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Amnesia Kush.......Yum yum


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@@Dinafem-Mark cheers mate that means a lot you young wipper snapper.

Evening friends and here I am with an update.

The soil was dry to the touch and the finger test proved a drink was needed for the girls. Both were taken from the tent and measured,the scores on the doors are as follows.

Plant A was 11" tall (from the top of the soil to upper most tip)

Plant B was 9" tall (same as above)

What was on the menu for them tonight was plain water, this will be the last plain feed as grow will be added next time round as they are almost 2 weeks in the pots so a bit of grow will be needed. Any how back to tonight's action.....

The water was given in 500ml portions to each,with about 30 mins between each one. I was surprised that they both took more than the 2 litres each from last time, in fact they took another litre each with a 5% run off.

It was then the string came out and the bondage began, plant A was lowered to 9" and B was shrunk to 7". Being opened up the difference in noticeable. With B's nodes are closer together than A. Guessing that A is more amnesia leaning and B is more on the kush side.

Here are some pics before the bondage




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Here are some pics after the bondage

Tied up and spread eh sy? That how you like it? Dirty fecker!

Nice bit of bondage there bro, they'll bush out lovely now :yep:

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@@SkyRider thanks man, they have got about about ten days before the big switch. Nothing better than a lady tied down with a nice bush.

I am thinking of taking some clones of these robust girls. More than likely the day of the switch, just let them chill for now though.

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Good morning and welcome to.....day 61 of veg.

I just had a quick peek and I was so chuffed with how they have coped with the first bondage session. Well it would seem like the love it.

Here are some pictures less than 24 hours since being strapped down.




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Looking tidy now sy... :)

The big 40, eh! You'll be buying convertibles and stuff when that mid life crisis kicks in soon... lol lol

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Morning fella,

You turned them around well mate,good job there ;)

They look great now btw,nice training on them and a nice response.

40 eh! Still a pup really,watch things head south now.

Atb for wednesday chief.


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@@Devcal many thanks bud.

@@Tenchie cheers mukka. Can't beat a bit of bondage. They do seem to like it, in fact the gimp suit might be needed for another sesh tonight or tomorow. As the plan is to veg for another 7-10 days,take clones and switch to 12/12.

Right I am going to smoke this joint and make a brew, oh and there are a few brownies left,so help yourselves.

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Things are looking a thousand % better mate :). Nice work on the lst. I would think 1 or 2 more weeks of veg then bloom time :)

Will you be doing another pot up before you go to 12/12?

Things are looking great. Keep up the nice work sy :)

Thank you for the picture update very much appreciated.

All the best


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@@Dinafem-Mark thanks for your kind words, we got there in the end.

I am not going to pot up again as they are in the 11l square. Think I am going to switch in maybe 10 or so days depending. There will be another lst sesh tonight on the taller girl. Really did surprise me at just how well she responded to the shackles. So this evening she will be removed and strapped the hell down. Got a feeling she just wants to go for it,now she has forgotten about the possibility of being topped.

One shall endeavour to post some pics of before and after.

Well that's me for the time being as my brew is getting cold.

Catch y'all laterz. (Trying to be young and trendy)lol

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Catch y'all laterz. (Trying to be young and trendy) lol

....and so the midlife crisis begins! lol lol

Glad things are back on track here sy. No matter how much bud this harvest gives you, you've gained an awful lot of experience and that is invaluable!

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@@SkyRider thanjs mate. Your right about learning, I have gained so much from this grow in knowledge, as for yield......it hasn't really crossed my mind tbh. Just glad that they are doing well.

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Here we have the more sativa girl 23 hours since the first dose of bondage.



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