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My dinafem discovery and subsequent delight


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Wow! I'm gobsmacked :shock: @@blackpoolbouncer you make it look so easy :yahoo:

Really nice work!! I found your thread by chance searching for grows of Critical Jack. Came across your thread, then noticed the plants were Auto's. In normal circumstances I would've made a U turn but the page I started on was when you'd just cracked the Critical Jack, there was a lovely looking widow I think it was that you said was also an auto and I thought hang on here a minute! So I read from the 18 Aug 15 I think it was to the end of the Critical Jack grow a mere 11 weeks cycle and I was intrigued clearly all I thought about Auto's had just been shot down lol

The only downer for me would be finding something great and not being able to clone it, but I can't see another downside tbh your results are great and so are @@Dan1122 's.

Nice work on these @@Dinafem-Mark and really nice work on growing them @@blackpoolbouncer.

With these Auto's are you running your lights 12/12 or 18/6? I haven't read the whole thread yet and might have missed it so my bad if you've mentioned this already

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@@Peter Petrelli wow what kind words!!! Thank you so much. I'm glad you've liked them and they've changed your mind about auto's.

Your dead right in that not being able to preserve the genetics being the only downside really.

Although saying that I'd probably want to keep at least half of what I've grown so far.

Half of them are keepers and the other half are nearly always still spot on. I've only grown one auto that I thought was shite.

It keeps lots of variety in the jars and means I get to try lots of different strains even though I'm confined to a tiny tent.

I've got 5 different types to choose from and all are fantastic smokes imo and they all have there time and place which had kept me happy for now.

I'm running the light 24/0 from start to finish bud. They are photosynthesising from the second there first leaves open till the minute they get chopped.

Soon it's going to be time for some real variety as I plan on possibly having 4-6 big plants on the go perpetually in a space I'll be able to make anything from 0.5mx1.9m all the way up to 2mx2m foorprint if need be and I'll be lighting it with a 600 and maybe extra lights temps depending. Poss my 400 or maybe a couple of 70w hps lights I have lying around. I've got tons of industrial hps units and my mate has a rake of 600s so I have lots of options.

The plan is to have it set up at 1m x 1.9 with the 600 2/3rds of the way down covering the biggest flowering plants and the other supplementary lighting up the other end for the little vegging plants. Running perpetually.

Depending on how much I pull off these current auto's may dictate whether I do it for the Aks and let em veg a bit longer or whether I leave em in the dr80 and get em done quick so I can get back on track with auto's.

It would be nice if I can hold on for these 5 to root out some orange buckets lol then we should have a show. Otherwise it's gonna be in 6.5s or similar.

Well I've had/am having a busy weekend so not much time for trimming. Both the Bk1 and ice cool are ready so I'm hoping I'll get chance tomorrow to get the Bk1 down.

I'm off round to @Elwins gaff tonight so I'll grab a shot of old bk3. She should be fattening up nicely now

Peace out folks

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This will be a epic grow once you upscale a little. Until now you have been blowing us away with your grow abilities and that was under just a 400w hps :). It will surely be a great show :)

So glad the uk420 community wanted this thread pinning as it is getting ready to explode :)

All the best


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Hi Blackpoolbouncer.

I'm well impressed with your grows.....I'm an auto fan too and am about to start a dinafem grow due to your white widow auto diary(only really done sweet seeds) , was wondering if / when you defoliate your autos that you train low?


I am the walrus

Edited by I am the walrus
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I'd just like to start today's update with an apology for my absence. As you may have guessed from previous posts I've had a lot of stuff to sort out and growing had unfortunately taken a back seat again and the plants have been slightly neglected.

All the big girls are down now and the last bits are drying. As you will see in today's update that the little Aks have had a bit of a hard start. Due to the way in which I dry I've had to keep the grow room temps down so I've been hovering the pot level temps of the seedlings at 20c. This is so I can keep the ambient temps in the room I'm drying in below 18 c which at the moment is more important but one of the little Aks obviously is sensitive to cold.

I've been sampling the bk 2 this weekend and my God I remember why I thought she was the best auto I've done last time I ran blue kush. What a smoke!! Very tasty but it's not one for when you've got to do stuff. I call it debilitating and my mate said it's "make you stupid weed that makes you zone out and forget what your doing" haha he said he had a joint and went to make a brew and he had to flick the kettle 6 times cos he kept forgetting about it!!

Excellent stuff. Two other mates reckon it's like nothing they've had before......the smell is insane and I'd agree with its like nothing I've ever had.

Final weigh in should be in the next few days but it's looking like it's gonna be pretty decent. I left the lower buds of the bks a few days after I chopped the tops off to ripen up and it definitely seems to have helped fatten then up. This is something I wouldn't usually do as there is no need but it has also helped with me time wise because I've been so busy.

The little Aks should have been potted up ages ago and it was starting to show. You can see how unhappy they looked yesterday before I potted them on. Still in 0.5l starters and dying for a drink

IMG 20160207 13387

IMG 20160208 5244

Enough was enough and I felt I couldn't leave them any longer so I made the time yesterday to pot them on.

IMG 20160208 44216

looking much happier
here's some individual shots. Two don't look so bad apart from showing the first signs of hunger which I'm not concerned about in the slightest. There in a nice nutrient rich home now and should be a bit more plain sailing for them from now on touch wood.
the other girl with the nasty bits on her first set of leaves is the girl that is sensitive to the cold. Temps got down to 18 c one night and you can see how it's affected her. I guess this is the joy of photos because I certainly would have been binning them if they were auto's that were treated this way. However it's no biggie and has just put the schedule back a week. There's one thing. With the root mass these have got it shouldn't take long for them to get going in there new pots and they should explode now.
one thing keeping them in the small pots hhas done is create a really short internodal spacing and kept the plants short. I'm still umming and ahhing what to do with these girls training wise.

