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My dinafem discovery and subsequent delight


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Big thanks everyone for the kind words. I'm really enjoying these girls. @@Dinafem-Mark and @@Dan1122 yes guys, as much as I love my auto's these girls are tickling my fancy. I think they will turn out more impressive purely on the basis I've given them a massive veg, let's not forget auto's only veg a couple weeks. I've taken advantage of this and kept them vegging for quite some time.
If these were auto's I'd be aiming for 1.5g per watt easy so we will see what photos produce.
For me to hit a gpw these girls only have to hit 4 Oz a plants which shouldn't be a problem whatsoever. I'm gonna have to fuck this right up not to hit that I think looking at them now.

Were now in the dark period and when they wake up today it will be day 3 of flower for the girls.

No issues to report. Temps at pot level 22.9 min and 23.5 max over 24 hours which given a frosty night and a caravan being the environment I'm very happy. I'm starting to get used to my set up now and it seems to be performing as I hoped.

Just one girl got watered last night. Same feed as the others, 1.5 grow and 1.75ml pl of cal mag and she took abut 3.75 litres

It is now quite a squeeze getting the plants through my doorways in the caravan with them only being 51 cm wide and the girls knocking on for 60.

IMG 20160310 47943

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IMG 20160310 1444

Thanks for calling by
Edited by blackpoolbouncer
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This is going to be a very interesting grow in more ways than one! The plants look great. Love how they have bushed out so much this should give a ton of budsites. Going off past grows 4/plant is easily doable for you :)

Thank you for the picture update the plants look great ;)

All the best


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This is going to be a very interesting grow in more ways than one! The plants look great. Love how they have bushed out so much this should give a ton of budsites. Going off past grows 4/plant is easily doable for you :)

Thank you for the picture update the plants look great ;)

All the best


Cheers mark. I have to say that dinafem have put out a lovely strain so far to grow. Compared to the purple trainwreck she has a much more amenable structure which is conducive to my training style. There are so.many budsites ready to pop up but it's a constant struggle tucking leaves to let the light in. Hence giving them a day or two to settle in before I defoliate. I may even just tie offering leaves down out of the way.

My reasoning for this is I believe that at this point the In there lives is critical and essential they endure no stress.

Once they are another ten days into there flower period the scissors can come out and get rid of anything that's not receiving full sun.

I will not be completely defoliating lower leaves. Some like to as they receive little light but I'm a firm believer in that every leaf helps a plant grow. Even if it's way under the canopy and only getting 10% of the light. It is still getting light and making sugars for the plant.

Unless it's severely blocking the light from a budsite and there is no way to move it, the leaf stays. Airflow is not an issue for me under the canopy and the leaves down low serve as a nutrient bank of mobile elements and an indicator of what the plant wants.

There are advantages to removing all lower foliage but for me the advantages of leaving them outweigh the pros of taking them off.

After all this banging on about how auto's are light feeders I'm convinced it's a load of bollocks.

Yea an auto that only produces a couple oz is gonna be a light feeder. But in my experience every auto I've grown has been a hungry bitchh and only sensitive in the very early stages.

Comparatively these photos are needing far less feed for the size of plant. I can't see me getting up to 7ml pl of bloom with these but we will see. lol plant magic recommend the maximum dosage of bloom to be 4ml pl and the critical jack took 7ml pl without any burn.

Go figure. Myth busted i suppose.

@@sy100276 I think support is going to be a must. I will utilise the 4 holes I have predicted in the lip and insert some things bamboo canes which I will tie to with my garden wire as required.

Slightly off topic, spring is upon us and this week I'm back in gardening mode in my day job so my fingers are coming green again after the wet winter. Flower beds are being amended and hundreds of seeds are being sown into starters today. Bushes pruned and shaped and im overhauling lots of large floeer beds which gives me the opportunity to be creative. My garden has been cleared and my allotment is ready for the rotavator.

Its all gardening gardening gardening at the minute. I love it.

Plant overload at the minute lol my polytunnel is calling

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One more pic from me mate from this last grow.. and what a beast she is! i dont know how much she's yielded, as she was only harvested today @14.5 weeks. My last standing auto of the bunch.. Dinafem cheese..big ol buds lol


i cant wait to see how yours are gonna turn out mate. I think we might be in for a treat!

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Really good read mate! A very nice walkthrough of how to get the best out of autos ;)

I will be trying these techniques out on my next grow of autos indoors!

