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My dinafem discovery and subsequent delight


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I dont/can't flush/dont need to.

That fade happened as it would naturally in the ground all on it's own. The soil is not depleted by any means. Ready for a bit of a top dressing which is all you need to do to get another plant going in the same pot and soil. 

Top dress. Water in a couple times after you've chopped the old plant on and left the base in.(food for the fungi, carbon based) leave a week or two and pop your new 10 day old plant in and your away again.

When there is all the nutrients a plant needs in the ground all the way through in abundance the plant takes what it wants when it wants rather than it constantly being forced down it at whatever ratio we think fit.

A plant that grows well in the ground in a healthy soil web with good % organic matter doesn't deplete the nutrients as the soil flora/fauna are constantly topping up. That's why it had a mulch in top of the soil........for the bugs, bacteria, fungi and worms to feed on and turn into readily bioavailable nutrient source.


A happy plant that is grown in a way that is as close to perfect soil conditions in nature with matching life is about as good as it gets for me. 


In time I'll give everyone a guide, how many grand I of this and that for a certain size tub after every run. 

Doing several runs with different soils will take a bit of time.

My living soil project is temporarily on hold as I'm doing a quick run of photos after having bug troubles (non soil relate) but I will be back with results and recipes etc. 


Here's my tomato plants in the same soil. Still only water. I might be cheeky and gives these a top dressing soon but as it stands they show zero signs of deficiency. 



And here is a polyanth(winter perrenial bedding plant) this was pulled out of a wall and it's root mad is 4"x15" as that s the space each plant gets in a wall..

I've never seen polyanths like them. 

I kept getting asked are they a special monster variety lollarge.IMG_20170609_23929.jpg


I've grown a good few hundred different plants in this soil now ranging from bedding, trees, fruit, veg, indoor plants, perennials, annuals, you name it(providing its not a plant that has super unusual conditions)..............everything fucking rocks in it. I never thought I'd find a better alternative thats 100% organic to the best peat based compost on the market. Put it this way.

Last year I bought over 7000 litres of clover 100% peat based compost not including the 20, 000 litres of organic compost, 

This year I've bought 150 litres of peat based products.(although peat is one of my soil ingredients it is recyled) 

That's massively good for the environment to not be depleting peat reserves. It isn't sustainable. That's a major reason I set out with this.

I dont just use this soil/knowledge for the odd auto I grow you see. It's my job.

This is all to grow thousands of prize winning plants the very best I can to impress the royal horticultural society judges so it's got to be right. 


Anyway. I waffle. For some reason I seem to do that whenever I come in here lol

Peace out folks

Edited by blackpoolbouncer
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Heres some info from a previous post. These plants ive shown are all grown in this very batch

I started preparing for this 2 years ago because this will be my first complete cannabis grow using my new soil. Many on the boards will have heard me advocating Clover Multi Purpose. I still do, but I want to go properly organic and as fantastic as it is and I cant stress this enough, it isnt organic.

The story really starts here...

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With leaf mold. Natures finest of composts, this is 2 years old but 3 years would have been better but the worms have fairly gone through it and as far as ingredients go for compost its up there with the best. It is teeming with life on a micro/macro-biological scale and not forgetting lots of good old worms. I like worms
Next up is my compost, this comes from a friend who makes organic compost for farmers on a large scale, I get the stuff that gets screened down to 10mm. when I get it by the trailer load its is still very hot and hasn't 100% setlled/finished its hot composting process. because of this the compost get tipped in a heap and turned once more by which point after a month the pile has cooled and we are good to go with lovely black organic compost.
My other base components of my soil are earth worm casts and spent peat moss (clover from last years outdoor bedding plants that was organically fed)

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For anyone who hasn't guessed this isn't just for cannabis. This same soil is what I use in my day job as an award winning head gardener so love has gone into it. I will also be making a lot of it, so far Ive made a 1000 litre batch to try and you lucky folks are along with the ride to see how it gets on.
preliminary tests on some of my own hacks look good, I potted a couple of very young plants in some 5l pots just to see how the soil performed so i wasnt going in blind.....

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Well looking at the health of these after a month in the soil i was happy as larry with the health of them so I decided to take the plunge and try some out for an auto grow. I have popped one seed of each strain and on the first grow I will do two as per usual methods in my clover with oldtimers organic nutes and one will be going in my super soil.

So, the mix goes as follows.

3 buckets of organic compost

3 buckets of spent peat moss

2 buckets of earth worm casts

1.5 buckets of leaf mold

to this base mix I add

3 cups of kelp meal

2 cups of fish blood and bone meal

.75 cup of calcium carbonate

1.5 cups of calcified seaweed

4 cups of ruck dust

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Which all gets mixed up in a large cement mixer and leaves us with this.....

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Had a little mishap during transportation. Bearing in mind all the ingredients for this bag were shoveled into the trailer first, then into a mixer, then from that into the final bag, id lifted the material umpteen times and I was taking it to be used to fill up some walls where I plant displays.....what I didn't need was to have to shovel all thousand liters....again....bugger.....a strap broke and in slow motion it unfolded like a zip pouring all over the road :(

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This was left to sit in the tonne bag for a few weeks, its full of worms and they seemed to survive the dizzying experience of the mixer so they can have time to recover while the compost settles itself and cooks so to speak.
 I made up a pot of this compost. I'm unsure of its size, big lol probably either 20 or 25 litres
because I will be implementing no till techniques I want to minimize soil disruption as a I want to disturb the complex ecosystem as little as possible. The life that's in that soil is what is my driving force. They are what breaks down my ingredients into bioavailable nutrients that the plant can readily uptake.
As well as the bacteria and fungi ive also got about 15 of these self reproducing bad boys munching there way through leaving trails of nutrient and bacteria rich goodness. The photo only shows the first few I put in. It also shows how I have placed a pot of the same size in the middle. this is so the trasnplant doenst disturb either the soil in the pot or the plant that goes in it. the healthiest auto will go in this when it is roughly ten days old.

