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My dinafem discovery and subsequent delight


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You do it like I do it bud :yep: Only difference, I'm not watering the roots in now (I know, many gardeners would shriek at the thought lol ) and found they are faster rooting after transplant ;) usually give them water then within 36 hours as the medium is requiring it.

Girls are looking good mate and needed it from looking at those roots above.

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Yea they were ready all right @@botanics. That shot is of the poorliest looking AK of the lot but had by far the most root mass. Go figure.

Tonight the last AK and the bigger trainwreck got potted on into buckets.

I'm off in a sec to water them in. They will get the same as the others did 2.5 litres with just some cal mag.

First up the AK. Sorry I've only got one shot. My battery was running out.

IMG 20160223 50749

Then we have a couple of the first purple trainwreck to go into her final pot.

IMG 20160223 19771

IMG 20160223 26408

They should start really taking off now.
Thanks for looking in folks. Back in the stride of things now
Oh and just to add. @@elwin has chopped the bk he had and it looks lovely. He's had a great haul and I reckon he pulled probably between 6 and 7oz maybe a touch more from her which is a great result for him.
I've been chatting to him tonight and he is interested in taking the reigns and giving those mob dick cbds a go for ya mark as his brother in law has been too busy to get a grow on which is a shame because of what it was for.
Peace out folks
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Just a quickie today while I'm having my joint in my dinner break.

Everything is looking grand with no issues to report. Temps are all good and everything looks happy.

Just thought I'd grab a quick group shot quick while I'm checking them. The 4 that have been repotted are getting a dose of lst tonight so I'll do a decent update and show everyone stage 1 of lst in depth

IMG 20160224 3936

Bring on the trees
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Everything looking tip top in here, a bending session is it eh?

What day are they on now then mate?

Edited by Sun Maid Rosin
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They are going to take of like a rocket now due to the potting up and thank you for being so detailed mate it help a lot of newer growers :)

Things look great and the new room is certainly doing a great job.

Well done mate. Keep up the great work and detailed updates :)

All the best


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Thanks for looking in @sy100276@4plenty@Sun Maid Rosin@@Dinafem-Mark

As for what day I have no idea. I'll have a weigh up back through the pages tomorrow.

Sorry to keep you all waiting.

Quick update first. Everything is bang on.

Right now that's outa the way.....what you've all been waiting for.

As I've said before, rocket science it ain't. Its just a bit of garden wire hooked over the side branches and pulled down.

The trick is to arrange it nicely.

Today is day 1 of lst. Every couple of days I'll be adjusting these.

I've been pretty brutal with this girl to show you.

Although I'm showing this on a photo the training method is much the same. Particularly if you decide to top your auto.

This plant was topped at the 6th node and is one of the Amnesia kush's. Beautiful plants by the way mark so far.

So with that the pictures should explain things pretty well.

This is kinda a bog standard lst. Nothing fancy, just trained low and spread out.

Training into a particular shape like a rectangle as in the critical jack and cheese grow, or another specific shape requires a bit more forward thinking.

Here it is step by step

IMG 20160225 22778

IMG 20160225 56716

IMG 20160225 46657

IMG 20160225 34856

IMG 20160225 24368

IMG 20160225 16460

IMG 20160225 9698

IMG 20160225 1969

IMG 20160225 46903

This as you can see gives a mushroom type shape and left like this will give a shape similar to the white widow. Very uniform.
I'll do the rest tomorrow as it's getting late.
Can't wait for the flip. There still under the 400w but the 600 will be going in soon and then we will have a party on our hands.
There certainly getting a shifty on now and every day I keep them from 12/12 there making for big plants. Not long now. Got a bit more to go yet. As it stands this girl is now only about 9 inches above ground after training and I've got 2m of headroom so they can fill the space and then I'll flip. I'll be quite happy to let them stretch up all they like with lovely long colas a plenty.
Hmm I know it would be cheeky but I can see these getting blasted with the 400 and the 600 come flower. The temptation is too great and I've got some spare cash if I need to upgrade my fan....being single I have found equals lots more disposable income lol
Hope you enjoy folks. Big up dinafem for a lovely plant to show off
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Sure did mate, i put two of three White Widows on the scales today which had a combined weight of 14oz, one plant had 220g, the other 168g.. Amazing really seed to those weights in 11is weeks!




I honestly cant believe how much weed these plants produce in such a short space of time..Dinafem dont advertise this much weight is possible from this strain, so the training works mate, my god it works well!

Id like to fill a tent in future with nothing but white widows, i love them, top plants!

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Excellent stuff mate. Really glad it worked for ya and I'm happy someone else has tested my methods on auto's and had good results. Yea I know what ya mean @@Dan1122 dinafem are selling themselves short on how much the plant can produce and that's not even in massive containers.

The white widow is a real pleasure. Easy to grow, train and keep healthy and also a fantastic smoke.

Its easy to see how auto's are addictive with strains like dinafems white widow

Top work Dan and top work dinafem. Another happy customer.

Just doing a quickie on my dinner break while I'm smoking my doob. Thought I'd take a quick group shot.

As you can see they are all looking happy and ya can see top left the plant I lst'd last night. She's starting to stand back up already so I'll readjust a few ties tonight.

IMG 20160226 4574

It's funny how when life was stressful the plants suffered and now they are as happy as me. Depression is a funny old mistress.
Peace out folks
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You have really inspired a lot of new growers to try our autos combined with your technique they are killing it with quality end product and weight. I honesty until 2-3 year ago thought auto,s were a fad and would not be around that long. Then I did our original amnesia auto and got just over 125g/10 weeks. Nothing like what you guys have been pulling in and this was no training, once I saw that i knew the team had cracked it. Now with your training tech the autoflowering revolution is here :)

Great job! and once they hit the 600w your going to have a great show :)

All the best


@@Dan1122 This is a great result :). Well done!

All the best and thank you for sharing yield :)


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Your methods do work mate very very well. I know something good when I see it. In my never ending quest to find different methods and growing techniques to improve as a grower I couldn't resist trying this. Thanks again for sharing this!! Keep up the good work mate!

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