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My dinafem discovery and subsequent delight


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Well you don't have to wait long mark. The girls are now nestled in there new grow room. The room is made up of what used to be the entrance to my bedroom that had fitted wardrobes all along.
I have now knocked the wall through from the second bedroom making one large one and I have partitioned off the entrance to the main bed and wardrobes. I have then removed the wardrobes to give me a growing space of 1.2x1.5 meters with a 40x40cm bit at the end where you walk in with full floor to ceiling grow height.
The door you see at the back of the room used to be the entrance to my bedroom and locks from the inside. For all intents and purposes for guests this is a box room that stays locked cos it's full of shit.
I access the room through a single remaining wardrobe door as you will see. If I need to get the plants out for whatever reason I can still unlock the door from the inside and get in that way.
All in all in pretty damn chuffed. I'm going round to my mates tonight to pick up a 600w light. At the minute I'm still having to heat the room so I might even cheekily try the 400 at the back of the room as more of a heater than anything and duct the warm air down. Temps are not an issue at the minute and it appears it's going to be a lovely environment.

I plan on 1 inch kingspannning the whole room for noise and also to help keep temps steady. Its is on a south facing wall and in summer it will be like a sauna without it in there. Come summer I may need to upgrade my fan which I plan on doing anyway.
Plants are all looking grand apart from one of the Aks which I've mentioned before. She's not bad but certainly not as perky as the others.
Hopefully the nice new environment will sort her out

This is looking at the grow room as a whole from the outside. Its the best I can get. You can see where I have taken the wall out on the right.

IMG 20160215 49148

Then you can see a glimpse of the kingdom of narnia

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And then through the wardrobe door.....

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IMG 20160215 16492

And nice big dedicated grow room and more stealth than my tent was just sat in the spare room.
And a bonus is my bedroom is now much bigger
Once these Aks are done I'm going to be going back to auto's and planting two seeds every 35 to 40 days and having two flowering and two vegging so I'm cropping just over every month.
I'm going to be going for bang for buck from these so I'm aiming for two BIG plants and two small ones aiming for 200g a plant plus under a 600
If I can harvest 400g every 35 days I'll be a happy camper particularly never growing more than 4 plants.
When you start to do the maths of what can be produced in the time with such low plant numbers it's a no brainer for me to continue with auto's.
Thanks for looking folks. I'll try and get some better photos in the coming days
Edited by blackpoolbouncer
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Guest b33lz33bub

I love a nosey at other people's grow rooms ! Yours looks great - you own little refuge from the rest of the world.

Just a comment on the Kingspan - its great for heat insulation but mostly crap for sound as it is so light. If you want to soundproof then go for rockwool as it's much denser, I used some special compressed rockwool acoustic sheets on my grow room doors.


Edited by b33lz33bub
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@@b33lz33bub thanks dude and cheers for the advice. The wall adjoining the bedroom is what I want to dampen sound wise so I'll give rock wool a go. Think I might even have a few rolls of foil lined stuff lying about so might have to utilise this. Only reason on kingspan was its ease to work with although the rock wool shouldn't be too much of a pita.

These compressed rock wool sheets sound intriguing

All the best

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@@b33lz33bub excellent stuff. Thanks for the link dude. Looks like just what I'm after and one pack should just about do all the walls I want them to pretty much. Might have to Bob down to wickes at the weekend.

Thought I'd better get a couple shots of the girls individually so you can see how they are getting on

All looking happy and over there abuse at the start. Temps have been 26.7 min and 29.2 max which is a little hot but has cheered them up a little. Obviously this is the first 24 hours in the new groom so it's going to take a few days for me to suss out what heaters I need on in which part of the caravan during each part of the day to keep everything nice and steady.

It appears controlling temps should be much easier now though and the increased space allows much better air movement.

All in all I'm very excited about this grow

Here's the three Aks

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And the two purple trainwrecks

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I know I said it yesterday but tonight the last PT is getting potted on
Feed wise the ladies have been on room temp water with 1ml pl of cal mag. May up this a touch.
I don't reckon I'm gonna need much grow with potting up. Perhaps a bit later on in veg
Thanks for looking. Think we're just about up to speed again in the diary and everything is not only back on track but on the up and new and improved
Thanks for looking
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Great job with the new grow room build it looks great and as said before a dedicated grow area is always a better option as it can be modified to your specific needs. Nice to see the cat make a appearance. I had to ban ours I kept losing seedlings lol then saw her one day chomping down. Since she is not allowed in :)

The plan sounds easily achieved from your past grows. 2 autos every 40 days with a 400g yield. I don't see this being a issue :)

I would at some point like to see what you can do with a faster flowering photoperiod strains like critical+ as she can be done in 45 days with a 35 day veg so 80 total bit then again your smashing it with the autos.

