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My dinafem discovery and subsequent delight


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Evening bouncer looking at that Last pic have you topped it then tied the two branches together going upwards. If so cracking idea pal.


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@@hydro4pot Yes mate I did. I topped her quite late. This little girl has been vegging 75 days now.

She spent the first 70 days in a 0.5 litre pot to keep her small in the shade under my canopy. When I topped her, her first branches had already grown quite tall and spread and I wanted them to get back to the middle so they could grow out and twisting them so they grew together seemed logical.

I topped these two side branches at the first node and again at the resulting first nodes which left me with 8 shoots. That was until a random shoot decided to grow out of where I'd topped.

So I'm left with a 9 branch "mainlined" who knows what of a plant. I like her. She's nice to train anyways.

I don't think I've seen anyone twist branches together like so but I think it's given me a nice "umbrella" type shape which is what I wanted.

I need to keep this girls height in check.

Obviously she's had a two and a half month head start on the other girls and I'd like them all growing at roughly the same height when I flip them and when you bare in mind that I've got another 5 or 6 weeks veg perhaps that leaves this girl with the prospect of getting too big too quick for me.

Seeing as how my Mrs has fooked off on me I think now might be a good time to get myself a proper second veg tent and a t5.

I'm finding it very hard at the moment to resist the urge to get two or three of those 600w lights my buddy has and have the room the tent is in as a walk in groom with some trees inside

Perhaps soon.

I know I'm rambling but it's my diary and I'm some ways a journal. Not an intimate one but the closest thing to one I keep so I'm gonna carry on waffling.

I keep toying with the idea of letting myself have a break but a 400w light and a dr80 doesn't let me do this even if I hit a gpw

So I think about a bigger tent but with space being a premium and the room only being small I couldn't get much bigger in.

A dr120 would fit but isn't big enough for me to get in and is too big for me to take the plants out.

A 1x1 tent would do. But I'm not gaining loads. So no

Therefore the only logical solution is to either use the whole room or board off the back half with a separate small veg area.

Upgrade to a 600w light +400w or potentially a pair of 600s

Give myself a bit of space.

I'm a grower that craves it and my methods are conductive to growing big plants.

I can't be doing with buggering about with small plants crammed together. This grow for me has not been so enjoyable

I like trees.

I'll have a proper think about it and report back. Do some measurements and calculations.

I've been very careful to keep the numbers way down. Just in case.

But now there is just me living here there is far less security risk and more freedom so it may well be time to expand slightly

E2a. Every cloud

Edited by blackpoolbouncer
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Bouncer mate, you keep rambling as much as you want bud as there's always some good information in what you write :yep:

Sorry to hear of your missus issues too man, hope you're on the up soon mate too, knows your position and it's like the world goes upside down if not expected :yinyang:

Sending vibes dude and get yourself on that prize gear you've got in here :smokin:

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I may have missed the answer to this in previous posts. Is this a feminised seed that you made yourself?, or just a reg that's been seed?

Thank you for the picture update very much appreciated and keep up the great work.

All the best


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@@hydro4pot Yes mate I did. I topped her quite late. This little girl has been vegging 75 days now.

She spent the first 70 days in a 0.5 litre pot to keep her small in the shade under my canopy. When I topped her, her first branches had already grown quite tall and spread and I wanted them to get back to the middle so they could grow out and twisting them so they grew together seemed logical.

I topped these two side branches at the first node and again at the resulting first nodes which left me with 8 shoots. That was until a random shoot decided to grow out of where I'd topped.

So I'm left with a 9 branch "mainlined" who knows what of a plant. I like her. She's nice to train anyways.

I don't think I've seen anyone twist branches together like so but I think it's given me a nice "umbrella" type shape which is what I wanted.

I need to keep this girls height in check.

Obviously she's had a two and a half month head start on the other girls and I'd like them all growing at roughly the same height when I flip them and when you bare in mind that I've got another 5 or 6 weeks veg perhaps that leaves this girl with the prospect of getting too big too quick for me.

Seeing as how my Mrs has fooked off on me I think now might be a good time to get myself a proper second veg tent and a t5.

I'm finding it very hard at the moment to resist the urge to get two or three of those 600w lights my buddy has and have the room the tent is in as a walk in groom with some trees inside

Perhaps soon.

I know I'm rambling but it's my diary and I'm some ways a journal. Not an intimate one but the closest thing to one I keep so I'm gonna carry on waffling.

I keep toying with the idea of letting myself have a break but a 400w light and a dr80 doesn't let me do this even if I hit a gpw

So I think about a bigger tent but with space being a premium and the room only being small I couldn't get much bigger in.

A dr120 would fit but isn't big enough for me to get in and is too big for me to take the plants out.

A 1x1 tent would do. But I'm not gaining loads. So no

Therefore the only logical solution is to either use the whole room or board off the back half with a separate small veg area.

Upgrade to a 600w light +400w or potentially a pair of 600s

Give myself a bit of space.

I'm a grower that craves it and my methods are conductive to growing big plants.

I can't be doing with buggering about with small plants crammed together. This grow for me has not been so enjoyable

I like trees.

I'll have a proper think about it and report back. Do some measurements and calculations.

I've been very careful to keep the numbers way down. Just in case.

But now there is just me living here there is far less security risk and more freedom so it may well be time to expand slightly

E2a. Every cloud

Have you looked into the roofqube type of tents. We tested the rq120 which is basically a 1.2ml bottom with the top shaped more sloped? I think the sides are 1.4m then angle up to 1.8m. If you have the time, equipment etc. I have always found that a custom built room will always work better as you can customise it to your specific specs etc :)

A @@blackpoolbouncer grow room build I'm sure will attract a lot of members and don't worry about the rant mate. That's why we stickied the thread as @@botanics has said always some great info.

