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My dinafem discovery and subsequent delight


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Thanks @@Dinafem-Mark Autos have come on along way since the low riders of the past! Fantastic job your breeders have done with these! I might try them in bigger pots next time, maybe they'd yield even more!

Edited by Dan1122
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Some great updates in here @@blackpoolbouncer and an excellent guide to your method of LST, as you know I've employed your techniques well, with subtle differences, trying adopt more of a horizontal espalier/fan type pattern with my shoots. Top work bud :yep:

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Looking good @@blackpoolbouncer!

My friend's widow xxl's look stunning, he's got a month to go an looks to be on for a really good yield, with no training.

Mine have been tied down in a similar fashion to yours, but are a bit stunted....I've had some issues dialling in my drobe in its new home, not enough airflow but I think I'm there now, I'm hoping to see them crack on a bit and look more like yours and @@Dan1122' s plants!

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@@Dinafem-Mark honestly. Dinafem do a fantastic job with there auto's. There breeding is obviously top notch.....the proof is in the pudding as you have said. Big up dinafem ahem for leading the way with cbd auto's too. A good cause and enables medi users a quick bountiful harvest.

Let's start an auto revolution. Fuck the nay sayers. They can keep on nay saying while there waiting for there photos to start budding while the auto crowd are trimming.

@@Captain Bonglington cheers bud. Hope ya get your environment issues sorted. It really is key to happy plants. Best of luck mate.

@@dweeeb nice to see ya in here dude. Thanks. I'm loving the new room very much.

@@Dan1122 great stuff indeed mate. Certainly Lynn bigger pots will deliver more if you have the space. Bigger pot equals bigger plant. Chuck a big auto in a 50l pot and light her up with 1 kW and train using these methods you would have one hell of a plant.

@@botanics thanks mate. My diary has been lacking a bit but now we're getting her back on track I think. Seems like more and more people are employing lst to great effect. It really is the best way to maximise auto's I think.

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So we have a bit of a picture special tonight.

The temps in the tent over the last few days have been 23.4 min and 26.7 max at pot level. Nothing has been watered since they got potted up but the first AK to get potted up will be be ready tomorrow.

They are looking really healthy and happy with no issues to report whatsoever.

First we have a shot 24 hours after the first lst followed by a picture after I readjusted the ties slightly.

IMG 20160227 21868

IMG 20160227 28871

Then we have, first the two other remaining amnesia kush's

Before and after lst

IMG 20160227 36861

IMG 20160227 48730

IMG 20160227 55666

IMG 20160227 2279

IMG 20160227 8560

IMG 20160227 17904

And the bigger of the two purple trainwrecks

IMG 20160227 25155

IMG 20160227 48281

A group shot of them now lst'd

IMG 20160227 59271

And finally the little purple trainwreck. This girl isn't a massive performer and wants to grow into one big cola. But I say NO
She was potted on into a 10 litre pot. With her being a little smaller and being a little behind is should bring her nicely in line with the others for the flip with rooting her pot out.

IMG 20160227 6239

IMG 20160227 27729

Thanks for looking folks. Over the last few updates you should have a pretty good idea how it's done now. It really is so simple. No black magic, just understanding how a plant grows and manipulating it to perform best for you.


Edited by blackpoolbouncer
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Great update and LST instruction mate :yep:

Now I'm going to speculate a bit here but I'm finding that with the auto having only a few weeks really to get that growth on, for autos, lower wattages are not really ideal.

Been running mine on 250 and as I put up in my last update, I could have done with another week of fast veg for ideal canopy shape, reckon with 400 Watt blasted at them, I may well have achieved this in the short time available and so would say for autos, 400 watt and above is more preferable to maximise their potential.

Lower wattage grows are more suited to the photo I'm finding, where bloom can be manipulated by the gardener for the optimum time according to the allocated space. .

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Guest UK Caregiver

Really good journal! Very interesting to see lst'd autoflowers. You have a good thing going there @@blackpoolbouncer.

I like the way you include the feeds they get, the temps, how much they drink etc. Many don't go into such detail, but the readers sure appreciate the detailed updates. It's the fine details like that which help people, not just pretty pictures.

I think with the way you grow, you should seriously consider getting a 315w cmh :oldtoker:

Nothing wrong with your lamp by the way, but your technique with cmh would be a marriage made in heaven! ;)

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@@4plenty that's it mate. Glad you like it mate. I think it's definitely the way to get the best out of auto's. I find its the best way to fill the space with top bud. You can fill a space with untrained plants but there's so much that shadows itself. Cannabis does an excellent job of keeping itself covered up lol
@@botanics I think you may be right. I haven't had any experience with anything less than 400w but I can see where your coming from......I feel the same about having over a 1 kW with multiple lights but we've got to do whatever best for our own situations.

@UK Caregiver sincerest thanks mate. I've done it like that so that anyone who wishes to follow in my footsteps has a step by step grow to follow. If ya can keep the variables the same then there's no reason what I do cannot be easily replicated.
Funny you should mention lighting. I've picked up my ballast tonight of my buddy.

