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Amnesia Kush.......Yum yum


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Good morning

The girls came out last night for a drink as the soil was dry. I mixed root stim @ 3ml/l. Both took 1 litre without a problem, I then let them settle while I had a smoke. After about 30 min the trays were checked for any run off,of which there was none. So another 500ml was gentley poured over the soil on both girls. Then that was left for half an hour,still no run off so another 500ml was given. After letting them settle there was maybe 1% run off. So I was quite happy.

Then the girls were popped back in the tent in different positions.

The next feed will just be water.

Stay safe and stay green

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@@botanics muchous gracias comardre.

I have noticed good spaces between internodes, and have feeling that thesegirls might be iinterested in strrreeeeeeetching. Although no more topping will be going on as recovery is slower than I would like. Although this might be down to the fact I almost drowned them. So I am toying with the idea that I might introduce some bondage. But this will not be for a week or so maybe?

Off to get a large drip tray for the new tent, oh and some brownie mix.

Take care and keep smiling.

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Yeah bud give it a bit and then get that gimp suit out and on with the torture :D

Oh and recipes mate, for making cookies ;) :-

I get a bar of Bournville, cut it in half and melt it into half a block of butter, (melt chocolate in a bowl over a pan of water though and mix).

I then sift 250g flour and 1 teaspoon of baking powder into a bowl, then I mix in 175g of caster sugar, 1 beaten egg and then the other half of the chocolate bar (but cut into little choc chips) mix it all up into a smooth dough, shape it all into a cylinder and wrap in foil then roll to make smooth sides, (put that lot in the fridge then for a few hours until I want to cook them)

When I cooked them, I cut the cookies off the cylinder in thin slices and put them on a baking sheet on gas mark 5 till done (about 10 - 15 mins until golden) then out to cool and on a rack and voila!! Double choc chip cookies :yahoo:

It's not my own recipe, just adapted for my needs from a Mary Berry mix we have here and works very nicely when swapping out the butter for canna butter :D

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@@botanics thanks a lot bud. As I got over excited with my trip to the grow shop,forgot the damned mix. So that recipe will come in very handy. It will give me something to do tomorrow after my trip to the library. Not going to get the gimp suit out just yet,but the tape measure will be making an appearance.

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@@botanics muchous gracias comardre.

I have noticed good spaces between internodes, and have feeling that thesegirls might be iinterested in strrreeeeeeetching. Although no more topping will be going on as recovery is slower than I would like. Although this might be down to the fact I almost drowned them. So I am toying with the idea that I might introduce some bondage. But this will not be for a week or so maybe?

Off to get a large drip tray for the new tent, oh and some brownie mix.

Take care and keep smiling.

just noticed you said about the stretch ;) my plant has stop stretching at last after 18days of flower 1m 45cm is each branch and it has leveled out at last on the top of the cannapy. .I know from experience with og strains and og crosses they have some very long intonodes so training is a must ;) ;) ;) all the best buddy
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@@The Old Boy thanks for dropping by, and for the advice on the stretch. I will see how things are the next water,which will be sat/sun looking to get them into the groove.

@@Devcal cheers mate, your right it was touch and go,even had me doubting myself. Talk about a roller coaster lol but as you say,seems to be better.

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Things are certainly looking better :) have you tried the mixes you can get from the shop for your brownies?. I think the wife picks these up and they turn out very well :)

All the best


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@@Dinafem-Mark Thanks mate,cooking on gas now. I do use the mixes for brownies. Sampled a really nice one from thortons. Very nice. Picked up some bournville and some flower ready to make some cookies. But if I remember might get a mix as well. After all it is my birthday on Wednesday so I plan to be wasted from sunrise to sunset. I mean turning 40 can be stressful, lol

I rotated the pots today,and had a check and the pots are quite heavy still. But the watering will be sat/sun depending.

Time to learn about making canna butter,Mary berry better watch out lol

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Best wishes from all at Dinafem mate for your upcoming birthday and turning 40 is a big one. 3 more years for me lol

Have a blast :)

All the best


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