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Amnesia Kush.......Yum yum


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Looks good, I would do what mark said earlier and water more often, 5-6 days seems like forever..although I just started with t5s a few days ago so we will see.

I'm in red cups atm and have watered twice. Watering about half a red cup every 2-3 days, soon I will start feeding more, but I believe every 2-3 days will be better then 5-6 as you can adjust / fix what u need to/ catch problems sooner.

Also if it's soil I wouldn't use straight water, let it sit for 24hrs and ph down or up to around 5.9-6.3 is what I do

Edited by cbuts05
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Good evening folks,and welcome to day......43, if I hadn't messed up they would be quite large now. But not to worry we live and learn and it seems that the girls are over the meyhem.

Tonight the girls were given a slow and steady 500ml each of just plain water. The next feed they will have a dash of root stim. Another one I am contemplating is some ot grow, as they have been in these pots for just over 3/weeks now. So I would guess that was in the soul has pretty much gone. So a touch of grow might be a wise move?

Each top was growing nicely,and I was happy that we were back on course. With each brach starting to push out the 4th node. On one of the girls,where she had been topped 4 tops were coming through! But the side branches were kind of blocking the centre ones. Prime supercropping candidates.....(evil laugh).

Here are some pics before the trauma started........






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So I decided to top the girls, as they have got a week to recover before the repot. I cut the 2 mains back to the first node. On one plant,as mentioned i had 4 tops. So on this girl 2 branches were supercropped to allow the smaller ones to grow and catch some lumens.

Here are the two girls after the chopping.....



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Hi mate Wish i was online today i would have replied.

Ow mate you are to inpatient lol just let them be for min imo. Let them get a few nodes up before you start messing with them. There having a hard start to life let them just grow man give them time. As they were setteling down you giving them shit. Just let the grow chill man chiiillllllll

They were looking lovly. Just do what you were doing but when you get the urge to go crazy go snap some twigs up the park lol

Edited by 1lastchance
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I've got to agree your not giving your plants time to recover before you hit them again with another stressful tech. I would have given atleast 2 weeks of alternating feeding before I did anything.

Never mind onwards we go :)

All the best and thank you for the picture update very much appreciated.


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Live and learn eh sy.....softly softly catchy monkey. At least you will know that these are tough plants.....when I seen your pics in post #199 I thought you were going say the second pic was where you had killed it.....looked closer any it was just a bit yellow.

Get some more beans popped to keep ya busy man...


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Good morning.

Thanks for all the advice.

No more messing with the plants from now on,I am just going to let them be and see what happens.

On a happier note,my grant from the electric company came yesterday,and my last baliff payment is on Tues. So things are coming together at long last,at least in a financial way.

Time for a brew.

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Yo man everyday is a new one. If you want a good laugh watch me try take cuttings in a few days. Glad all your electric money come at the right time. Have a good day mate chin up geeza your obviously on the right lines now as they looked lovely man

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@@1lastchance thanks mate. Yes well pleased with the electric, saved me a few quid which has agreed up some cash for other things. As well as paying the balance with the baliff Tuesday. So things are looking up,I might have to celebrate.

Time for a joint.

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@@fourTwenty420 thanks for the positive vibes. This was meant to be an 8 week veg,but with all my mishaps think it will be a 10-11 week veg.

We live and learn, and this grow has been an experience so far, a learning curve. I took my eye off the ball and dropped the thing. But onwards and upwards. Next time i have an idea, this chap will post my thoughts before running straight in.

Temps are steady at 82.2f lights on and 69-72f lights off. Running an 18/6 light cycle.

As last night's feed was plain water,the next will have a dash of root stim,along with some grow. I am inclined to give half strength, as I have learnt.....less is more. At the minute they are having 2 dry days between each water. The plan is to have them nicely dry for when they get potted on this coming Tuesday/Wednesday. So I need to get to the hydro store and grab some granules.

Muchous gracias,off for a smoke.

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No worries man! :hippy:

The main issue with my last grow was that I vegged for too long and misjudged the stretch, though your long veg is for other reasons, but its something to keep in mind for the future :)

As @@Dinafem-Mark mentioned earlier in the post I would also recommend using Plant Magic Soil Supreme and OldTimer Nutrients to help keep feedings nice and simple.

I found this trick works for me when trying to judge how much to water, if you haven't worked out your own little system yet;

Water once a week (give or take a few days) with room temp tap water. Let it sit for 24-48 hours first.

Pour the water on very slowly, circling from the center of the pot outwards.
When water starts to run from the bottom of the pot the soil is now wet enough.

Hopefully this helps you out a bit! :v:

oh and one more thing, personally I found it easier to transplant when the soil is still a bit damp so it doesnt crumble apart :upside:

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