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My dinafem discovery and subsequent delight


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Hi BB Ive been following this journal from the outset, just before i started my first auto grow and its been a great help and a good read.

I grew some decent auto blue kushes, as a result, a nice evening smoko, and would also recomend.

Cheers for the tip to use magcal, its definately helping. Im in a hard water area and I found deficiencies showed in late veg every time.

Im growin some photo plants too, now that the spring is near and I have a chance to establish a stable lights out temperature soon.

Good luck with all your projects

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They look great mate super bushy with lots of topsites :)

I don't think the contactor being on for just 11 extrange hours will effect the ladies and by giving equal dark period things should be fine :) you sorted the issue fast so all should be well.

You have inspired a lot of new growers mate and your technique is tried, tested and from what I have seen the best way to get the maximum potential from autoflowering genetics.

The plants look great will be interesting to see them develop over the coming week :)

Thank you for the picture update very much appreciated.

All the best


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Fingers crossed bud but being so early in, reckon you'll be fine ;) Top update and the girls speak for themselves :yep:

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Thanks for the words of support guys it's much appreciated. I think I'm safe. Touch wood.
Just a couple of shots of an AK that got watered last night.
In my previous post I said I'd changed the feed.
I was meant to say the girls are now on 1.5 grow and 0.5 bloom. 1.75ml calmag.
The grow will be phased out over the next few feeds.
Not much else to report that didn't go in yesterday's update I don't think.
The last few days I've been supercropping one or two renegade branches that are going for it and also tightening the ties to keep height down.
I'm trying to keep these as low and even as I can. Although I've lots of headroom the light spread is better when the light is a bit further away and it is better for plant health.
Temps bang on etc etc.


IMG 20160314 43909

IMG 20160314 54230

IMG 20160314 39900

IMG 20160315 39181

Edited by blackpoolbouncer
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You are going to have 1 really full room in the coming weeks mate. You can see in pic1 all the top budsites forming and there are a lot :)

Great job and thank you for the picture update very much appreciated.

All the best


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey chaps. Thank you all for your concern utilise I'm glad to tell you everything is all good.

My absence from the boards is down to one thing.....spring.

Spring means I've sprung and I've been taking care of and germinating hundreds of seeds. I'm going crazy in my garden and I'm overhauling many large flower beds. I've also started an allotment with a polytunnel so I've just been mega mega busy getting my fingers green.

I uploaded some pics last weekend so I'll stick them up with a full report on the plants and some photos from the last week.

@@Dinafem-Mark a jungle is what I have.

If these were auto's of this size I would be expecting ten ounce plus plants. Its a manageable though. I'm 3 weeks into flower now and I've still got a foot of really comfortable headroom before I'll be worrying I think.

I can't get two of the big amnesia kush's out of the room. My doorways is 51 cm wide and there over 60 cm wide at there narrowest points so even with jiggling back and fro it is becoming difficult to manage taking them out of the room.

These are now staying in situ.

This isn't an update as such so I'll keep it brief and say everything is just grand.

There is literally bugger all to report issue wise. Not a spec, spot or poorly leaf in sight.

Proper update to follow tomorrow. I'm off to finish a couple of planters and check all is well in my 3 germinating areas.

I've got Sun flowers, sweet peas and morning glory popping up hourly at the minute.

Must dash.

Thanks for looking and I'd like to say, it's nice to be missed.



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I've Pm'd him lads as it's been quite a while now, hope all is well with him :unsure:

All is well mate I'm sure @@blackpoolbouncer has just been busy. By the sound of things prepping some outdoor plots for various plants :) . By the sound of things they are progressing well and will be looking out for the full update tomorrow :)

Glad to see you safe and sound @@blackpoolbouncer and thank you for the mini appreciated :)

All the best


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Glad to here you're well mate. I've been following your diary from the shadows since you started and I always look forward to your updates. You've convinced me to attempt an auto grow, dinafem of course. Beans should be with me this week. All the best with all you're growing.

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@@Dinafem-Mark prepping is not the word. I've got hundreds of square meters of flower beds I'm completely overhauling and pulling out 20 year old shrubs and its crazy at the minute germinating and looking after hundreds of seeds to go in there place so it's a big job on at the minute. Its a labour of love I suppose but between that and starting stuff for my allotment it's all a bit hectic. I've got well over a thousand plants germinating or have popped the soil at the minute so I feel like I've got chlorophyll running through my veins at the minute.

@@botanics cheers dude

@Mk cheese nice to see ya in here. Always love to hear someone's enjoyed my diary and even better it's convinced you to give auto's a go. You can't really go wrong with dinafems stuff.

best of luck mate with the grow.

So a quickie of an update to show the photos I took not the weekend just gone, the one before easter. Two weeks in flower

IMG 20160317 5442

IMG 20160317 3835

IMG 20160317 22289

IMG 20160317 29385

IMG 20160317 48293

IMG 20160317 58166

IMG 20160317 46806

Sorry I forget which plants these are.
The Aks are mega bushy big ass girls with the PT being less so
I'll endeavour to get the rest of the photos I've been taking up tonight.
Temps are bang on and the feed is now up to 3 ml pl of bloom and 1.5ml pl of cal mag
Believe me.
You will see a difference in the next update to follow.
We've got some nice buds forming now
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