Great job and thank you for the picture update of the plants and new grow zone much appreciated.

All the best


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Thanks Mark it's world's apart from the little 80x80 tent. It feels good stood "in" the room with the potential it has.

Just knowing I can grow two plants as big as I like and have room for two little uns is great.

My dad has been suffering with sleepless nights caused by hip pain (he needs a replacement) sciatica and a back back. He's been taking a concoction of all sorts of pills which haven't been helping and also codeine for his stomach.

He's not been averse to the odd joint after we've been to the pub together and used to be into it back in the 70's so for the last week I've been giving him a prescription of half a strong joint before bed. First night he was dubious. He said he slept ok for the first time but wasn't sure it was that.

So second night comes along.....another good nights kip

So on and so forth. He's know had a week of good sleep after a month of sleepless nights and feeling knackered.

He wasn't keen on the taste of the blue kush. He said it tasted funny haha. He enjoyed the critical jack much more which isn't particularly good as a bedtime smoke imo.

All in all in very pleased. Although my dad knows I smoke 24/7 and is cool with that. Hes seen that it does not make me daft or dim and is no fool for the propaganda but he doesn't know know I grow.

The new room is doing grand. Since my update last night the min/max in the thermometer has been 26.3c and 27.9c respectively. Pretty damn good in my opinion considering I live in a non centrally heated, double glazed or insulated caravan and it was -3.9 here last night!! Winner

Plants are looking really happy and another pot up is on the cards any day for most of them.

As promised the little PT got potted up last night.

Onto 6.5 or 7's this week which won't take long to root out and then into the orange buckets for a couple of weeks. Should hopefully be flipping in about a month or a little longer.

Seeing as I got a decent haul on the last lot in not so worried about timings at the minute.

Thanks for looking

I'll try and get some pictures tonight

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I always love coming on the forums for stories such as these. I know your dad would be much better off with a little home grown compared to all the pharmaceutical drugs he is being forced to take. If the country would get its act together your dad along with many more could have cannabis in a safe way like canna caps or glycerin which I use daily in my coffee. This has got to be more healthy than the pharmaceutical garbage?

Temps sound bang on mate and with the Temps outdoors well done!

All the best


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All looking rosey in Bouncer's garden as per, nice yield on the last run dude, very nice indeed (and your old man not liking Blue Kush, 'taste's funny' lol That be proper ganja :yep: Love the new space too mate, just watch those monkeys in the trees you've got planned!

Edited by botanics
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@@Dinafem-Mark cheers mate. Its helping him no end for his sleep. I'm slowly introducing him to the idea that it could help alleviate many of his symptoms.....I'd like to get him on board eventually and have his blessing to grow which if he goes the route of subscribing to canna as a medicine he's going g to have to get used to.

Although I get good returns it's not enough to be making caps for him and others I also help. I can manage to give him a heavy joint every night but even that takes its toll on the old stash jars.

Perhaps once I get back onto auto's with a 2 plant every 35-40 days under a 600 cycle I'll be able to keep up production a bit better. This is why photos for me are not really as good.

Its all about the time in relation to yeild and I fully expect to be pulling circa 400g+ every 5 weeks with two auto's.

Certainly this would afford me the pleasure of being able to make him some proper medicine.

@@sy100276 thanks dude. There coming along nicely now. There well ready for a repot as they were ready mid last week but time has been well against me again. Glad ya like the new upgrade. I'm so happy with it

@@botanics haha cheers dude. Aye dad doesn't know what he's talking about. The last weed he bought was in the late 70's. I suppose any weed that doesn't taste hashy will seem unusual for him. And the blue kush certainly has an unusual taste to it.

@@Gerfish thanks dude

@@4plenty really glad you have found this useful mate. Your more than welcome and thanks for taking the time to read it.

