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Amnesia Kush.......Yum yum


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Back to a mainline then Sy :guitar: well my friend you know how this is done from the results of previous efforts and did a top job there so I've every confidence in you :yes:

By the way Sy, you haven't let anyone down mate, no on the contrary as you are here exposing mistakes as well as triumphs, life is an evolving journey with ups and downs, same goes for plants too and they are back on the rise from looking at these recent photos, well done bud :yep:

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Thanks everyone for your comments, it looks like I might of got away with the screw up.....phew.

Tonight was the night of giving them a small drop if water,500ml each. This was given slowly a small amount of run off came through, maybe 1%. So I was happy that they had enough, decided not to give them another flush as they had a really good flush the other day,so I thought the plain water would be fine. Might give a weak dose of root stim next feed,but nothing else (as no cal/mag in my possession).

Oh and the lst started tonight, I used soft garden wire to make a kind of double hook, looped one round the stem and the other end on the branch. Kind of making a T shape.

Also it has been cold here today, and temps were at 77f. So the mh bulbs came out,and we are now running 2 x 400w mh bulbs over these young ladies. The temps with the lights on are holding around 81f,which I am much happier about.

Here are a few pics of the girls after the training......

Take care and stay baked.




Edited by sy100276
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@@sy100276 nice job mate a bit of tender loving care works a treat. You look to be getting back on track with the girls. Nice job with the lst. What's your grow space mate?.

With 2 x 400w mh you could have 2 really good big plants with a good 400g yield?

Thank you for the picture update very much appreciated.

All the best


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@@1lastchance thanks for the words of encouragement my friend.

Temps with the lights on is stable at 82f. Had a quick look before lights out and both plants seem to of righted themselves,and are growing upwards. I have noticed that one of the girls has 4 tops,with the other just the 2. I am not complaining though lol.

Time to make a brew,oh and make a nice joint of course.

Keep happy and keep warm.

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@@botanics cheers bud. Soon be chop time for you.

@@1lastchance great minds think alike mate. I stopped backy today,well about when I did my last post. Then I went for a sleep,and I have just woken up.lol

Temps with lights off is 70f

Oh and it is snowing, wtf I new it was cold...... But snow? This means that I will be out early in the morning, as I clear a few paths for my elderly friends.

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Oh Sy, do you know what mate, I'm sort of sad to be executing their death warrant this evening, been a journey it has and I'm a sentimental old fool lol

Still, I'll probably forget very quickly after scraping the scissors and the 'worm' is rolled out between some skins :D I'll have 'em done in a couple of hours, I don't mess about to much with manicuring, if it's got crystal it stays, if it hasn't it goes, that's about the gist of it ;)


Good luck with giving up the baccy mate :yep:

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Have these been under that much light for this long. I would think 800w you should have much more growth and your pots/medium will dry out faster?

We should see these take of like a rocket :)

All the best


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@@botanics I know what you mean, I felt guilty chopping the cm down. But it soon passes lol

@@Dinafem-Mark this is the first couple of days under the 800w, before they went in the tent they had a 2 tube t5.

Just off to take some pics.......



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Evening all, hope your having a pleasant weekend. Welcome to day 40

Tonight I felt the pots and they were not completely dry,but they felt lighter. I would say another day under the lights and they would be dry, maybe a bit too dry. So out they came and they were given 500ml each with 2ml/l of root stim. This was drizzled slowly, there was maybe 1% run off.

This is about the time I start to think of repotting them,but with the mess up I thought I could leave it a week. But Ihad a check of the roots and maybe a week is too long. So I removed one from her pit and took some pics. To me it looks like I should let them dry out now and repot to the 11l sqaures in the next few days.

The 3rd node is coming through now,so growth seems to be good.

Thanks for reading,here are the pics I took tonight.....




Edited by sy100276
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Hi mate. There getting there. Imo I would give them another week in those pots, there just filling the bottom of the pot they need to really fill it. then let them have a week of plant growth. Up till now the poor girl has been trying to sort it roots and not growing above the ground alot. Once the plant is happy it's roots are big enough to support a bigger plant it will grow ontop ie the plant. After a week of plant growth pot up mate a bigger plant will preduce roots much faster. When you then pot up as the plants bigger it all fill your new pot faster. Am wrecked as on blunts hope that makes sence. Peace

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They have picked up a treat mate. As said they can stay in that pot for at least 1 more week this will make those roots search the medium for water/food etc thus promoting veg growth.

Now they have moved from t5s to 800w mh these are going to explode :). They will dry out much faster too mate. I would say 3.5l pot every 2 days :). This you will know of pot weight :)

All the best


E2a-easy with the nutes mate. Nice and slow with alternative water/feed Imo ;)

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