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The Government Needs Money To Free The Weed

Guest justagirl

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Guest justagirl
I'm not saying I have the answers -it isn't a simple subject - but there seems to be this mindset that the only useful goal is "legalisation" - on balance, would you sooner see thc4ms and budbuddies continue to grow naturally, allowing patients to choose a natural folk medicine, knowing full well, that although it remained "illegal" on paper, if you were a bona fide medi grower or user there wasn't a snowballs chance in hell of getting into trouble  or some strange legal "fudge" whereby the "rights" to medicinal cannabis are handed over to the drug companies, there is then a vicious crackdown on "home growers"(as in their parlance, they are no longer needed), thus effectively ending the supply of clean natural herb? :smoke:


:headpain: thing is thc4ms have were busted last week, they thought the police had a sound agreement to leave them to it, its bullshit, 22,000 charges of medi supply, thats every bar of chocolate they ever sent to a patient, and if they do by any horrible chance get charged and prosecuted then well thc4ms is going to struggle like fuck, thats a fact, i know the guys, all i want is the best for them, but they have had growers who got busted, and now they have too the law isnt with them now, and unless Jeff ds case on wednesday is a Landmark one, well THC4MS is under constant threat of arrest, if they could do it legally, grow their own and carry on they'd be pleased as punch, thats what i'd like to see, more than anything.

Love justagirl xx

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herrrumph.............to my mind, this smacks of "selling out"

What do you mean? To me it looked like anyone was allowed to grow at home.

Any chance of a 'what was just said for dummies' version being put up Justagirl?'


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"Please lets not see these boards degenerate into personal slanging matches, its childish and accomplishes nothing." quote twelve in the other thread

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Guest justagirl
Did you really say that???

That is really insulting. The whole point of this place is totally lost on you isn't it.

You really ought to have done a bit of reading on here before making comments like that!!


Clear enough for you?

That is twice I have seen the accusation that we must all be dealers bandied about by your lot!

Great PR tactics you use.



:yinyang: okay so i cant grow cannabis and i buy it, you are telling me no one of this site has ever sold cannabis? which makes them a dealer, There is no way that just because people do not support the LCA that we are labeling you all dealers, its been said again and again i have no probs with people not supporting the lca.

In fact i have asked alot of "dealers" what they think of the lca, and they wouldnt support it because they'd go out of business, so if dealers are your problem, prehaps reconsider? if weed is legal and you can grow your own with no fear, you would have no dealers left....

Sorry if i swore by saying dealers at any time, it was not menat to offend anyone, and as it happens if all the weed on here is free then i'll have a couple of buds, save me a fortune, weeds not cheap round my way!!

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Guest justagirl
What do you mean? To me it looked like anyone was allowed to grow at home.

Any chance of a 'what was just said for dummies' version being put up Justagirl?'



:guitar: thought about it, suggested it, and repeated myself all over this forum, so i cant be bothered to try and re explain myself, its an IDEA!

And come on guys lets not all fall out stone win is a great guy and was the backrod to the UK coffeeshop scene, he aint here to hurt anyone ok...

Love jag xxlol

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once upon a time i walked down the garden path i bumped into a TROLL he wasnt very happy i almost knocked him/her of his little TROLL perch he said "hey you i was TROLLING here " i said ohhh im sorry mr TROLL i didnt mean to offend. mr TROLL then told me to vote LIB DEMS and not waste a vote on poxy ramble group like lca ;)

i listen to mr TROLL hes very smart ;)

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Guest stone win

Hey PD what would make you vote for the lca, please refer to mr Troll , if question is too difficult... ;) ..wintoned

ps don't ever change ;)

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hahah winstone u act as if u know me ;) ;) :D

u know nothing ;)

u ppl are funny all wanting to be heard first, but cant actually put there point acrosss lol

edit you actually think id change my counting vote ? ur obviously more delluded than i thought

like most voteing ppl in the uk they would say lca what ? who they are they like the ravign loonie party ?

then they would vote labour ;) they wouldnt not give a second thought abotu it either ;)


Edited by Paradox Devil666
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Guest stone win
Please lets not see these boards degenerate into personal slanging matches, its childish and accomplishes nothing." quote twelve in the other thread
u know nothing
u ppl are funny all wanting to be heard first, but cant actually put there point acrosss

wow am I learning fast here!

and your constructive point is?


ps edited spelling errors

Edited by stone win
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my constructive point is why all of a sudden are you ppl hounding the site trying to make yer point across ? ur tolling i hit refresh last nigth and 5 lca thread bounced into the top 8 threads ? whats that all about i know what its showing me yer just upsetting peeps ;)

u cant take the fact others have a diffrent view

us seem admement when ppl here jsut dont believe in yas going by the magority of whats been posted fromv members they couldnt give a flyign fook ;) WHY becuase they know deep down in the large scale of it u wont produce the goods this is my opinion tbh im stickign to it

win i hope we meet one day :D id like to discuse scottish politics with ya lol

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Guest stone win
id like to discuse scottish politics with ya

pd I have enough trouble with english ones, but I am willing to learn

hope we do meet , that could be fun?


