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Amnesia Kush.......Yum yum


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Has the rh moved any mate?. I would say with a 10 week veg it is time to flip :)

Thank you for the continued picture updates very much appreciated.

All the best


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@@Dinafem-Mark in answer to your question....... Nope, we do not have a good reading,holding at 27%-30%. I have a wired inside/outside meter that is going spare. So I will place this inside the tent and take a few readings. Got a feeling that it might be the sensor,as even when I gave them a mist the other day to lift the humidity, it gave an increase of just 1%.

Oh I am so excited, and a bit daunted of the dreaded stretch. Think the next few weeks is going to be fun,don't really want to super crop these. But if needs must a few over excited branches will be crushed and bent (evil laugh). I don't really want to do any more lst just yet as the mains are slightly lower than the tops in the centre on one lady. I have my eye on a few of these for clones, I think if I take 4-5 from each girl. This will be done in the next 10 days maximum, as any later might be problematic to root development.

Any how,my cup is empty so I need a refill.

Take care out there,the world can be a crazy place.

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Good evening, well it is almost the morning...... Yes my friends it is a bit of a late one.

After checking the soil earlier,this chap decided that tonight a drink would be in order. I have stayed up so the soil dried a touch more before feeding. Both girls were removed from the tent,the feeding then began. They were given portions of 1l each,with a smoke and Brew break in between feeds. Both girls took 3l each with a 2-3% run off. In the water tonight was as follows:

2.5ml/l ot grow. 5ml/l root stim. 1ml/l catalyst. 0.5ml/l bio silicon

Oh and it appears I made a mistake earlier as with regards to the bulbs. Turns out they are both grolux hps bulbs,rather than dual spec. Temps with the wattage cranked up to 1000w is steady at 81.4f,this is with the bedroom window open.

There are a few choices with the cloning, which is a good thing I guess. One of the plants looks to be a prime mother,where as the other well.....think she wants to be left alone. Not a problem, as I can take 6-8 from her sister. Both plants could benefit from a bit of a tidy up,so decided to get some clonex when I pick up the new light on Thursday, so we shall be cloning come the weekend.

The heights of both are approx 11" tall, the tent is 200cm tall so the stretch should not be a problem (touch wood).

That's all for tonight good people, time for bed as my days tasks are complete.

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Surprise!!! Yes I have returned from the tent,and operation humidity. The only bucket I had was a mop bucket, so thinking on my feet spotted the water standing, waiting to be used this time tomorrow if needed. Although I am pretty sure the bh will need a drop. So I have placed all of the bottles with the lids off in the tent next to the plants. Not sure if I need more surface area to the evaporating water to make a difference? We shall see........in fact I am going to wash the bucket just in case.

@@Highburyway will the bottles do the trick? I have seven 2 litre bottles in there at the min.

At this moment temps are 80% humidity 30% (lights on).

Hello mate, well look at this, I don't pop in for a while and it all goes on! Birthdays (a happy belated one by the way dude) relative humidity, 10 week veg :shock:

Girls are looking grand Sy :yes: Now with regards to putting containers in to help with humidity, the way I approached it was to look at the science etc.

Now you could use 2 litres of water in a bottle with a narrow opening or 2 litres in a tray, same volume but much different effects, the larger the surface area of the volume of water then the more efficient the evaporation process will be so that's the effect you need to achieve (hence why I used the island within the large tray of water for my recent younglings) Of course this also means having to top it up more often, but this is the desired effect, you want that water to evaporate very quickly in order to raise the RH as that denser air will be replaced pretty quickly via the extraction.

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@@botanics thanks for popping in my friend, and birthday wishes are always welcome. The info on humidity is a great help,seems that the bucket of water was a wise move over the bottles. As more surface area is available to evaporate.

