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Amnesia Kush.......Yum yum


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Im on my 3rd grow now using JM, it's by far he best MP I've used in a long, long time and I've used a few. You won't go wrong with it. After each pot up, there's enough food to keep them happy for 12/14 days. Day 12 after pot up, regardless of wether there looking hungry, I'll give'um a feed of Fish-Mix at 1.2ml/L, if they are showing signs of hunger I'll start them on 1.4ml/L. The plants that start on 1.2ml/L, there next feed will be 1.4ml/L. These feeds will obviously need to be altered if you not planning on potting up for a while :yep:

But yeah, you get 12/14 days worth of food in each pot up :)

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Reading through Sy, your doing a good job, you know what your doing. But you just seem to be killing them with kindness, then panicking and throwing everything at them to try and sort the problem out. Chill out, growing in mud is easy, less is more and all that :)

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Good evening my green fingered friends.

Tonight was the night that the girls got treated to a bit more room for their roots,in the form of 11l square pots. I did add a good sprinkle of granules. I did leave the in the dry soul for about an hour before watering in. This was done in batches if 500ml in each,I then sat for 30 min or so and then repeated. Over the course of a few hours they had taken just over 2ltrs of water with a 5% run off.

As they were out of the tent,I decided that the lights could be raised. So they are now at the top of the tent.

The girls were then returned to the bright lights of the tent. I am thinking that I will check the weight of the pots in a few days and see how the soil is. But Iam guessing we have a good few days before a feed is needed.

Muchous gracias.







Edited by sy100276
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Hi mate. Nice to see the girls happier.

I feel like a right tit telling you my opinion all the time but I want you to get to crop day faster .

There way to small to be potted up again mate. Imo I would take them back out and leave them another week you can see in the pic your roots had only just started to get nice and white. The pots they were in will do much bigger plants then they are now so why pot up so fast?

Nice to see some colour back in them. Peace man tell me to fuck off if you like just trying to help ya.

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They look much better Sy mate :yep: The above comment though I reckon is a good one mate and it wasn't essential to pot up just yet from looking at the roots in the photos.

Now this leads me to think why your earlier over watering mishaps occurred in the first place (the little pointers etc).

Without a dense enough root ball on the pot up, the soils moisture content will be higher after watering and thus watering frequency would ultimately be affected. This is something that can easily be overlooked when following a designated regime of order and planned structure, (especially so I would argue, if that regime has proved successful in the past).

We can get complacent see mate and don't realise it, I have done in the past and was so easy to fall into, after growing a few (clone runs especially so as it's just a rinse and repeat affair and you 'switch off' the thinking and go into 'monkey mode').

I think your back on track Sy and 'reading' them once more :yep:

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@@1lastchance afternoon mate. I would put them back in the 3.5's for another week. But to be honest I dont really want to mess with them any more than needed. Thanks though.

@@botanics your presence is always welcome here mate. Your comments are bang on, definitely learnt a lesson though.

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@@botanics your right there mate.

Well all the stuff has arrived, so it looks like I will be erecting the second tent tonight. The soil supreme is also here so the bangi haze f2's have something to grow in.

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I don't think the potting up was needed just yet maybe 10 more days but it is done so let's try and go from here.

Typically a 11L pot with good roots needs a watering ever 24-36 hrs but due to these needing to put roots down I would say every 2 days. Try to let the plants dry out as much as possible. This will make the roots search for feed in the medium :)

Thank you for the picture update very much appreciated and keep up the good work.

All the best


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Typically a 11L pot with good roots needs a watering ever 24-36 hrs but due to these needing to put roots down I would say every 2 days.

That's way out DM and following that @@sy100276 you'll be overwater/drowning them. 10L and 11L pots, only need watering every 72hrs. You want your compost to dry out between each watering, not keep it moist/wet which will happen if you following the advise above....After the pot up you've just done Sy they won't need watering for at least 4 days, trust me :yep:

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As Lennon and Hazy say Sy its going to be 3-4 days between watering in 11 litres for sure, with the roots on your plants at pot up and the small size of the plants themselves they are going to be drinking a lot slower so that may even be longer. I have 4 in 11 litre pots at the moment with a ton of foliage under 1K of light and they are getting watered every 4th day.

Hurry up and get more stuff on the go then you can leave your other plants be :v:

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