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Amnesia Kush.......Yum yum


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This is your first proper grow so you are going to run into issues but nothing that can not be fixed.

Did you say they were in 3l pots?. If so I would say 250ml/watering. Let them dry out which should only take 2-3 days. Then water again.

Your humidity is quite low mate. This could be contributing to the slow water uptake?.

All the best and thank you to everyone that has put in input. I'm sure sy is very appreciative.

All the best


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@@Dinafem-Mark they are in 3.5l pots. Like you say,I will give them 2 days to recover from the drowning and then start with the 250ml dose.

Lights are off and the temp is 70f humidity us 29%. I am thinking the fan could do with slowing maybe?

I will take some pics later to see what's happening,along with the light distance,off the top if my head it is maybe 16", but both lamps are set to 250w.


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Stick your pinky in do ya butt... Ooh! Don't tell him that it might mean summat different in his parts... lol

Just keep it simple sy. The way some ppl go on you'd think it's rocket science mun... lol

I don't know what you could possibly be eluding too there :shock: I've lived a sheltered life lol

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Evening friends. And I return with a brief update.......

Temps have been stable at 70f humidity is 30% with lights off, just popped my head in before the lights kick in and make in hard to be stealthy. The top growth us a nice green,it looks like the second node might be forming. But the rest of the plants are not looking good,kind of yellowing. Any how pics have been taken, so on with the show......

Oh and I plan to give a splash this time tomorrow.




Edited by sy100276
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Evening friends. And I return with a brief update.......

Temps have been stable at 70f humidity is 30% with lights off, just popped my head in before the lights kick in and make in hard to be stealthy. The top growth us a nice green,it looks like the second node might be forming. But the rest of the plants are not looking good,kind of yellowing. Any how pics have been taken, so on with the show......

Oh and I plan to give a splash this time tomorrow.

Right mate let's try and get these plants looking healthy.

1st up what are you feeding your plants and how often. We know every 4-5 days is this alternative water then feed or a feed mix every watering?.

We know they are in 3.5l pots and being fed/watered every 5 days Imo they should be watered every 2. For a plant this age I would expect them to drink 0.5l/2-3 days.

Let's go from here and I'm sure others will be along.

To me it looks a little like nute lock out?

It could be overfeeding to.

We will help you get back on track mate :)

All the best


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They have been fed with 3ml/l root stim,1ml/l catalyst, 0.5ml/l bio silicon. I have been feeding this for the last 2 feeds, I have not been alternating water/feed.

I will now be feeding every two days with 0.5l as you sudjest dinafem-mark. But as hazy said last night the next feed will just be water.

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Hi mate

to me dm is correct it's a lock out. I would think this is due to your plants not using the water up. You then water again as the main rootball is dry the plant would shows signs of underwatering. As the roots were no way near bottom the water was still there but roots could not reach due to pot size. So you watered again and then there would be a very high concentrate of feed as one water is dumped on the next. Now the roots are at the bottom they are dealing with a high concentrate of feed giving you a lock out. Hope that helps mate. Keep watering little and often remember less is more and that you can always add more. When you water 2l did you feed or was that a flush? If not flush and break down that feed and salt build up. All will come right mate

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As @@1lastchance has said give the girls a damn good flush to get rid of the excess built up nutrients. You can give just water for the next week or 10 days then start back in with feed at a lower rate.

What we need to do is get rid of the excess by giving a few good flushes. Then you need to force your plant to put out roots to give a good structure.

Start with a good flush mate :)

All the best


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@@1lastchance thanks for your input mate. When I gave the feed, I gave as a drench. Your comments make sense.

I just hope that they pull through. Today is the first full day of the new regime,another day and then they can have a splash. But it will just be water.

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I never said just give water, I don't even know what brand of medium your in, sorry if I confused you somewhere bud. lol

Little bit of love and they'll be alright eventually bud, you just have to keep on the ball with your watering regime.

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Yeah that's it mate just water. Your see it will sort itself now. Chin up somtimes it's a bounds as the plant has struggled when you give it the right love it will go crazy and show you how well she can grow.

All that yellowing you won't see as once she starts growing fast you can just rip that crap off.

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Yes plane water no ph crap. Just straight tap water nice and cool till you see it coming out the bottom. Do 500 ml wait another 500 and so on. Then let it dry over 4 days or so then start with a low feed

E2S if you give it a few mins between each 500 ml it will give it time to break down the crap.

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