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Once the compost had been in the pot for a few days i decided to give it a kick start....

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I took a 2 hand fulls of earth worm casts and 2 tablespoons of molasses in a 2 gallon watering can and left overnight to oxygenate the water to encourage aerobic bacteria to multiply. I then used this compost tea to "activate" my compost.

Because the pot now sits in my grow room I needed to mulch the soil to prevent the top drying out and losing precious microbial life. I also want something for my worms to come up and eat and put mineral and nutrients back in. At first i used trimming from the other test plants i topped.

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This was a temporary overnight kinda thing and since i have chopped these leaves up and added them to chopped up stinging nettles along with the rest of the worms. I have used stinging nettles for my mulch because they contain just about everything a plant could want, they are an excellent source of nitrogen and potassium and contain a host of other nutrients and minerals due to its deep set long root system.....nettles are good stuff

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We also have another predator roaming around keeping things in check

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Hope that helps @swam_pi

Edited by blackpoolbouncer
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glad to see someone else putting leaf trims to good use,thought i was the only one top dressing with leafs from my plants.


you make me want to put worms in my biobizz :rofl:  seriously though your compost looks like the shiznit:yes:



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Wotcha dude i finally made it to the forbidden zone and have just spent a good few hours reading this amazing thread,:skin_up:thanks man for sticking all this together for us home gardeners to learn from,ive been pleasantly surprised with how many things i sort of understand and an see the reasoning behind.


As  a real old stuck in the mud traditional style grower,potting on etc...you and a few others have swung the vote in giving autos a try,i was looking at the rgs im doing now and i pretty much do what you do with autos anyway but it takes longer lol.


Im going to have a look for clover but if i cant find any probs just a canna specific organic mp till i can source some.


take it easy dude



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Hey @Happy Hippy sorry I musta missed this. Hope your well mate? Thanks for taking the time to have a gander. 

You will like the clover lots mate, its fantastic stuff indeed. If your struggling find a good nursery and look at the quality of plants and get whatever they have, sinclair is good too.

Happy growing mate, if ya got any q's dont hesitate to ask 

They get addictuve, autos. Not every one is a keeper but dinafem are bang on imo, Ive yet to have a shit plant which I cant say about any other breeder. 


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  • 1 month later...
On 11/8/2015 at 0:32 PM, blackpoolbouncer said:

Thanks for the kind words folks


The smoke is certainly not too shabby at all, potent if nothing else!! And if you include what I smoked while it was drying it will be closer to 160g dry total id have thought so your lady outside should do good mate if ya treat her nice.

I'll do a thorough rough smoke report once its had chance to cure for a month or so.

The white widow is getting a shifty on now and I began lst'ing her last night now she's got to a foot tall or so.

I'll try and stay a bit more on top of this plant with photos and updates.

Also another big thank you to dinafem for offering a top product.

Can't wait for me some white widow if this blue kush is anything to go by

Hi Blackpoolboucer....

Mate I have got a white widow from dinafem too ...I did LST ... but I was wondering how long I have to keep her bend ? I did for 2 weeks at 3/4weeks old and she is getting bushy now....so I decided to take off the twine it was bend to ....and leave it free now ....

Or should I still keep her bend ? 

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@Sal81Keep her tied down mate. You want to keep the plants nice and flat. This is what lets the light to all the lower branches and directs growth auxins to the lower branches encouraging them to become more dominant.

If you follow the white widow grow in here and the cheese/critical jack grow you will see what I mean. 


Edited by blackpoolbouncer
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20 minutes ago, blackpoolbouncer said:

@Sal81Keep her tied down mate. You want to keep the plants nice and flat. This is what lets the light to all the lower branches and directs growth auxins to the lower branches encouraging them to become more dominant.

If you follow the white widow grow in here and the cheese/critical jack grow you will see what I mean. 


The fact is that the Central brunch is get so hard with 2 super skunk that also  Im growing ... that I'm scare to broke them !

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Don't do anything now. You want to tie them down while still supple and soft, keeping moving the tie along so you make the plant grow flat. 

If you just tie it down and never adjust where you are anchoring it from it will start growing up again from that point and is of little use. 

What we are trying to achieve is give the lower branches time to gain momentum.


Look at the structure of a cannabis plant. Each branch has lower branches. These are usually shaded by the top cola of the branch. 

By training the plant to grow flat those lower branches reach up and try to become main colas because the growth auxins are being held back from the main growing tip because of the tying down.

One main branch that had usually has 1 bud and some rubbish lower branches becomes a branch with 3 or 5 or 7 main growing shoots.


Think of a Christmas tree. It's got one main stem pointing at the sun. Turn that christma's tree on its side and you now see it has many many branches all pointing to the sun that aren't shaded by higher branches. Its kinda hard to explain but you can see how it works if you look at my pictures.......this is how you get many many main tops. All basking in full light.


This = full canopy of level buds= happy person at the end when you have a tent that is full


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