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Amnesia Kush.......Yum yum


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Ffs don't flush loads of water through um.. He was telling you to do 75 ml and 75 ml last night and 500ml was madness.. Now he's saying flush them through ... lol


Over watering is what caused this. The last thing you need is to keep doing that at the mo...

Anyhoo..I'll leave you get on.

Good luck sy...

E2a.. The only thing that is needed here is a better watering regime. That's it. Sort that and your fine...

Edited by HazyDaze
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Mate be quiet and give your own advice, your yet to tell him any ml he should water just everyone else is wrong.. My advice was to water like that as I asummed the 2l water was a flush. Now I know it was not he needs to flush the build up out. Yes @@sy100276 the sooner a flush happens the better from then build up Your water slowly. I would say as I did yesterday once I had refered to my diary and plant size, start at 250ml work up in 50ml jumps. Me and dm are on the correct page chap.

Edited by 1lastchance
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You sound like your taking your advice straight from the grow bible tbh..

Fukkin be quiet. Cheeky cunt, fuk you...

Sorry sy. This fukwit obviously wants to be the man. Crack on...

lol kin ell mun... Fukkin how many mil... lol

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Tit. Grow bible you Muppet I am Sat having a j with my dogs. Still no advice then just that I am wrong lol joker

Bloody keyboard hard nut what you going to do throw me a caps lock

Edited by 1lastchance
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Tit. Grow bible you Muppet I am Sat having a j with my dogs. Still no advice then just that I am wrong lol joker

Bloody keyboard hard nut what you going to do throw me a caps lock

I'm not going to reply again. But, I give my advice you stupid cunt. I started giving sy advice and you waded in like the big I am, but I'm the tit. Yeh, OK. Fair enough.. lol

Now go read that grow bible shit again.so you can keep check on how many mil you give Eh!...

BTW, I can't imagine many growers other than newbies know how many mil they give their plants in veg.. I sure don't..that's the type of shit the grow bible spouts... lol

And my veg plants are shit...


I int got a clue mun.. :rolleyes:

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No there nice but not amazing. There just healthy not platinum tipped.

I have given detailed answers and backed them up with knowledge as asked . I have messed up over the years and learnt that's how I know.

Maybe you should just chill man and let everyone give advice without being told there wrong.

And as my mates who know me in real life and are on here will tell you I own no bible.

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Look, I have no problem with you helping, of course not. I have a problem with poor advice.

Some of your advice was solid. Fair enough. But when I painted out to you about you saying give 75 ml 75ml. I pointed out to you they were in 3.5 litre pots and that got your back up for some reason...

I'm chilled, look man, I don't wanna argue. I just trying to help my mukka yuh!

You don't think thats amazing. Thanks.. OK though, eh? lol

Edited by HazyDaze
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Ive read this and I'm bloody confused....water in on pot up ...then wet and dry ...were does 75ml come into it. lol

Maybe HD if you go down the 75ml road you to will get platinum tipped plants.Personally id leave them till the leaves are at least pointing upwards and the pots light simple


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Tell me about it,everything was fine the last few grows, and then this for the new year.

Plants have been flushed with plain water, and I have removed the dead leaves. My plan is now to leave them alone for 3-4/days and start with a weak feed every 2-3 days.

On ward and upwards,and thanks again guys.

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Mate it's not bad advice!!! as I stated at the time it was a amout of ml that sy could start with that would dry out. I never said it was for 2 days. It was a measurement to evaluate how much to give them in a 48 hour period. Simple.

And after he asked and you mad a remark i looked over my own diary not a bible. And said ok start at 250ml as I looked at plant size. Thats all good advice man not bs. And to be frank there not quiet as fare along as mine were when getting 250ml so anywhere between the to could work.

Then you come on saying I am mad telling sy, I am saying little and then flush. Well that's as I explained, I thought the 2l was a flush. Now I know it was not I recommended one.

My only problem with you man is your just out to point out that you think everyone is wrong. Even the bloke that mentioned air you shot down.

Just chill man and give your own detailed advice not simply comments that others are wrong. You grow some nice plants but so do I and many others mate. don't get to cocky or your have a grow like mine when I first joined lol. Everyone needs a tug back down I had mine, now I think more and use my knowledge my plants are flying as they normally would.

Peace man glad you sent a pic of you plant not a cock with a tape measure.

Edited by 1lastchance
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If you had any clue you would realise I wasn't shooting ppl down at all.

Sy was confused, so instead of adding factors that arent the problem and confuse him more I was focusing on the over watering.

Cos, that's all it is. I've said it and said it but your just confusing a confused grower even more.

You don't even realise do ya, come on...

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