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Amnesia Kush.......Yum yum


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Glad you had a nice chilled birthday and from the sound of things this is not the lady for you but you still have your green girls.

Sometimes ime women can be a God send other times total mind benders. I'm quite lucky that my wife is very easy going and never asks for anything but then again what mine is hers and so on as a relationship should be.

I'm sure the right lady if you are looking is just around the corner :)

Now back to the plants and not playing blind date lol

They look great sy thank you for the continued picture updates and even on your birthday :)

All the best


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@@Dinafem-Mark I really think that things happen for a reason. It was fun at the start,and I kind of realized that it was getting a bit much. Especially now my wardrobe hobby has turned in to Glastonbury in my bedroom lol. Also that this helps me feel better,looking after things and watching the girls grow in to women.

Good morning and welcome to day 66 of veg, didn't expect to be here but very glad to be (if was a close shave,phew)

They temps are holding about 78-80f with the lights on,and between 69-72f off. Humidity is around 30%.

Not much else to report,do here is a pic of each plant.

Tuttie bye.



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Looking good sy, with all that space left put a few buckets of water in there to help raise the humidity.

The plants will grow a bit faster then.

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Surprise!!! Yes I have returned from the tent,and operation humidity. The only bucket I had was a mop bucket, so thinking on my feet spotted the water standing, waiting to be used this time tomorrow if needed. Although I am pretty sure the bh will need a drop. So I have placed all of the bottles with the lids off in the tent next to the plants. Not sure if I need more surface area to the evaporating water to make a difference? We shall see........in fact I am going to wash the bucket just in case.

@@Highburyway will the bottles do the trick? I have seven 2 litre bottles in there at the min.

At this moment temps are 80% humidity 30% (lights on).

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Well I just can't keep away tonight. Decided that a bucket would be a wise move. So I have cleaned the mop bucket out,and placed the clean bucket with 3/4 of cold water in. Under the nice warm lights. Hopefully this should do the trick.

As I was in there took a few snaps




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A tune for you lol

re: bucket of water should work the rh levels, maybe keep it nearer an intake just to fan it over but then you've got that little fan near it so...

Spraying the leafs before and after lights works too :yep: Can even add a little seaweed extract for added effect - that's what I do anyway.

eta: can't remember if you have a tube heater but putting the bucket next to or close to it would help raise humidity

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@@dannychoo gotto love a bit of afroman. Thanks for the tips regarding humidity.I don't have a tube heater. Did have a blanket,but discovered the blanket switch was glowing red in the tent,so it is unplugged. So now I just heat the room,my intakes are passive.

Well good morning fine people,

Just an update on the humidity......

The bucket has been in the tent since last night, and it is still reading 27%. Temps are 77f. One did have a peek and I think they look quite happy. Thinking of misting when lights flick off @ 1pm as dannychoo mentioned, to see if we can get it up.

Here are some pics from this morning.......



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Evening folks,

Just a closing post for tonight......

When I checked them when lights came on,well they did not look happy. In fact they looked thirsty,so I stuck my finger in the soil which was pretty dry. So out they came for a feed. Both girls received 2.5l,with a 5% run off max. The feed was as follows:

2ml/l OT grow. 3ml/l root stim. 1ml/l catalyst. 0.5ml/l bio silicon.

I have spotted a few nice candidates for cloning, but that's a few weeks off yet. It is hard to believe that the veg is almost finished, that's right my friends looking like wed/Thurs will be when we shall see what the stretch brings.

Well that's me done for tonight, at least I can have a lay in. Oh and it is valantines day,so glad I am single. lol

Hope your jars are full and your happy.


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Thank you sy for the continued updates and nice to hear that these will be going into the bloom phase. I would have thought that bucket of water would have helped raise the rh levels. I will have a read through some old grows we have done to see if I can find a solution.

Keep up the great work and thank you for the picture update very much appreciated.

As it is valentines day and I'm with the missus I think I will treat her to a meal out :)

All the best


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@@Dinafem-Mark hope the meal was nice. It is a bit strange. The humidity is between 27-30%,that's with the bucket. But I am trying my best not to worry too much.

Bonjour friends.

Welcome to a picture update, as nothing has to be done today, apart from being rotated. Whilst I am in there I will check the soil, but I think tomorrow will be fine.

Hope everything is green and jars look healthy.






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Everything is looking lush and fine so I would not stress. Have you took your humidity/temp outside of the tent? It could be giving a false reading?

I think things look great and thank you for asking the meal was great :)

All the best


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@@Dinafem-Mark your kind words are always welcome

Good day fine people,welcome to say 70 veg,that's right 10 weeks exactly. Just had a look and rotated the girls,and I think the flowering could be tonight. The 11ltr squares should be rooted out,and they have certainly bounced back from where they were. So the dark period is 1pm-7pm, so when the lights come back on at 7pm,we will of swapped the bulbs for 1x400w dual spec,and 1x600w dual spec. The cycle will then be on from 7pm-7am,off from 7am-7pm.

Well that's all for now my green fingered friends, joint time me thinks.







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