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My dinafem discovery and subsequent delight


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@@blackpoolbouncer Brilliant work dude, with @@teehee and you showing the world what can be done with autos. I bet it's made a lot of people think twice about them.

ATB with the rest of the grow, I'll pop in now and then dude and I'll bring some Big Kush :skin_up::v:

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Another cracking update and those plants of yours are growing well mate :yep:

I have also moved away from PM Bloom and have gone back to Ionic Grow & Bloom which were the first nutes I ever used but always served me well.

Not "organic" but then I never was, so far so good :yinyang:

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Fantastic looking grow, did you top your plants whilst during LST?

Im sure it was mentioned that the autos are topped at the 5th node but now when i look back i cant find anything, can anyone confirm?

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Thanks everyone for popping by and the kind words.
As always @@Dan1122 gets top marks.
As a rule for big auto's there's no need @@ElBoyo as you will see earlier in the diary.

So today's a big day because......


The big girls are all looking just as healthy as can be at the moment. They've well rooted there pots out and are now drinking 3.5-4 litres each.

There all getting watered at different times as an when required and they all got fed between 1.5 and 1.75ml pl of plant magic oldtimers grow and 1.75ml pl of calmag

Temps are all just fine and dandy and everything is just superb. They have now pretty much completely filled the space and the plants are now roughly 60 cm round leaving not much space left in the canopy now.
I expect it's going to be somewhat a jungle in here.
As you can see plants are still very low but I expect them to get quite large given what there size is now......the only way is up from here on in.
I'm going to let them settle into there new light regime for a few days and then start doing a bit of thinning out and minimal defoliation.

IMG 20160308 46335

IMG 20160308 34639

IMG 20160308 1661

IMG 20160308 57501

Come hell or high water I should pull some good bud from these ladies. For comparison these plants now are as big as the white widow width ways was when she finished and we've got all the stretch period to go yet.
Some nice little trees is what I'm aiming for, perhaps large bushes might be more fitting given there structure.
As always thanks for looking everyone and for the continual Ed support. Things get exciting now.
Its crippling to think I could bin these and still be cropping in the same time if I got some auto's on and still yeild roughly the same.
Oh well....Couldn't care less. These are gonna be some beasts.
Edited by blackpoolbouncer
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I've been wondering what these plants are going to look like at the next update, and I'm certainly not disappointed! They will be huge come harvest! Top show as always mate!

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@@Dan1122 haha thanks mate. Huge plants is what im aiming for lol

If im honest I've got a bit carried away with my new space and let them veg a bit longer than needed really. Oh well lol

If all goes to plan it will be interesting to see what some big ass photos will give me yeild wise.

Thanks dude, im pretty happy with these girls indeed

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I think you will have big trees on your hands mate, great job!

Now the flower phase has started the stretch will not be far behind :)

I think these will do better than your auto grows? Time will tell on this :)

Thank you for the continued picture updates very much appreciated and keep up the great work.

All the best


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