Would you reccommend 1 cheese XXL auto, or 4 normal cheese autos for a 60x60 tent mate?

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Cheers @@botanics.. She took the longest to finish, but I think she might be a very good yielder when she's dried and put on the scales. Only time will tell...I see your plants are coming along nicely too mate! Seen those nice canopy shots as they came in, good work mate!

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Thanks Dan, yeah mate my canopy is looking better every day now they are putting it on, nearly sussed this training style, reckon a few more goes at it and will get there like, brilliant method as underneath the greenery it looks like a mangrove forest lol no light getting through there!

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Absolutely mate it's a good method for maximising available space by filling it with bud sites, which leads on to top yields, It's definitely a good way to get decent yields up together..

I won't be growing indoors now until next winter, I wish I could grow all year round but I'm using my indoor space for growing seedlings for outdoors.. But when all that's done, I can crack back on with another grow, I'm tempted to do more autos again!

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Absolutely mate it's a good method for maximising available space by filling it with bud sites, which leads on to top yields, It's definitely a good way to get decent yields up together..

I won't be growing indoors now until next winter, I wish I could grow all year round but I'm using my indoor space for growing seedlings for outdoors.. But when all that's done, I can crack back on with another grow, I'm tempted to do more autos again!

By using this technique and in less time autos are looking the way forward for many growers. Seed to weed in 60-90 days strain depending and with what we might as well call it the @@blackpoolbouncer technique this is proving the best way to grow autoflowering strains to there full potential :)

Would love a end weight of the auto Cheese. By the look of things great result :)

All the best


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Really good read mate! A very nice walkthrough of how to get the best out of autos ;)

I will be trying these techniques out on my next grow of autos indoors!

Would you reccommend 1 cheese XXL auto, or 4 normal cheese autos for a 60x60 tent mate?


I would only do 1 maybe 2 in that area. If memory serves @@blackpoolbouncer did 4 autos in a Dr 80 so 80cm-80cm and he just had room. With the 20 cm less each way I would do 2 at the most and use bpb technique to maximise your yield :)

All the best


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@@fourTwenty420 60 x 60 would give the perfect footprint for one plant in a bucket. Or two with a bit trickier training like I did with the cheese and critical jack grow further back.

To everyone who has commented above, im overwhelmed by the response throughout and I'm over the moon folks are taking what I've done on board and using it themselves. When I started this diary I had no idea it was going to be so useful to so many. I am constantly humbled.
@@Dan1122 that cheese looks awesome. You've smashed it mate. Well over 200g plant I reckon right there. 250 even perhaps. Well done mate.
If anyone needs any encouragement to try growing like this then that pic will surely put a few folks in the mood. Who wouldn't want to grow plants like that. Excellent stuff Dan. I'm so happy it's worked for ya.

As you will see in this update today how I've used this technique to achieve a completely full groom with a canopy with no gaps and all flower tops within a couple of inches of each other height wise.
This method has also enabled me to do a really long veg (12 elweeks or something daft) and now I'm nearly a week into flower I have plants that at the tallest point are now only 18" tall.

I'll be interested to see how stretch will affect these. 2x stretch is what I'm expecting but with my plants being so wide I think theoretically they will be a bit more than 36" when finished because they aren't I suppose true 18 inch plants because left untrained they would be probably 3 foot tall now.

We had a bit of a disaster the other day. A second hand contactor I've been using while I'm waiting for a new one froze and left my lights on burning away with the heater on for an extra 11 hours when it should have been lights off.
Scared shit less when I realised having nightmare they are gonna start revegging. Soon as I realised I knocked the light off and gave them an equal dark period of 23 hours and now normal 12/12 is resumed. Hopefully this hasn't fucked anything up. I'm just glad it happened so early on in flower and not started messing with hormones later on.
Touch wood we will be OK. At worst it may slow me down a couple of days but no big deal.
The temps got daft at 34 degrees but apart from that 12 hour blip everything is super healthy and fit as you will see.
These pics were taken across the weekend. The big bushy girls are the AK and the less bushy two are the PT.
The feed was at 1.5 grow and 1.75ml pl of cal
mag. One of the girls got fed last night and the feed is now 1ml pl of bloom and .5 of grow with 1.75ml pl of calmag.
Over the next two weeks I'll be slightly upping the bloom and phasing the grow out.
At the moment the plants are not wanting for a single thing. Well happy plants even with the blip.

IMG 20160314 4692

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IMG 20160314 56844

Bloody good stuff indeed
Edited by blackpoolbouncer
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