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Amnesia Kush.......Yum yum


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Ok chap fair point but that's not how it's been with my comments. Anyway man getting to baked to make reply now. Good luck sy it will all come right. And HazyDaze peace chap no hard feelings but it can't be that bad advice as you thought it was coming from a bible lol

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@@Dinafem-Mark by a flush,do you me pour water through as like a drench, or just plain water for the next week or so.

Sorry for the stupid question.

By a flush I mean with just plane water. Flush your plants with say 1/2L of water until you have a good run off. Then let them dry for a hour and do again. After this they should be good for watering a good 3-4 days.

Does your medium have any built in nutes?.

You may have overdone it with feed?

All will be fine mate. A bit of tlc and they will be back on track :)

All the best


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Surface of compost seems like concrete on some recent photos sy took,maybe drying to slow under t5s.

Stick them under hps if you got is my 2p.

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Your right dinafem-mark, the jacks magic does have feed in it, I will let them dry out a bit and then start with a weak feed. With the idea of little and often.

@@Herbal Kint in hindsight I should of put them under the hps sooner. But they are under it now.

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Hehe :rofl: not been in here for a while and that was certainly a crazy few pages, things were getting heated for a while but good to get to a happy conclusion and not fall out :yep:

Sorry to read of your troubles @@sy100276 my friend, obviously you are aware of the problem now so hopefully it will not be an issue again, and don't beat yourself up man, he who never fucks up, learns nothing......bit of Dev philosophy :v:

Like Hazy said don't be thinking about measurements and stuff, of course you need a rough idea but it is totally a judgement thing, only speaking from my very limited experience of growing but my rough rule of thumb is around a third of the pot volume in water for a fully rooted out plant, but just water slowly and evenly and watch for run off, you want some, but definitely not for the saucer to be overflowing.

And I would also ditch all the additives (with possible exception to a few hits of root stim), at least for a while. Then you will have a much better idea of what they are bringing (if anything) to your finished product.

Sorry for being repetitive, good luck mate :)

edit....I also found the Jacks Magic to be a tad heavy compared to the lighter PM, Plagron and H&G stuff I have tried (guess the canna specific brands have a higher coco and aeration content). It grew the plants ok though.

Edited by Devcal
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Thanks @@Devcal your always welcome,and thanks for the tips. I am 90% sure that I am going to ditch the jacks magic after this run and try the plant magic soil. Had a good run with jacks,but time for a change. Your right it was a stressful couple of pages. Like you say,I will lay off the nutes for a bit, apart from the odd bit of rs.

I am just praying that they recover, as I was hoping for a chance to clone, think I will give them a week and see how we stand.

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How old are they now mate and can you put a pic or 2 up. As the medium has a npk rate I would do just a full on flush and then just water for the feed after. Then add little bits of nutes as needed. Start with some calmag and rootstim :)

Things will pick up mate. These are hardy girls :)

All the best


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Day 37

@@Dinafem-Mark thanks for the positive vibes my friend. I have been on a bit of a downer, kind of felt like I had let you down,and I was pretty hard on myslef. But we live and learn,if I still had my newbie pass I would now show it. lol.

I did a full flush on day 35, this being day 37. When I did the flush I decided to tidy them up a touch and removed all growth apart from the tops......looks like we might be back to a mainline adventure.

Today we reach 37, just had a look and they look a bit happier and the pots are not really light,so maybe another day and then a splash of water with no nutes, but with a tinsey tiny run off. (As opposed to the litre and a half,doh!)

Growth seems to of returned and I can clearly see the second d node on each top, in fact training could begin.....watch this space.

With the mistake I made I am guessing I am way behind on the grow,so I am not planning a pot up for maybe 14/days.

On with the show......






Edited by sy100276
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They do look a lot happier mate. I would go with just water again next time say 250ml -500ml to give another flush but do it over a few hours if possible. Let some run off, leave an hour do again and keep dumping the run off. 1 more time with 500ml will do it mate then back onto feed. Go light you can always add more :).

Well done on getting them acknowledge on track and thank you for the picture update very much appreciated.

All the best


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Well done mate there coming back. Your doing a grand job just think and think again every time you want to water.

Wahoo there on the road to nice buds. peace breadbin

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