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My dinafem discovery and subsequent delight


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I second that. Just finishing my run now.... last one for me before holiday in sept but when i get back ill be running dinafem's blue kush autos. Ill prolly mix 50/50 spent clover and coco :)

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I think this thread has made quite a few auto converts :)

As @@blackpoolbouncer is a gardener I think? He is going to be very busy this time of year :) I'm sure he will be back in soon :)

All the best


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hiya bp I have not long been a member on 420 i stumbled across your diary link yesterday in the dinafem section this was about ten in the morning so i brewed up got my volcano out and boy am i glad i did i have been smoking now for 20 odd years and last year i thoyght to my self ive got to give this gardening a go so i started to read up and study got to admit it was a lot to take in anyway i cracked on earlier this year with a couple of spliffs ww fem although i was made up with the end product the yield was poor only just over 4 0z anyway back to yesterday i could not put the lap top down my girl was in bed all day thank god cause there was no wat i was going to stop reading it was like a good book that you cant put down you have compleately changed my ideas on what i grow in and what nuites i use im getting some clover multi and oldtimers and the buckets of course next time i get paid oh and not forgetting some dinafem autos i have learnt more in the last 24 hours reading your diary than i have in the last 2 years a true inspiration also thanks for the link dinafemmark cant wait to try some autos big fan of a nice head high can you recommend one for me or maybe a couple my girl likes the couch lock so got to keep her happy i look forward to your next updates hears hoping i can grow like a pro it seams if i use your methods the sky is the limit peace out guys

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hiya bp I have not long been a member on 420 i stumbled across your diary link yesterday in the dinafem section this was about ten in the morning so i brewed up got my volcano out and boy am i glad i did i have been smoking now for 20 odd years and last year i thoyght to my self ive got to give this gardening a go so i started to read up and study got to admit it was a lot to take in anyway i cracked on earlier this year with a couple of spliffs ww fem although i was made up with the end product the yield was poor only just over 4 0z anyway back to yesterday i could not put the lap top down my girl was in bed all day thank god cause there was no wat i was going to stop reading it was like a good book that you cant put down you have compleately changed my ideas on what i grow in and what nuites i use im getting some clover multi and oldtimers and the buckets of course next time i get paid oh and not forgetting some dinafem autos i have learnt more in the last 24 hours reading your diary than i have in the last 2 years a true inspiration also thanks for the link dinafemmark cant wait to try some autos big fan of a nice head high can you recommend one for me or maybe a couple my girl likes the couch lock so got to keep her happy i look forward to your next updates hears hoping i can grow like a pro it seams if i use your methods the sky is the limit peace out guys

No problem what so ever mate that is the main reason I put a link to the thread on the main page. @@blackpoolbouncer has change many minds where autos are concerned with his simple to follow guide and good genetics you won't go far wrong :)

Glad you found the info useful mate so many new growers are loving this thread and more so the way of growing to maximise your yield :)

All the best and keep us posted on what strains you will be doing. Also would live to see a diary :)


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@@Dinafem-Mark thanks for the shout out.....your not wrong, top brass from the royal horticultural society were judging my efforts yesterday (fingers crossed) so the last month has been mental prepping. Hoping to catch up with uk420 this week, been missing here

@@#soulmate dude, im glad ya enjoyed the read and found it useful, Ill be finishing this diary off soon (finally) and probably start a fresh one that is gonna be set out as a guide from the start so keep an eye out. I imagine the consensus will be that i carry on this thread then all the info is in one place.

tonights job is prepping for my next grow. Im gonna decide on seeds tonight but critical 2.0 is a definite

To all my regulars thanks for bearing with me, my job has been very demanding of late but now the pressure is completely off me and i can get back to growing my favorite plant of them all.

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Indeed... save me a few tomatoes wont ya mate ;)lol

Get yourself a white widow in there mate... i knows u like a challenge and theyve been that ;)

Edited by LovinTheBeans
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I thought this would be a busy time of the year and I hope the royal horticultural society are pleased with our genetics lol

On a serious note would live to see a few flower shots not bud shots when you get the time ;)

Thanks for popping in mate. I'm sure you'll be in a lot more once summer is over and the winter months approach ;)

All the best


@@LovinTheBeans have you found our white widow hard to grow mate?

All the best


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I've just finished 3 ww xxl autos and a Dinafem fruit auto. I've followed @@blackpoolbouncer methods and have to say I'm more than pleased with the results. The ww xxl have grown huge with many many tops, one even had almost 50 and was 2 foot wide. It's not dry yet but I'm hoping for almost 5 oz a plant. This technique is fantastic for autos and an absolute must if you are short of time....and if your not!

Just want to thank blackpoolbouncer for this diary as it's really helped me get the most out of this grow. Cheers mate and hope you do well with the rhs.

Cheers TD

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@@LovinTheBeans it happens to the best of us mate :) in general ww is a very easy strain to grow but if you make a mistake she is unforgiving :)

All the best


Yeah the complete bitch, she kicked my ass. Blue kush auto awaits :)
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  • 1 month later...

i've just sat and read the full 56 pages with only toilet and rolling breaks.

wow. you have a talent!

i know what ill be doing next. and in what medium lol

thanks for all your time and all the effort you have put into writing all that out for everybody to read

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i've just sat and read the full 56 pages with only toilet and rolling breaks.

wow. you have a talent!

i know what ill be doing next. and in what medium lol

thanks for all your time and all the effort you have put into writing all that out for everybody to read

Thanks for giving the thread a good read mate :)

If you liked this growers then you may want to follow along on his latest endeavour :)


All the best


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Thanks for giving the thread a good read mate :)

If you liked this growers then you may want to follow along on his latest endeavour :)


All the best


oh i will be following that for sure. will be catching up with it tonight after work. im sure it will be as good as previous, if not better!

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