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Amnesia Kush.......Yum yum


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I'm hesitant to add my opinion in as so many have already, but I can't see anyone mentioning this above.

You definitely potted up too early (as has been said) but also, you went from a 3.5L to an 11L pot. That seems a huge jump to me. I normally try to about double the volume of earth with each pot up. So I go from 3.5L to 6.5L to 11L. Something to think about next time maybe?

I also think you are watering too much. 2 litres of water is far too much for a 3.5L plant. Even though she's sat in an 11L pot right now, she hasn't got the roots to support it.

I recently transplanted my 3.5Ls into 6.5Ls. For the week or so I was feeding them 1L every other day. You could tell to begin with that even every 2 days was too often and they didn't quite need it, but slowly they started using it up and then when they started looking as if they were needing it more often I increased it to 2Ls and will give them 4 days between waterings.

Silly question, but are you picking the pots up to feel the weight of them? It's honestly the best method I know of gauging how much the plants are drinking. You get a nice feel for the weight of the pots and can tell if you've given them too much or they need a drink.

Sorry if that's just confused matters even more mate. Just trying to help 'n all.

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All I can go of is personal grows that I have done with soil as a medium. Typically with me when I pot into 11L pots from say 5 veg pots I will be watering every 36 hours. This is 4 plants under a 600w hps. Temps at 68o-79o with a rh of 55%. As I said this is of just my experience and every growers technique and environment is different.

The best way is by going of the weight of the plants.

I think there is a lot of advice in here from all great growers. What sy has got to do is find what works best for him.

We are all only trying to help and this will inevitably get conflicting information.

All the best


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Good morning everyone, many thanks for all the advice.

Not going to water now until the pots are light, then the plan is to feed with just water with root stim.

The new tent is almost complete, just have to fit the filter and ducting.

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You know, there's a load a folks chirping in here all with different experiences (good point about the overly large pot up Sky Rider ;) though and very relevant), so yes ultimately some of it will conflict with others, but to be fair to Sy I think he's learned the lesson on this one and I know some peeps are not using Jack's Magic whereas I am and I've found it heavy , which obviously means the watering needs to be monitored more effectively.

Do we have to continue clogging this lads journal up with different watering methods ?

Crack on Sy bud ;) you know where you're at, the girls are back on track and I doubt very much you'll repeat the errors :yep:

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Trial and error will get you there mate,the errors made won`t be made in future grows,reading and learning as you grow will see you good tho!

As for going from 3.5 too 11 litre in compost,yeah it`s a big jump but it can be done in my opinion,only if you are prepared to veg them for a good while.

And only when the 3.5`s are fully rooted,done this on my xmas stast diary with just 5 plants,think it took 8 weeks from seed to get them rooted out and then another 3 weeks in the 11 litres or so. Result was just over 22oz from 5 plants,not bad for a compost grow,under a 1k light (flower)

Here`s a pic of the 3.5 roots and the pot up.

Roots in 3.5 litre


Keep on trucking mate and good luck with the new tent.


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@@botanics thanks mate. Fingers crossed no more problems,but the lesson has been a good one.

@@Dinafem-Mark muchous gracias buddy. Onwards and upwards.

@@Tenchie cheers for dropping by, the brownies have all gone but there is some rather tasty critical mass cbd in the jar. Thanks for the pic of the roots, I know what to aim for.

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@@Salty cheers matey, your right is has been a bit of a ride up to now.

Good evening,

Well it has been 4 days since the pot on when they had a drink,today being day 5. So I unzipped the tent and went to remove the girls for a feed of just root stim,but the pots were still kind of heavy. So I left them alone to be assessed this time tomorrow,although I did rotate them and took a few pics......

Tuttie bye






Edited by sy100276
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@@botanics cheers for the kind words buddy.

My tower fan decided to make some strange clicking sound,so I have been in the tent and removed the thing,and replaced with a 7" fan. So I now have a clip on fan blowing one way,and the stand fan on top of a pot blowing in another direction. As I was in the tent,did the old finger test in the soil. Looks like a feed tonight is on the cards. Just root stim and water this time though.

Forgot the bloody brownie mix, oh well I will pick one up next time I venture out.

Time for a joint.

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@@botanics cheers for the kind words buddy.

My tower fan decided to make some strange clicking sound,so I have been in the tent and removed the thing,and replaced with a 7" fan. So I now have a clip on fan blowing one way,and the stand fan on top of a pot blowing in another direction. As I was in the tent,did the old finger test in the soil. Looks like a feed tonight is on the cards. Just root stim and water this time though.

Forgot the bloody brownie mix, oh well I will pick one up next time I venture out.

Time for a joint.

Great work sy. The ladies look back on track :)

Thank you for the picture update very much appreciated and please keep the updates coming :)

Enjoy your spliff mate :)

All the best


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@@Dinafem-Mark your kind words are gratefully received.

I really don't think I could of got this far with them if it was not for all the help and advice I have received up to now. I had better get my ticket for this expo and bring some ak to share.

Running low on milk,so I will have this smoke and set off.

Toodle pip

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