I get best results from just leaving them to do there thing.

Once I put them in the prop I don't touch them for 10 days.

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I always get my clones in veg, but there is a method of taking clones up to 21 days flower ive done it to save a strain I didn't clone you can search monster cropping very interesting read. clones from veg have less stress than clones from flower and just like us the less stress the better. grow is looking great brother.


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No need to spay your cuttings mate,just keep their medium moist and leave them be,after a week open up the props vents,main thing is leave them be.

Also I see you went straight onto the bloom nutrients,dont you use grow nutes for the first 2-3 weeks of flower then?

It gives them a nice storage of nitrogen.


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@@Tenchie I have not used any bloom yet,still on 2.5ml/l ot grow. Not touching bloom till wk 3 12/12. I will leave the cuts be from now on, thanks.

Well Mr T's comment about bloom got me thinking,and I have just read last night's post........think Ismoked a bit too much bubble hash,as I typed bloom instead of GROW. Oooops

Apologies. Note to self don't update when things are blured lol

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