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IMG 20160208 28567

The purple trainwrecks are coming along in the back nicely

IMG 20160207 1729

And lastly the bouncers suprise has decided to auto and is chucking out a load of measly flower sites......bummer. Might plant her outside for the crack in a sheltered place and see how she gets on.
And finally a couple of shots of the ice cool and Bk1 harvest.
Sorry there's only a couple of shots of some of the bigger buds but my phone battery was low

IMG 20160207 32545

IMG 20160207 57883

IMG 20160207 15908

Ice cool

IMG 20160207 18638

Well were just about all caught up and hopefully back on track. I'm not flowering these girls till they are ready which may be some orange buckets :oldtoker:
peace out folks. Its nice to be back
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Hi Blackpoolbouncer.

I'm well impressed with your grows.....I'm an auto fan too and am about to start a dinafem grow due to your white widow auto diary(only really done sweet seeds) , was wondering if / when you defoliate your autos that you train low?


I am the walrus

Hey dude. Glad ya like the show. You will not be disappointed with the white widow. I don't defoliate at all as a rule.

I only ever remove dead leaves that the plant is ready to give up because it's finished with them. A healthy leaf is like a solar panel making food to grow big buds. The calyxs might get more light but it's the leaves that grow the calyxs.

I find tucking a leaf out of the way much more suitable because chances are you can tuck it away so it let's light where you want it but that leaf is still picking up some of the light and still working. It can't work if it's not there.

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Tidy stuff bouncer... :stoned:

Thanks hazy mate for the kind words. If I'm honest my growing game has been a bit of a shambles the last month or so but I'm aiming to refocus now my personal life is settling down again.

I've got myself a big stick to beat all these women off that have heard I'm single so I can get a bit of time in the groom now lol

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Well today I'm happy to report the girls are looking grand. They have got used to there new pots and are thriving. They have perked up no end and are thanking me for it.

Order is restored.

IMG 20160209 2650

Right. Time to make this grow a good one.

Previously I've mentioned expanding. I've been giving this a lot of thought and I'm going to go for something completely different but it's going to be a lot of work. It means me turning my two bed caravan into a 1 bed caravan with a secret (ish but very stealth) large walk in wardrobe that will probably have at least a 600 in there. Should be a good size space and will leave me with more room in the caravan in general.

I'll update with some build pics when I get started in the next week or two.

Ahh. Its good to be back on top of things

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Get in there bouncer dude, growroom building is great fun :D.

Girls look happy now they're not in straight jackets too mate lol

Good work as always bud :yep:

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Nice to see you back mate and the ak are certainly going to appreciate the potting up. The bk look to have produced some nice end product :). Will be very cool to see a total growroom built :). You have tons of help on here if needed :)

Thank you for the picture update very much appreciated.

All the best


Edited by Dinafem-Mark
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Welcome back mate. Your posts are a welcome sight.

Looking like a tidy result,sounds like you have some fine buddage. Good luck with the building project.

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@@botanics cheers dude. It certainly is. Ripping down internal walls is something the ex would have put her foot down at so I'm enjoying it.

@@Dinafem-Mark yes they certainly have appreciated getting out of there straight jackets as you will see in today's photos. Building has commenced. My updates are gonna be every few days at the minute because I'm busy busy with building etc. Whatever free time is going towards getting this grow room built.

@@sy100276 thank you for the warm reception back mate. Its good to be back.

As I have said. Building work has commenced. Its gonna be pretty hard for me to show photos and explain what I'm doing so I'll leave them for now.

If I get on my phone I'll try an do a plan to show you. I'm very excited about this and I'm hoping to have most of it in by then end of the weekend so after this post I'm off to rip out a fitted wardrobe and build a new wall and then rip out an internal wall so I can get into my bedroom again where I've blocked off the doorway.

All will be revealed but it should be a good space for a 600 maybe a little more with room for me to get in and manouvre.

Onto the plants. Well I'm happy to report they are all looking smashing at the moment. I took these photos about 10 hours ago.

First up the 3 AKS

IMG 20160213 42728

And then my two purple trainwrecks

IMG 20160213 50660

The little PT is getting potted on today.
There's just that one AK that seems to be very sensitive. She's the one that the cold affected. She seems very quick to droop her leaves compared to the others.
All the bud is dry now and jarred up and I'm shocked by the amount to be honest. I'm a bit disappointed because there's about 50g of airier stuff but this was to be expected dude to the style of grow.
The Bk1 came in at 153g
The Bk2 came in at 139g
And the ice cool came in at 112g
To be honest this suprised me a little although the tent did end up nearly full even with 3 plants. I left the lower buds an extra few days to a week and I think this definitely helped gain a few extra g's but again this is something I wouldn't usually do. With my usual training methods there is no need for this.
All in all I'm pretty happy with the return all things considered a day it means I've got enough to keep me going for a little while so I can afford to leave these Aks to veg a while yet.
Thanks for looking folks. I'm off to do some damage with a saber saw
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I would not be disappointed with that yield mate this was with the 400w hps? I think a g/watt+ is a great achievement and something that many growers strive to achieve :) Nice job and as said a hand built grow area is going to be a great space for you and Imo much better than a tent :) if you can build a dedicated grow space this would always be option 1 :)

Will look forward to a new grow room tour once you have everything sorted.

Nice to have you back around mate :)

Thank you for the picture update very much appreciated.

All the best


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