I am now running a 600w cannatronic ecolght digital ballast and a grolux 600w hps bulb.

I tried it out with that and the 400w dual spec and canopy temps got to 32 at the canopy so I'm just sticking to the 600 for now but may be interested to change for something different.

I've got a brand new 150w metal halide I might stick in there to try.

Apart from my little blast with a kilowatt the temps are nice and dandy.

I've just given two of the Aks 2.5l each with 2 ml pl of cal mag. Next water they will be on 4 litres probably each. All the others are getting watered tomorrow.

IMG 20160228 2978

As you can see they aren't half getting a shifty on.

Some playing will take place with lights, fans and intakes over the next few days see what I can squeeze in there.

I may just keep the 600 and see what I can push from one light

Peace out folks

Edited by blackpoolbouncer
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Nice techniques there matey :v: I've just chopped mine at day 64 and the way I've done mine is more bonsai than anything else trying to get her to grow up at an angle was difficult to say the least, looking in at yours is how u plan to do my next one :yep:

Great update mate I'll be popping back in no doubt to steal more ideas lol

:v: Dweeeb

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Coming along a treat mate :)

I was going to ask about the high cbd autos and your dad. Maybe after this grow? As I do think if patients had access to high cbd meds every 40 days. This would be great. Would also like some feed back on high cbd strains v traditional thc strains maybe as said after this you could run some?

Looking great with the ak :)

All the best


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@@dweeeb cheers mate. Crack on and reap the rewards. Its all here to share.

@@Dan1122 yes mate :chef: cooking up a storm. Temps all nice with the 600w blazing in there but I feel like I could give em more but I need to do some playing.

@@Dinafem-Mark hmm perhaps that's not a bad idea. Would be good to try some high cbd auto's on him......Might be good for me too. Low thc strains may be a good way for me to finally kick the baccy and go onto pure j's so might stick one in there alongside the two normal auto's.

Aye things are looking grand at the min as you will see from tonight's update.

Its unbelievable how quick these plants evolve after training.

I've not much to report tonight. No issues whatsoever.....like absolutely nothing....oh wait. Yes there is. I accidentally topped a branch on the big purple trainwreck and nearly snapped one branch on the other but left it and supercropped it instead and its recovered well.

The trainwrecks are very brittle and form thick short stems that are hard to train.

The Amnesia kush ladies are a dream

First up in the photos is a PT

IMG 20160229 58834

IMG 20160229 5679

Second we have a lovely looking amnesia kush
They both got watered the same as the other two tonight. 2.5l with 2ml pl of cal mag

IMG 20160229 12864

IMG 20160229 20902

IMG 20160229 44964

All the best folks and thanks for looking.

Its nice to have the diary back on track.

Part of me is thinking of changing of ditching the pm ot bloom.

I feel there are issues with it now and with such a long flowering period I'd like to find something I can rely on. The last few grows I've not been happy with how it has delivered nutrients 100% so I may have an experiment with a side by side.


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@@dweeeb cheers mate. Crack on and reap the rewards. Its all here to share.

@@Dan1122 yes mate :chef: cooking up a storm. Temps all nice with the 600w blazing in there but I feel like I could give em more but I need to do some playing.

@@Dinafem-Mark hmm perhaps that's not a bad idea. Would be good to try some high cbd auto's on him......Might be good for me too. Low thc strains may be a good way for me to finally kick the baccy and go onto pure j's so might stick one in there alongside the two normal auto's.

Aye things are looking grand at the min as you will see from tonight's update.

Its unbelievable how quick these plants evolve after training.

I've not much to report tonight. No issues whatsoever.....like absolutely nothing....oh wait. Yes there is. I accidentally topped a branch on the big purple trainwreck and nearly snapped one branch on the other but left it and supercropped it instead and its recovered well.

The trainwrecks are very brittle and form thick short stems that are hard to train.

The Amnesia kush ladies are a dream

First up in the photos is a PT

Second we have a lovely looking amnesia kush

They both got watered the same as the other two tonight. 2.5l with 2ml pl of cal mag

All the best folks and thanks for looking.

Its nice to have the diary back on track.

Part of me is thinking of changing of ditching the pm ot bloom.

I feel there are issues with it now and with such a long flowering period I'd like to find something I can rely on. The last few grows I've not been happy with how it has delivered nutrients 100% so I may have an experiment with a side by side.


If you are looking for a good organic nutrient I thing gkorganics have a great line :). The liquid guano grow/bloom and taste enhancer along with there liquid seedweed extract works great. They also have bio-grow which you premix into your medium and just add water :)

I did try this a couple of years back and was great until week 4 of bloom then the medium was running out of steam so to speak so I added the liquid guano bloom/sea weed extract and taste enhancer for 3 week then a final 2 week ph 5.8 flush :)

The bio-Grow was great as no mixing of feed until later bloom :)

The plants look great. The ak look to be taking a great shape :bong:

All the best and thank you for the picture update very much appreciated.


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