Well I did a bit of fingering thus morning,although pleasant.....things were a bit dry for my liking. Relax,I am talking about the plants lol lol lol Feeding will be tonight, so that means they can come out and a few pics can be taken,and posted. Speaking of taking things,this eager beaver picked up some clonex from the shop. So that means clones can be taken tonight,going to use jiffi pellets for them as I found the root it plugs dry fast,maybe too fast. So let's see what the jiffi pellets bring to the party,as they have to be soaked for a bit in water to expand. Think I might add some root stim to the water that the pellets soak in. Only 1ml/l,but every little helps and all that.

Not really had a good look at them since we switched, so I am pretty excited.

On that note,I shall bid you farewell.........until next time.

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When I started reading I thought your lady friend had payed a visit lol then read you were messing with your plants :)

I think now is the time for clones especially if still planning on going to bloom soon :)

All the best


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@@Dinafem-Mark thanks for stopping by, the lady friend....... Saw her yesterday to give her the cash back, not sure how I feel at the minute. Just glad to be single and not have to see her again. I was planning to take the cuts around ten days into flower, but I just could not wait to get them going (or try to) I have got my eye on the parent plant, she has lots of tops through the training and topping. So my plan is to take a few of these, as from my memory we have a few nodes on each.

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@@Dinafem-Mark thanks for stopping by, the lady friend....... Saw her yesterday to give her the cash back, not sure how I feel at the minute. Just glad to be single and not have to see her again. I was planning to take the cuts around ten days into flower, but I just could not wait to get them going (or try to) I have got my eye on the parent plant, she has lots of tops through the training and topping. So my plan is to take a few of these, as from my memory we have a few nodes on each.

I'm not 100% on this and sure there is conflicting opinions on when best to take cuttings and I was always told by my dad do it in the veg stage. Preferably atleast 6 weeks veg period which you have. I think his thinking was if a plant had gone to 12/12 then cuts were taken then the plant would not only have to root but also revert back to a veg state from bloom. If you get what I mean?

As I said there are many ways but this always worked well for my dad and me since. I would advice 3-5 nodes, cut with nice sterilised equipment a 45o angle, carefully shave the bottom 1-2 cm with a blade, then dip in your rooting solution. You want to try and get the cut into clone solution as fast as possible :). If taking multiples you can take and put in a glass of water until ready to do the 45o cuts :). The scraping can be skipped but does work :)

All you need then is to get it in your medium,into the propergator and under a cfls or even hps if kept far enough away :). You want to get a mist gun and keep the environment on a high humidity. I aim for high 70,s dad was in the 82% humidity range.

Thanks for the update mate :)

All the best


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Good morning my friends.All aboard for day 4 of flowering.

Here are a couple of pics that were taken before the fun began.





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Well as you can see the snips were needed to give the girls a good trim.But before that i removed the string that was keeping the branches in cheçk. As @@Dinafem-Mark suggested I had a glass of water ready to hold the cuts until they were needed. Then I started to tidy them up,when I had finished I was left with the following......






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A really great job! You've not taken to much or to little just right. Let the fun begin now the bloom cycle is one :)

Nice to see you well equipped with the essentials for cloning :). This should produce some very nice flower tops :)

Thanks you for the continued updates and great job again!

All the best


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@@Tenchie thanks mate, bring on the buds.

After the girls had a trim,the clones I had collected from the parent plant were kept in a glass of water. My attention then turned to feeding the girls, they had 3l each with a 3% run off. Included in the water was:

2.5ml/l ot grow. 1ml/l catalyst. 5ml/l root stim. 0.5ml/l bio silicon.

The feed was given in a litre at a time in each,left for half an hour or so and then repeated. My attention then turned to the clones.......

I had soaked 10 jiffi pellets in 1l of water, with and added 1ml/l of root stim. So we were ready to go, I took off the lower set of leaves, and snipped the tips off the upper leaves,the made a 45 degree angle with a Stanley blade,and then kind of scraped the end on one side of the clone with the blade. Then we dove straight in to the clonex, then into the jiffi. I did start with thinking 4/would be a good number, it then went to six,then 8,finally stopped at 10. I was unsure of taking the ten from just one,but I had plenty. In fact the other girl could of given me another 6-8. I gave them a good mist,misted the inside of the prop lid and placed it over the clones and then under the t5.



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