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My dinafem discovery and subsequent delight


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So.....an hour of uploading later and we have a picture update of colossal proportions.

The following pictures have been taken over the past 15 days since the last set of photos.

The grow got tapered off and now the girls are all due a big drink tomorrow of 4ml pl of bloom and 1.5ml pl of cal mag.

The last feed they got 3ml pl of bloom but I'm starting to see a bit of hunger so the feed is getting upped a smidgem.

The two biggest Aks are drinking 30% faster than the others so I've given them both 1.5litres tonight to tide them over.

I'm going away for the weekend so they all need feeding thoroughly tomorrow night to tide things over till lights on Sunday.

I'll let the plants do the talking....one thing I will say is that I have taken full advantage of my new space haha. Its pretty much gonna be a maxed out grow......something that might shock people....but I reckon I could pull more if these were auto's.

We will see. I keep being tempted by my 400w bulb because temps are plenty cool enough but what I don't want is a hot canopy and cool roots.

I'm half tempted to just see what a 600w bulb has the potential to do in my space. When ya do the maths and work out what I need to pull per plant to hit a gpw....120g per plant. 4 Oz!!!

I'd be fuming if I only pulled 4 Oz a plant from these. Like I said. Size and structure wise these should be 8-10 oz plants. 7 oz minimum......we will see.

Anyway I digress... what you have all been waiting for.

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So there ya go....jeeez that took a fair old while to upload.
Not much to tell. The plants are faultless.
Over the first two weeks I did a fair bit of supercropping to keep things level and adjusting ties.
Other than that they haven't taken much looking after. Tomorrow night in gonna go round during the watering and remove the naff fluff bud from the lower third of the plant. I'm also going to add a 6 inch clip on fan to blow under the canopy when I get back. Airflow is pretty good considering the size of the oscillating fan in there gently wafting the plants .
Also in the photos you can see where I got a bit carried away with supercropping a branch. I didn't spot this till I took these photos and It really goes to show how resistant cannabis is to abuse. This branch looks the picture of health.
Anyway. ..I get to waffling again. I think that will do for tonight.
Thanks for looking in folks
Edited by blackpoolbouncer
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@@blackpoolbouncer sounds like you have got your hands full with starting seeds and preparing beds, and an allotment. Fair play.

Your ladies look mighty fine,mine didn't get above 2ml bloom. Your right about canna being a tough plant,they love a bit of abuse.

Great update,great plants,great pics.

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Spaced to the max mate,trees ahead.

Got some ww again, no more problems since i introduced cal-cag, cheers for that ;)

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Once again, Bouncer is smashing it :yep: Looking really nice dude, picture of health these, you'll be knee deep in bud now come harvest time and happy days indeed! :D

Now see that overzealous supper cropping there I had on go like that and it was hanging on by the skin mate, though nah I won't get away with this one, bit too far gone, but no that shoot has remained fine, tough old weeds indeed eh :yep:

Good work in here mate, carry on as you do :)

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You've got a right jungle on your hands there mate, very nice work! Considering how busy you are outside of your groom, your plants clearly aren't being neglected!

My critical jack and blue seeds arrived today, if they end up half as good as yours I'll be a very happy boy.

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I've not been in for a few days so thank you for the mass picture update it shows a lot. They certainly have filled out the room and you can now see all the budsites forming :) you are going to have one nice packed room in the coming weeks :)

By the sound of things the outdoor season will be keeping you busy and the comment "feels like chlorophyll running through your veins " lol

Thank you for the continued picture updates as I know you are super busy :) very much appreciated.

All the best


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Thank you very muchly @b33lz33bub@sy100276@@Herbal Kint@@The Old Boy@hydro4pot@botanics@Mk cheese@dweeeb@Dinafem-Mark@Freax the kind words are well received. Sorry the updates aren't a bit more regular but I'll try and pick up the pace a bit once it gets really exciting which is right about now to be honest.

@@Herbal Kint glad that worked for ya mate. I knew it would be just the ticket as soon as I saw those pics. Something I learnt very quickly that i needed to deal with on my first indoor grow.

So chaps, as you may be able to see, the room is FULL with not an inch of light getting wasted. This really is packed in there nicely. Plant size and spread is perfect for the 1.2 x 1.5 space.

I'm sorry for the chappy pictures but at the minute I'm only removing the narrowest ak at the front so I can water the others so I can't really get any non hps pics without shutting the light down. the two biggest Aks measure roughly 0.6x0.85m wide so there's no getting them out. I have a slimline purple trainwreck at the back that's only 30cm wide which I can remove if I just need to water the two Aks which are taking up well over half the room.

The problem I'm having with photos is being able to show you how many budsites there are.
I guess if you refer back to the earlier shots from above each plant you will see but I guess because of the slight differences in canopy height buds block the view of other unless directly above them where the light is.

I need a super wide angle lens

The girls are looking pretty damn healthy.
They are starting to tell me there hungry again so tonight the feed was upped to 4.5ml pl of bloom.
What they are really screaming out for is magnesium and as my supplies are running low they are still on 1.5ml pl.
This weekend they will get a 2.5ml pl dose when a new bottle of calmag arrives.
I have epsom salts lying around but I don't want to use it because without putting a suitable cal supplement with it the magnesium will displace what calcium is in my water and give me a cal lockout......not something I want now so a slight deficiency of mag I can deal with.

Overall I'd say plant health is a good 90-95% perfect at the minute.

This is why I don't defoliate my lower fans. There my deficiency indicators. Now if I'd have taken the bottom third or more off the mobile elements will be taken from the leaves higher up.

Think of them as a mobile element nutrient bank.
What I should really have done which I haven't had time to do is remove the fluff budsites from lower down but not to worry. It can go in the hash pile when I do my next run soon.

Temps are spot on. I just moved my thermometer to a different place and the temps at soil level over the last 4 days has been a min of 20.3 and a max of 23.5.

To be honest these girls are getting zero attention apart from a quick watering.

They haven't been touched or messed with whatsoever since I finished supercropping at the end of the second week. They literally only get watered and are looking after themselves.

Its nice having the confidence in how I've got everything set up knowing that I can water them all and leave them completely unattended for up to two and a half days where at which point all the require is watering.

So I'm probably getting to waffling on a bit but I'm happy to report everything is hunky dory and the girls are growing themselves really.

Oh...I forgot to say. The smell. Wow what a smell. The stench is unbelievable. Poking my head in just at lights on and the smell is like nothing I've ever smelt. Its intoxicating and VERY powerful.
The Aks smell much like I expect but I'm waiting for the sharpness to make itself more pronounced.
The purple trainwreck has a super sweet funk to her.
When I poke my head in the room it reminds me of the sweet smell that really good homemade compost makes with fruity and citrus overtones. Just incredible.
Having a much larger room has definitely enabled me to enjoy the smell much more.
In the little dr80 the smell was completely removed instantly from the tent and you needed to get a bit closer to get the full effect. Not with these.
To be honest I'm considering going and getting an oversized cf just in case.
I've got terrible visions of my current one crapping out cos it's had enough of dealing with stinky stinkiness.

Ok...I'm definitely waffling now.
The first pic was taken when I had an AK out at weekend. the rest are from tonight

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Enjoy......bud pornographic material is being formed and the buds are getting ready to show us there curves.

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If I'm not mistaken were just past the halfway point of flowering so things are gonna be popping off from here on in. I can see daily now they are putting weight on.
Can't wait for these ladies.
All the best. Sorry for the essay
Edited by blackpoolbouncer
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Bouncer, looking tip top bud :yep: You thought about getting a bucket of carbon pellets mate ? ;) saves buying the whole filter etc :yep:

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