Keep us posted mate.

All the best


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Heres a white widow from a couple days ago at around 58days.. i think shes gonna yield very well. Some of the buds are turning into fists of buds! lovely!


ill stick a blue kush pic in soon.. all the best

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wow i didnt the pic would come out that big lol

that plant lost her main head and a sidebranch through over aggressive training but she seems to be doing ok

Edited by Dan1122
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And while im on a roll here's the blue kush at day 58.. Super frosty!


thanks again mate for tips and tricks! i ended up with 8 plants to fill the tent in the end, the tent is now bursting with buds lol

Edited by Dan1122
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@@Dan1122 you have 2 beautiful looking plants mate. The buds on the white widow look huge and the blue kush has a very nice crystal coverage :)

Nice job and great pictures :)

All the best


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Thanks mark they have been a pleasure to grow. I underestimated autos but after growing these I can see they definitely have their place.

gonna try some dinafem autos outside this year too, should be fun!

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@@botanics thanks dude. It was half expected to be honest and id be lying if I said that im not happy its happened, however theres always going to be sadness when a relationship of 6 and a half years comes to an end

I feel like its my time to be me again, something which for the last few years I have not been.

Life has changed around me with the passing of time and I find myself looking forward to doing more of the things i enjoy to do without having to worry about someone else.

Time to be selfish. I am a man of many many hobbies which have nearly all been put to one side due to a busy lifestyle brought on by having the mrs.

No missus = Time

A commodity that i had very little of before.

It also equals freedom. Not that my mrs ever directly stopped me doing anything but subconsciously there's a lot I dont do because im thinking of her and how it affects her. not anymore.

@@Dinafem-Mark bouncers suprise is a partly unknown seed that come from the offspring of two outdoors regs/semi regs I grew this year

The parents she came from have semi-auto genetics in them which express either more or less auto traits, pheno dependant. Some are full photo some are semi auto.

the males tend to auto real early.

Although the mother and father should be leaning less towards the auto side(neither autod early) the genes are still there.

I know this is a female because she has chucked out female preflowers, something ive been keeping an eye on.

After all this time shes now deciding I think to auto on me under 24/0.

A few preflowers i didnt mind but its appearing that the growing tips are now chucking out a load of white pistils so i think shes deciding to flower properly now.

Something that will not be conductive to the grow so Ill give her another day or two and then Ill probably bin her unfortunately if she carries on this way.

Not a complete loss but I was ideally hoping that this girl was going to be full photo so i could keep a mum if she was any good and save myself a load of seed work this year and put out a load of cutting for the outdoor exploits.

Also Mark, thanks for recommending the roofqube tents. The shape and dimensions might just be spot on, either a 1.2 or potentially a 1.5. When i get home im getting the tape measure out.

The only thing putting me off building a new grow space rather than a tent is the fact it would not be collapsible and couldn't be hidden if needed.

Its some food for thought anyway.

@@Dan1122 They look absolutely super. The white widow looks like shes been a dream to grow (she was for me) and has turned out super nice, as has the bk with lovely frosting.

I think dinafems white widow is one of the best autos out there to grow, for ease of growth, yeild and quality she has all the boxes ticked.

Im really impressed dude and im glad following my methods have had really good results for you.

Its nice to hear that auto have suprised you, I cant see how they wouldn't impress when you've grown plants as nice as that, I bet your well chuffed. Top work dude, respect.

I like you dan will be giving some of dinafems autos a go outdoors this year and I hear folks have good results with the WW which suits me. A 5 or 10 pack of these will be going in a prime plot this year but one thats not conducive to tall plants, perfect.

Right, well its clocking off time for me today so im going to head home, roll a big fat spliff. Fire the decks up nice and loud and do some pondering on a tent upgrade.

Ive already got a 5" hi power fan which with a 150/600 carbon filter which should nicely keep up with a 600 in a 1.2 for now particularly this time of year.

There may even be space for a 1.2m tent and my dr80 which would be splendid.

Ill report back what i reckon.........dangerous times when ive just been paid today so with some disposable cash and no reason not to spend it I might treat myself

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Thanks for the information about your strains :) let's hope it is just a few pre-flowers and not fully flowering.

The roofqube is a great tent mate. You meow how most tent go together with the poles. Well the roofqube you can only erect it one way with the right poles in the right place. The poles are huge to so very sturdy and can hold a 6 in filter and 6 in air-cooled hood with no problem.

I think they were designed for lofts?, due to the sloped roofs :)

All the best


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Wow bb life can be a bitch. I cant give you any grow tips.

When partners leave i have heard that tinder is handy.

Personally, i find airpots can be sexy, two fat white widows, a 15 litre on each side

You have saved the nation with your beautiful auto technique.

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@@Dinafem-Mark your welcome mate. I've been pondering all day and I've come up with a solution. More on that tomorrow but I think I've sussed a VERY versatile way of building a grow area. And it will fold flat. Jolly good indeedy and a good upgrade space wise......for some big auto's see.

And bouncers suprise. Well. I'm holding very little hope. Those little branches are starting to get the signs of fluffy tops forming so I'm 90% sure she will get binned.

@@autodog brilliant mate haha. Welcome aboard. Good advice you have given, it is something I have only heard of but what I have heard of it sounds good lol

lol I don't know if I've saved the nation. That is a bit beyond me but hopefully I've helped some folks grow some copius amounts of ganja. That will do for me. If one person is suffering a bit less because this diary has helped them grow enough medicine to sustain themselves then this has all been worth it.

More on the grow space to come.....

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