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My dinafem discovery and subsequent delight


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Right here we go.....first up photos I've taken and uploaded on the way to here when I've had chance.

IMG 20160413 51114

IMG 20160413 59142

IMG 20160413 15655

IMG 20160413 24609

IMG 20160413 5950

And from circa ten days ago
The individual buds hots we here the pistils are mostly brown are from one of the pts
She may well be the first to come down however she's got further to go than appears.
The girls that's nearly tied up and looks uniform is the smallest AK. The other two are very similar but about twice the width

IMG 20160413 24257

IMG 20160502 50753

IMG 20160502 25372

IMG 20160502 18518

IMG 20160502 1275

IMG 20160502 0292

IMG 20160502 53182

IMG 20160502 38769

And finally some point and click quickies I sneakily took today during lights off.
You can see the girl who's had too much feed

IMG 20160502 9404

IMG 20160502 0544

IMG 20160502 4955

IMG 20160502 38606

IMG 20160502 38606

Anywho hope you all like. I have little idea what the pics are like as I'm doing this all on my phone but I hope you can see what's going on

Peace out guys. Hope your all well.

I've missed this place over the last few weeks

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Great to see you back mate and with all those plants you've been prepping and caring for I bet time is short.

Now onto the plants:)

All is looking great so can see you have had to add some extra support for those larger buds :) and good call on not disturbing the root zone:)

All the best and thank you for the picture update very much appreciated.

All the best


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@UK Caregiver@botanics@Dinafem-Mark@sy100276 cheers guys, hope your all well.

Just been perusing back through my gallery's and I'm now more convinced than ever on the strength of auto's.

Just imagine 4 of the critical jacks I did. Or 4 white widows.

I'm afraid I'm left feeling a little deflated with these photos after hearing auto's are shit for so long.

As beautiful as they are I don't think there a patch on what can be achieved from auto's.

The structure of most auto's in my opinion is far superior for what I do with shorter internodal spacing allowing lower buds to grow more uniformly with the top cola.

I quite simply believe that pound for pound auto's are the way forward.

Not for true breeding and I'm not saying photos don't have there place. But not really in my groom

I reckon with some love and Iuck i could crack a kilo from 4 in my room.

Hmm. Food for thought.

Peace out guys. Nice to see you all

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I reckon with some love and Iuck i could crack a kilo from 4 in my room.

I think if anyone could do it, it would certainly be you mate :yep:

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Guest UK Caregiver

Yeah I get what you're saying totally about autos being the way forward.. I ordered 15 Big devil xl's earlier today. I killed it on my last grow, which was auto's. 32 oz in 8 weeks from seed. I'm doing a few photo's for high cbd personal. Will keep a few vibrant elite plants, but in a few months I'll be 90% auto's too.

It's not just the yield.. you also don't have the hermie concern which let's face is subconscious stress at least lol

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@UK Caregiver@botanics@Dinafem-Mark@sy100276 cheers guys, hope your all well.

Just been perusing back through my gallery's and I'm now more convinced than ever on the strength of auto's.

Just imagine 4 of the critical jacks I did. Or 4 white widows.

I'm afraid I'm left feeling a little deflated with these photos after hearing auto's are shit for so long.

As beautiful as they are I don't think there a patch on what can be achieved from auto's.

The structure of most auto's in my opinion is far superior for what I do with shorter internodal spacing allowing lower buds to grow more uniformly with the top cola.

I quite simply believe that pound for pound auto's are the way forward.

Not for true breeding and I'm not saying photos don't have there place. But not really in my groom

I reckon with some love and Iuck i could crack a kilo from 4 in my room.

Hmm. Food for thought.

Peace out guys. Nice to see you all

Let me know if you want to run 4 autos next time and I'll sort you them out. As I have not seen your name in the seeds4diary giveaway or outdoor grow thread competition so consider your next grow sorted for seed if needed :)

All the best


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Looking amazing in there as usual ☺

Right that's it I've decided, I have 4 WW xxl autos that are in the the 1.2 with 4 OG Kush regs. I'm gonna Chuck the regs in the greenhouse and just flower the autos in the tent. Hope I'm doing the right thing but after reading this again I'm inspired. I've even ordered some clover compost. If I can get half of what you get I'll be pleased.

They have been up for 2 days in starter pots, I'll give it a week then pot up to 11l. Roughly what week would you recommend starting on the bloom and how much ?

Cheers mate


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I know what you mean about the autos mate 200+g in 11 or so weeks from seed is pretty amazing. That big cheese had 10.5 oz in the end. I hope you liked the pics i put in here along the way, was all to demonstrate your technique and show others it's doable.

I can see you have nice plants again mate, top work as ever. Although if I'm honest I can't wait to see that space filled with autos!

It's gonna be November time until I can run more autos indoors again, gonna do more of those WW, what fantastic plants they are!!

Edited by Dan1122
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@@SkyRider cheers mate. I'll be having a crack at it but it will be 2 staggered every 40 days. I figure two plants should offer me 400 ish maybe more g's reliably and they'll have all the space they need under the 600. Then at day 40 pop the next two with the aim of pulling 800-1000 g every 80 days.

This should give me the leeway I need to start being able to give more away and start making some proper medicine for some people who would benefit from it which is the aim.

@UK Caregiver that it mate. I'm not saying photos aren't good. But you can pull more bud from smaller plants in half the time with auto's. No brainer for me.

@@Dinafem-Mark thank you very kindly sir. I'm gutted I missed the outdoor thread as I plan on doing some white widows and a few others in a choice spot.

I shall have a ponder but as you know I like a bit of variety so I may take you up on a seed or two but I probably won't be running 4 of the same at once. By the time I'll have smoked all that of one strain I'll be sick to the back teeth of it.