Onto today's update. As I've just said it's been a crazy hectic week. The girls were really ready for a repot wed/Thurs last week. Hence forth I've had to give them a bit of feed for the last two waters. They got watered last night. 700ml each roughly of 1.5ml pl of cal mag and 2ml pl of grow.

There pretty healthy overall. The one AK that was sensitive to the cold still shows her damage from early on before the room move. All new growth on everything has been looking nice and healthy and they will love the repot tonight. They should have a hell of a root ball on them and there well developed so I may cuckoo em straight Into there final bnq buckets but only 3/4 filled with soil. After one or two watering something I'll fill the pot up to the top to make it 11 litres of compost.

The flip will come in I reckon 21 days roughly.

They all got topped the other night. Most at the 6th node and one or two at the 5th.

Once they have been in there new pots for 24-48 hours I'm going to get the garden wire out and tie them all down. The last day or two the side branches have started getting to a point where I can tuck the growing tip above the large fan leaves so I have been doing where appropriate.

I will endeavour to get some decent shots tonight when I pot the girls on. Just a couple of group shots for today.

IMG 20160222 12158

IMG 20160222 42471

The new groom has passed it's first test. I had a girl spend the night with me who doesn't know I grow. She was no more than a couple of foot away from it all night and never suspected or mentioned a thing. Result and a half and proves it's very stealth indeed.
I've shown my new room to quite a few friends and none of them even twig there's a secret 1.2x 1.5x 2m grow room there. The ones that know i grow even asked me what's happened to the plants!!
Controlling temps in this new room seems to be a doddle and with the extra volume of air in the room combined with how the air is drawn in makes for a very very stable environment indeed. Much much more so than the old tent.
Humidity is very low going diown as low as 10% rh. This doesn't bother me in the slightest and merely means the plants perspire more encouraging a faster wet dry cycle.

I nearly always grow in low humidity and downtown really consider this to be a problem as long as you understand how it effects your plants. Ie if your plants are drinking more water because much of it is being sweated out by the plants then bear in mind that if the plants drinking water 25% faster because of no other factors than humidity then this will partially have a knock on effect of making the plant see more food and as long as this is understood then it's all good.

For example. My plants getting watered ever 36 hours at 1.5ml pl of grow is kinda the equivalent of someone else watering 2ml pl of grow every 48 hours. The plant is still seeing the same amount of food in theory

Hope that makes sense. Its getting a bit technical I know but is something I've been pondering for a while

Thanks for looking folks

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The new grow room sound to be doing a great job and to have a lady friend that close with zero sign or notice this says quite a lot. I am very confident that when you get up to full speed with the 2-3 autos every 35-45 days this should give you enough and more importantly to help you old man :). I would look into alternative ways to consume the medication as combustion/smoking if for medical use is not the most efficient or effective. Certainly canna caps would help also maybe rso?

Things are looking great and thank you for the picture update very much appreciate.

All the best


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@@Dinafem-Mark yes mark, caps will potentially be the way to go for him eventually when I get him round to the idea.

Yea I'm pretty happy with its stealth capabilities. Only thing I need to sort out is the last few light leaks before the switch and also now I've moved my fan outside the caravan I need to something about the noise as when it's dead still at night and in the morning it's quite audible outside.

I repotted two of the girls last night into there final bnq buckets and watered them in with 2.5 litres each of water and 2ml pl of cal mag.

The other three or at least two will be potted on tonight.

Today's pictures show how I pot up.

I fill the bucket a couple inches with soil till its at the height I want. I put my plant in to see when it sits on this soil how high it will be.

When I'm happy with this I use an empty pot the same size as what I'm transplanting from and then fill the edges with soil.

This then means that you can just pop the plant straight in and its a good fit and uniform. This causes the plant an absolute minimum of stress.

I always build the edges up higher than the pot so that when I place the plant in there is plenty of extra compost there to then level the top off like so.

Then all there is left to do is water the plants in and voila. Stress free potting on. Even in the last twelve hours after pot up the plants are continuing to accelerate in growth and tonight lst will begin.

This again goes to show that if a repot is done right it shouldn't cause any stress.

People talking about the plant taking days to recover after a repot must be doing something wrong.

The two plants in today's update are two amnesia kush's.

One of them being nice and healthy and the other being the one that is the worst of the bunch. You can see on her the damage the cold took earlier on.

Still looking at the root ball on it it certainly looks to be recovering nicely lol

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Thanks for looking folks. More pictures to follow of the other three.
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