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My dinafem discovery and subsequent delight


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Fantastic as ever BP. A huge yield of nugs is surely on its way to you mate. Looks like your making the most of that extra space! It's what I like to see, nothing but a sea buds!! Top growing!!

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For the half way point of the bloom phase your doing a stellar job. Tons of budsites which all look to be getting equal light distribution which in turn will give a nice even canopy :)

They are coming along great

Thank you for such a detailed update and the pictures look great. As sy said a room full of bud is always a great sight :)

All the best


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Guest UK Caregiver

Brilliant growing here. You are an elite grower! I'm going to be watching your journals closely. I always thought we couldn't lst auto's. I thought that... google thought that... all forums thought that! You proved the world wrong! Pukka growing! It's a pleasure to view your photographs and journal!

I'm going to lst 2 auto's that I have going. Topped them today. Motivated by your work and Botanics cbd lst plants.

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Brilliant growing here. You are an elite grower! I'm going to be watching your journals closely. I always thought we couldn't lst auto's. I thought that... google thought that... all forums thought that! You proved the world wrong! Pukka growing! It's a pleasure to view your photographs and journal!

I'm going to lst 2 auto's that I have going. Topped them today. Motivated by your work and Botanics cbd lst plants.

It is great to see other members using tried and tested techs :)

From what I have seen this is by far the best method to optimise both yield and size of the autoflowering strains :) it certainly pushes them to full potential ;)

All the best


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Brilliant growing here. You are an elite grower! I'm going to be watching your journals closely. I always thought we couldn't lst auto's. I thought that... google thought that... all forums thought that! You proved the world wrong! Pukka growing! It's a pleasure to view your photographs and journal!

I'm going to lst 2 auto's that I have going. Topped them today. Motivated by your work and Botanics cbd lst plants.

but i thought bpb doesnt top? And generally thought it was not to be done with autos due to the lifespan issue...? Edited by BeautifullyCultivated
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@BeautifullyCultivated@botanics @UK Caregiver

Just popping in quick but I just thought I'd reassure uk Caregiver if he's topped his plants. I topped my last run of blue kush and also accidentally topped my critical jack which if I remember gave me 220 or something grams. Topping is no biggie whatsoever and done at the right time has no detrimental effect.

Thanks for all the kind words guys. I'll be back in tonight or tomorrow to do an update but as you can guess everything's bobbing along to plan really

Peace out

E2a. Uk Caregiver you are too kind my friend. What I do is not special or sophisticated or using lots of lotions.

It is simplistic entirely.

To anyone who is watching thinking it's hard it isn't. Keep it simple and the plants will reward you.

Peace out

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Guest UK Caregiver

lol at the topping. They just look like they were topped and then lst'd. Oh well, I've always wondered how my auto's would do if they were topped. They are the 2 closest plants in the square pots. There is also a photoperiod in the back. These 2 auto's are Sweet seeds Big Devil XL ;) Their shape was great for topping them.

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Fantastic thread mate I've almost managed to read it all. So many myths busted hear. I have acquired some ww xxxl from that top bloke @@Dinafem-Mark which I was gonna plant in the ground either greenhouse or polytunnel or both. However after reading this I'm tempted to Chuck my regs into the garden and dedicate the tent to the autos.

So when would you recommend topping and is it worthwhile?

Cheers TD

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Folks I must start by apologising once again for my absence over the last few weeks.

I, for the first time today can sit down and relax because all 1500+ young plants and have been watered and cared for and I've got a couple of hours where I'm saying fuck it and relaxing in front of the TV so I'm squeezing in a quick update.

I've been taking photos at every water but due to only removing one purple trainwreck and the rest being in hps light there not very good. I've just poked the camera in during lights off to give you a little treat.

As you know I've had very little time to dedicate to well, anything really so these girls have had very little attention.

Everything went mega floppy on me pretty much overnight a couple weeks ago so everything has been supported.

The small AK and the bigger PT have been staked using canes.

I have done this by using the holes I drilled previously for my individual scrog supports in the rim of the bucket and them taped the bottom of the canes to the bucket. This means I don't have to interrupt any roots and also means I don't have the inconvenience of canes in early to avoid this.

The big girls who are to big to get out of the room have had there buds suspended using a line from each side of the room and then each bud is hung in the correct position from the line....you will see.

All the girls have been on a single feed regime as I've had no time to bugger about with these. By the time I'm getting in most nights it ten of clock and I haven't eaten so the girls get there quick feed and so do I then it's bed most nights, hence the lack of updates.

All in all this has worked out pretty well with only one of the Aks suffering recently. As you will see from the photos she's had a fair bit too much but I simply haven't had the time to tailor feeds and with such little time left there on there way back down.

The feed got up to 5ml pl of bloom and all were happy bar that one.

One girl showed a slightest tip burn but it's really only the one girl that has anything whatsoever wrong with them.

There all got 3ml pl of bloom and 1.5ml pl of cal mag.

After my last update I did, as promised go and get calmag and the girls had a few heavy feed of that at 2.5ml pl to boost there levels back up.

We've still got a couple of weeks left by the looks of it but the most advanced one may get the chop a tad early as my smoke supply has run out and I have had to call a favour in.....which is bloody ridiculous and is merely down to one thing. The time these take.

As beautiful as they are I could easily have achieved the same or better in 70 days from seed with auto's.

I honestly believe with this new room I could be pulling 1.2-1.5+ gpw with auto's....which I'm really looking forward to having a crack at.

I don't see me having any difficulty pulling a gpw or at the very least close with these but the thing that gets me Is that can be done in FAR less time with auto's.

Consider it this way. If I put in two plants every 35 days I would be looking to pull 400+ g every 35 days. Therefore in the same time I could have pulled 1.8+ kilos of weed from a 600w light in the time it's taken me to do these. No comparison in my opinion.

One thing I will say though is the stench that comes out of that room when I open the door is unbelievable and when I remove one to water my caravan absolutely stinks.

These are by far the smell I estimate plants I have grown and they are real jailbait plants.

Big props have got to go to dinafem and hso for putting out good genetics. Both strains smell and look divine however the Aks are in my opinion absolutely beautiful in structure to grow and lend themselves to this method well.

The plants have been so easy to grow and the only problem I've run into wouldn't have arisen if I'd have had a little more time for them.

Right. I'd best get some photos uploaded.

Peace out folks and thanks for bearing with me. It will be a big weight off my shoulders once the last frost has safely passed and stuff can start to go out and we can get back on track pulling big numbers from auto's.

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