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My dinafem discovery and subsequent delight


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Great update as usual mate. They all look great will be a very interesting grow :)

All the best


E2a can not wait for your friends better pictures as this is something that I would like to share around the office :bong:

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@@Dinafem-Mark I'm honoured mate.

Eeeek no pressure then

I'll try and organise her for a week tomorrow which will be 24 hours before the chop, they should be nicely cooked by then.

There sparkling beautifully in the right light now so hopefully some good photos will come out of it

A big thanks to Dinafem and there breeders. Its risky business relying on one plant, particularly an auto but dinafem have delivered again and can't see any reason these next two arent gonna do tip top. Can't fault you so far.

Mark, I can see why you believe in them so much

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@@Dinafem-Mark I'm honoured mate.

Eeeek no pressure then

I'll try and organise her for a week tomorrow which will be 24 hours before the chop, they should be nicely cooked by then.

There sparkling beautifully in the right light now so hopefully some good photos will come out of it

A big thanks to Dinafem and there breeders. Its risky business relying on one plant, particularly an auto but dinafem have delivered again and can't see any reason these next two arent gonna do tip top. Can't fault you so far.

Mark, I can see why you believe in them so much

Its always good to get experienced growers feedback I love the autos but don't ever do just autos. I veg for 8 weeks under 18/6 and always put 2 autos in for the 56 days they by the time my photos are getting bigger week 1-4 of 12/12 the autos are done..

Have you tried any of our xxl range?

I would like to see what you can do with these :)

All the best


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Nothing finished yet@@Dinafem-Mark but the cheese in this run is an xxl. And I figured the critical jack would get big hence the feel for the need of individual scrog nets to shape them better to fit the tent.

When these and the following blue kush are done I'm gonna try some more xxls as I think there gonna suit my growing style better.

If I fill the tent I can get more but growing one big one appeals to me. I need to upgrade to a 1.2 m tent or bigger then I could fit 4 of these babies in comfortably, I can see it getting a squeeze in my dr80 with two on this run......fingers crossed

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Soory for the lack of updates, my tablet/interweb has been shite and not let me upload pics

WW got her last feed on sunday I think of 1.5ml pl bloom, nothing else. then o wednesday she gpt her first drink of plain water. things are looking good for a chop mid next week.

the cheese and the critical jack are stomping on. bent the main stem over 90 degrees last night on the cj and did a bit of leaf tucking on both.

The cheese is looking very indica dom with very short internodes and squat nature. She has some growing to do yet before too much training can occur.

both got about 3 litres each last night plain water.

Good news is a new galaxy s6 is on its way so some better photos will be on the cards from now on.

Ill try and upload last nights photos today if i can

Thanks for looking

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little uns are showing a smidgem on too much N. no biggie

bent one is cj, the squat one is cheesy

IMG 20150911 123318527

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and after a tuck and a tie, tonight i will tie down some more branches

IMG 20150911 123321515

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Well we have had a minor disaster. I must have been a bit strict with the bondage and when I've checked tonight she has split right open about 75%. Too much to leave so she is now lst'd the oher way. It is still transferring nutes to most of the top so with my surgery she might live on complete or she may end up with an unscheduled haircut. Time will tell. Photos tomorrow

But for tonight. My new phone arrived so finally a decent photo

Hope you like now it's not all a Dark blur

IMG 20150911 64

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You and your bondage lol things happen especially when trying new/different techs. Ive messed up many times super cropping and just bending. These are hardy plants and hopefully will recover :)

The WW looks great :) a few more days then chop time imo

All the best


E2a you may get better pictures if you take shots in the dark period with flash on :)

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Yes mark. Sometimes these things happen. I'm happy to report it doesn't seem to have fazed it much. Tonight's photo update includes a photo of the break now it's bent the opposite way. Looking good. No watering tonight but some training for the first time on the cheese xxl

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Top two are of the cj, you can just make out in the first photo the brown line where the break is.

Then the cheese pre bondage and after, shes turning out lovely in nature now.

And finally bud porn. Thanks to Mark for the tip and my new toy for having a half decent camera.

Upon closer inspection of photos it seems ive got about 5-10% amber trichs so im moving the chop date forward slightly to tuesday hopefully. enjoy


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couple more. struggling with uploads as usual, need to start using the laptop

anywho, enjoy

I must say the pictures do look a lot better :). Under hps is very hard to get the shots unless your using method7s to help. I find dark shots with a *flash* usually come out well :)

All the best and glad the break on the cj is not to bad. She will bounce back and the break will become a main reservoir for the rest of the plant ;)


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