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Winstone an Justagirl you have no concept of what this site is about at all do you. The membership is diverse covering and representing all walks of society. The one thing we all have in common is our interest in cannabis.

You initially pose a question which in a way is spurious.

But you ask for other members opinions and ideas.

When members like Abs [abstract1] who has the respect of a lot of the community here makes cogent comments for debate, you take it as attack, you do not take on board one thing Abs or come to that any other of the members comments either, it seems like they are talking to a brick wall.

You use facile arguments like if you are not with us you are against us, or you are against legalisation you must be dealers. Its insulting to all of us for you to take things to such childish levels.

:smoke: okay so i cant grow cannabis and i buy it, you are telling me no one of this site has ever sold cannabis? which makes them a dealer,

Technically under uk law passing a joint to somone makes you a dealer.

There is no way that just because people do not support the LCA that we are labeling you all dealers, its been said again and again i have no probs with people not supporting the lca.

Sorry but that was what you seemed to be inferring, you seem to be doing your best to make everyone hostile to you.

In fact i have asked alot of "dealers" what they think of the lca, and they wouldnt support it because they'd go out of business, so if dealers are your problem, prehaps reconsider? if weed is legal and you can grow your own with no fear, you would have no dealers left....

Sorry but this is dreaming. I understand you are looking from a perspective of living under prohibition, but the realities are we live in a capitalist world, make cannabis legal and market forces come into play, its a highly marketable product, It would be produced in all sorts of ways along with all the regulation that goes with them. I think dealers would mostly disappear [for cannabis] and so would a lot of home growers and the hydro outlets, virtually all of them are are a product of prohibition.

Its hard to conceive how it would be, but I could see Cadburies weekend selection, delight your dinner party guests with a variety of subtile exotic experiences from round the world, from bitter sweet orange cream with extract from real Californian orange bud, to the delights of the tingling snowmelt crispmint with Himalayan sativa extract to the steamy tropical fruit delight with a hint of cerebral Kerala’s high mountain extract.

Sorry if i swore by saying dealers at any time, it was not menat to offend anyone, and as it happens if all the weed on here is free then i'll have a couple of buds, save me a fortune, weeds not cheap round my way!!

Justagirl the site is here as EO said to supply the information to anyone who wants to grow their own puff and dump the dealer. It does not necessarily say we have anything against someone who sells a bit of puff, [we don’t want or allow them to do it here as a point]. The site is to promote growing cannabis! To give people choice! The choice not to have associate with people who sell other drugs just to buy a bit of puff. The choice not to have to buy soap bar or chemically contaminated weed, ok so maybe we are idealists, but we are doing what we set out to do and lots of people are growing their own bud, they are incharge of what goes into it..

As a summery I really don’t have a clue what would happen if cannabis was truly legalised. But I’m pretty aware of what free market forces will do. Vlad what can I say, a pich of basil seeds in a pot with compost a few pence, Waitrose pot of certified organic basil £4.55p. The cost of being part of the market and its regulations?

Mark re: thc4ms I don’t have two beans to rub together, if I had £500 above my needs I would give it to you so you could stand and have your say, I have great respect for what you and Leslie do and stand for.

On your point about cabbages Mark, they grow adequately outside in our climate, really potent cannabis does not, neither will it under glass unless it has supplemental light. Reasonably potent cannabis can be grow indoors anywhere, but energy wise its very costly, its done because its the only viable way at the moment.

I did a costing on growing cabbage under hid’s, just light and compost no other things like premises, equipment or labour, it worked out to £7.05p per cabbage. Try adding rent equipment and labour to that, that would be the base cost, then if marketed, think of the costs.

If the uk demanded to change the single convention and it amendments as far as cannabis was concerned, [pigs might fly as well] cannabis could be grown where its acclimated to be at its most potent say + & - 15 deg, it would be cheap to grow and to transport as a dried product. ie why grow french beans in Nigeria and fly them in chill store, when cannabis could be grown instead, the possibilities are huge.

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Guest FlyinHigh

I think the reason the LCA doesn't have many people voting for them is because they can get what they want by voting Lib Dems. LCA only stands for the legalisation of cannabis and nothing else and are not very well known.

Maybe if you tried to get the message across about the benefits of cannabis to people who don't use it, by doing interviews etc. Its not us tokers that need convincing its the non tokers that think the weed is badl and there should be people out there getting the message across to the general public about the benefits of weed.

I actually thought that was what the LCA was about. :smoke:

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