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Amnesia Kush.......Yum yum


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@@Devcal cheers for the kind words,as well as your wisdom. It messed my head up the last time. I guess having a few problems head wise being dropped like a stone is bound to send me on one of those horid journeys that I go on sometimes. But I am in a good place now,I have some good friends that care for me,and I have my friends on here. oh and the ladies in the tent,and not forgetting the 8 x bangi haze. So really I don't have time for a fair weather friend.

@@Tenchie your always welcome at this party. Thanks for the nice comment about the girls,I will pass them on. Just like this joint of critical mass cbd....... As for miss fuck up,well like you say.....let her chase herself.

Waiting for the bloke to service the boiler, so I am restricting my smoking until he has been and gone,got a 8-1 slot. I do hate waiting in,and not being able to completely blaze and relax. Oh well not to worry,knew I should if got a cake mix.

Until next time,live long and prosper.

Edited by sy100276
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Waiting for the bloke to service the boiler, so I am restricting my smoking until he has been and gone,got a 8-1 slot. I do hate waiting in,and not being able to completely blaze and relax.

Get toking mate the boiler guy probably smokes anyway :v:

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@@sy100276 Happy Birthday mate :) May you have many happy returns in the journey ahead :bong:

You could always bake a cake whilst you wait ? Jaffa cake infused chocolate cake sounds nice :grubsup:

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Happy birthday mate. I agree that you should not let this lady pick you up as and when she pleases this can be total mind games. I would see how it goes though or is it a no go really?

The girls on the other hand have certainly picked up. Well done sy and thank you for the picture update very much appreciated and have a great rest of your b day :)

All the best


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@@1lastchance would love a slice of that bad boy. Thanks for the good wishes mate.

@@Dinafem-Mark she just messes my head up really, the time Ihave had away from her made me realize iI am much happier on my own with the girls. Thanks for the kind comments on the girls,and of course the birthday wishes.

Well the finger test proved my thoughts that they looked a bit thirsty positive so out of the tent they came, whilst they were out I gave a little trim of lower leaves. I left any shoots as they will be clones in a few weeks (evil laugh).

Decided to add catalyst along with some bio silicon to the feed, so tonight the girls had the first proper feed in the following measurements.

Ot grow 2ml/l bio silicon 0.5ml/l. catalyst 1ml/l. root stim 3ml/l

There was about a 2% run off, they were then placed back in the tent. Oh and I gave the feed in 500ml doses over the course of about an hour or so. They took 3 ltrs each.

The shorter girl was also released from her chains for the feed,they were then re positioned. The taller plant was left alone. Think I am just going g to leave them now until the second trim which will be about 10 days in to flower.

Here are a few pics, and thanks for all the B day wishes, means a lot.




Edited by sy100276
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@@sy100276 Some times it's just better to have a break and find time for yourself again.. Times like these you remember what's important to you and what makes you happy and content :yinyang:

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Getting your old boiler serviced on your 40th birthday & you still owe her £20! Haha only joking bud,hope you had a great day.


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@@HazyDaze cheers matey boy. Hope your well.

@@Tenchie yeah, tell me about it.But next week she will be out if my hair,just had to sort the baliffs first,oh and get the new tent. lol Been a really nice day,had a few cards and been baked all day. Just on here and listening to tunes. Fed all the plants, so it has been a productive day. Not taken my evening tablet yet as I was sorting the plants.......ooops,guess it is going to be a late one lol.

Time for a smoke after all the shenanigans.

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