As I've said above its gonna be a two plant 40 day turnover. Having the room full with big plants has been a bit of a nightmare. Dealing with two monsters at a time and having room around them to work in the room is what I want.

At the minute I'm removing the same plant(the only one that goes through the door) and then that's my space in the room lol

Oh and I've noticed something today speaking of static plants. Upon further inspection the only leaves effect my the burning are the ones most under the light.

In my neglect the lights been slowly crimping them up. It's a big fuck on for me to raise it another 4 inch with some engineering involved so for the few damaged leaves and the time I've got left I can deal with it.

Nice to know still that I've had my feed right and its just down to the light being a bit too close. I guess this is what happens when you leave a grow pretty much unattended for 6 weeks during flower lol.

Not bad considering imo.

A weight is off my shoulders. The last frost (fingers crossed) has past here. So plants can move outside and many into there final homes which will mean a lot less work from me. I've got watering down to once a day now stuff is becoming larger.

Meaning I can frequent here a tad more again. Its been stressful raising so many young plants with different needs from seed. Particularly as these plants are for displays which will be judged by the royal horticultural society. Bring it on bill blackledge

Anywho top and bottom is maximo effort will be going into the next lot of auto's.

I may even be ditching the bnq legendary buckets for something a little larger. We will see.

@@stonerwizard cheers bud. Aye sit back and roll a fatty. Its a fair old yarn. I'd offer ya a joint but times are dire.

Luckily for me ice got a nice little early finishing phenos if the purple trainwreck which is 95% done for the best part so I'm gonna start disecting her tomorow.

@@Topdraw thanks mate. Glad I've inspired you. And good on ya for ordering some clover. You won't be disappointed. I've noticed in one or two bags I've had there's been some small hard "nuts" of peat. If ya can give it a riddle grand but failing that don't worry as these small lumps break down once they get soaked for a while I've found.

97% percent is silky smooth though anyway.

The best compost is in my opinion one of the most important ingredients to growing outstanding plants. They feed the plants for nearly half the plants life for you so a compost that does that to the best it can makes sense and with auto's most important time being the first month the compost is doing all the work for you.

I generally give a cheeky 0.5ml dose of grow per litre around the day28 mark.

the bloom follows maybe a week later but it all depends on what the plant is telling ya and how long the plant will veg for as the when you introduce bloom.

Some quick strains in 11l of clover don't need any grow at all and can go staright on bloom but I find most require on or two initial feeds of grow first to keep the luster throughout.

@@Dan1122 thanks mate and yes I loved seeing the pics. You have highlighted that it is achievable and you have given me more confirmation it works.

Its like most auto's are dying to grow this way and they just say "fuck yea I like this, here's some more top colas"

I'm over the moon you've smashed it mate. This white widows sure are beauty's.

Tell me about it with not being able to wait to get some auto's going. I'm chomping at the bit to get back to them I really am

Thanks for looking in everyone. I'll do my best to get ya some more pics tomorow night.

Peace out one and all

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Nice to see and hear you will be a round a bit more :) it sounds like you have had your hands full with the outdoor plants :) can I ask what do you grow? Just let me know if you need the seeds mate I've got you down from the seeds4diary giveaway as you did not enter and have been a great help and contributor to the Dinafem section :)

All the best & thank you for the update very much appreciated.


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@@Dinafem-Mark by all means......are ya ready for the list.

From seed this year I have grown out end mass....

Dahlias x2 types

Delphinium 2x types

Augualegia 2x types



Salvia...2x types


Campanula, 4x different types.


Morning glory two types

Sweet pea 2x types

Perenial sweet peas

Sunflowers 5x different types

Perenial sunflowers (helianthus maximilian)



Poppies 4 types


French marigold



Some unknowns

Oh and I've also put in another 50 horse chestnut to add to the 200 I've already got. Chestnuts are in trouble from a nasty disease so I'm trying to get the numbers up in my local vicinity. Its devastating to lose a 50 year old tree to disease

There's probably a few others I forget, it's been a bit of a blur.

Then alongside these there has been......all from seed

7 different types of tomato plants.

2 different types of cucumber


Sweet granite melons

Black Mountain watermelons

2 types of corn


Runner beans

Carrots 3 types

Lettuce 4 types

Cabbage 4 types

Radish 2 types

Sweet red pepper

Super chillies





Spring onion



Then on top of all that lot which I've probably forgot loads, there are all my fruiting bushes trees etc which to be honest make the majority of my allotment. I'm more into the fruit than the veg.

Also at my allotment area I've now set aside a dedicated area that I am now using as a mini garden centre/nursery that I am using to bring on a load of plants I've had going for a few seasons now.

Tress and shrubs etc. There's too much variation in there to list but these will all have a place one day but they will be put out as large mature plants.

These are things like acer, magnolia, deutzia, Syringa etc

In a few weeks time I will also be taking delivery of circa 1500 begonias, non stop begonias, geraniums, creeping jenny, alyssum and probably a few other bits and bats. Bedding plants really aren't worth my time to bring on and the nursery we use for the bedding plants is excellen and they bring them on to the highest standard.

Its them that got me onto clover.

This is all to keep a 50 acre landscaped holiday park looking one of the most beautiful in the country.

So you can see why I have been so busy....

Thank you very kindly mark. You really are a top bloke.

I've missed being on here so much and I am certainly looking forward to the coming weeks as I will have more time away from plants. Most night I'm getting done at a reasonable hour now. Product earth will be a very welcome little mini break away for me so I'm looking forward to that immensely. See ya there bud.

Edited by blackpoolbouncer
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