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My dinafem discovery and subsequent delight


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Absolutely splendid mate, those buds look huge. Very tasty.

I for one have enjoyed your exploits,and I am sure you will do just as well with the new batch.

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How have I just found this?! Haha lovely plants @@blackpoolbouncer mate :v: If only I had the height I'd probably just copy all your efforts lol.

Looking great, hope you enjoy your smoke buddy, and by the looks of things it will be enjoyed for weeks to come :yep:

:v: Dweeeb

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Beautiful looking ladies mate and nice to hear the mojo is back. I must say the way you train does give the best results I have seen and if it ain't broke don't fix it :)

Happy trimming with the BK's mate then onto the ak grow :)

Great job and we'll done

All the best


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Back on the up, that's the way dude :yep: Girls are looking fantastic man, solid work to get buds like these, enjoy the sticky worm bud :D Happy times!

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@@hashbrown your welcome anytime. Kettles always on.

@@sy100276 thank you very much good sir. I'm glad you've enjoyed it. They sure have swelled in the last few days.

@@Dinafem-Mark my hat is tipped, thank you. Such a statement is very reassuring and is motivation enough to keep on keeping on. Dinafem make the job easy with there super genetics. Frankly they stand out imo.
After these Aks are done I will be going back to a 2 plant perpetual growing a big ass plant every 5 or 6 weeks.
Happy trimming it has been mate :thumbs:

@@botanics on the up my growing side certainly is and has been a welcome distraction and something to keep me occupied, tonight I have had a grin on my face all night...you will see why.
The bk 2 has really impressed me and even more so upon taking the scissors to her. I'm super happy with how her buds have turned out, I don't think the photos really do her justice one bit.

....and as for the sticky worm, that's just wriggling its way into a skin as we speak, that sneaky thing.

The bk 2 is gonna go a bit longer yet. Probably till the weekend or early next week so she got fed 2ml pl of bloom and nothing else. She's on rations now and will perhaps get one more feed like this then plain water depending on how she looks on Wednesday.

I thought it would be rude not to grab one or two shot of some of the buds as I was trimming.


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Peace out folks
Edited by blackpoolbouncer
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Thank you for the pre harvest shots mate. I must say they look very easy to trim up?. Was this the case with bk1?

She looks to have filled in very well with a nice layer of sticky crystals :)

Nice job and thank you for the picture update very much appreciated.

All the best


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@@Dinafem-Mark the bk 1 is still going for a few more days yet.

Yes your right. Overall she wasn't bad to trim at all. I'd probably give it an 8/10 for ease of trimming, good solid nugs and has rewarded me with what I think will be a very good yeild.

Like I said mark. The pictures don't do her justice. This really is top quality cannabis in appearance and growth. Dinafem have done a super job with the blue kush.....I'm starting to remember why she's one of my favourites

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Them buds look spot on bouncer :eat: Agree with you about Blue Kush, she'll be in my room for a while I reckon, lovely smoke, buzz and flavours, it's really nice Cannabis and a treat from Dinafem::yep: (It's soo tasty though, can't see it lasting long lol)

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Good job mate those buds look very nice indeed. Another great grow under your belt! It's always good at harvest time eh! Watching the plants grow day by day, wondering how they'll turn out, then boom, the plants are ready to chop before your eyes!

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@@Dinafem-Mark yes it's the bk 2 that got the chop. She was nice to trim.......a lot more so than her sister looks like she is gonna be.

@@botanics thanks dude. I'm really happy with how she has turned out. I'm glad ya like her mate. I knew you would.

@@Dan1122 it certainly is. I hate trimming but I just keep reminding myself that every oz I trim is technically 200 odd quid I don't have to pay someone else for the pleasure of doing so I don't mind........not that I've had to pay for any since my first harvest anyway lol. Its the only bit I don't like about growing but the bk 2 was almost a treat.

Hope yours are filling out nicely mate.

Just a quickie this dinnertime while I have my spliff, the big ladies are both just on plain water from now on. The ice cool looks like she will come down at the weekend perhaps and I'm hoping I can stretch the bk 1 out till early next week so I don't have to bugger about making an extra drying area.

So today a little update on the Amnesia kush ladies.

The three that have survived are all booming along now nicely. Looking the picture of health.

Also today we have my hack.....I think I'll name this one bouncers suprise as I have no idea what to expect. She's chucking out a few more pistils than I'd like so I'll be keeping an eye on her. She may still go into flower yet and had been put off so far by my trimming and training. I'm hoping she's just kicking out lots of preflowers as she's well past maturity.

Another odd thing about this girl is that she's nearly completely made up of three bladed leaves so I don't really now what to expect from her.

I think she must be photo dominant but still carrying a bit of auto in her. Her parent stock can chuck out photos/semi/auto's so it's been a gamble that this would be photo. The good thing is she is definitely not a male. That's for sure.

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Peace out folks and thanks for stopping by

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Loving the work on the bottom two pics, i think that's the basis for another great plant right there! Can't wait to see how these turn out!

Yeah mine are doing great mate, I'll drop you in a pic at some point..

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Bouncer's surprise lol it has a ring to it :)

The 3 ak look good mate. I would say another 7 days then into bigger pots?

Thank you for the picture update very much appreciated.

All the best


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Thanks for this diary @@blackpoolbouncer. Impressive stuff man.

I've just sowed a White Widow XXL and have a little Blue Amnesia XXL seedling in my wardrobe, I'll be following your methods dude.

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@@Dan1122 thank you mate. Was at her again last night supercropping her. Glad to hear yours are romping along nicely. I'll look forward to a photo.

@@Dinafem-Mark cheers mate. Yes probably although there taking off now there getting established so maybe a day or two sooner.

I can't think of anything else to call her for the time being. We will see how she turns out but. I'm hoping she carries some of her mothers smells and colours as she was beautiful. Dark purple almost black leaves with a super citrus cleaner smell .

@@Captain Bonglington really glad youve enjoyed it chap. Its been quite the journey!! Blue amnesia xxl. Now that's one for the grow list for sure. I know your gonna enjoy the ww. The non xxl version was faultless in every way.

Any q's mate don't hesitate to ask.

Just a quick couple of shots while I'm on my lunch that I took last night.

I went round and supercropped bouncers suprise.

You know I mentioned yesterday that there was a lot of three bladed leaves.

Well I've been having a good look and it appears there ALL three bladed with the exception of 2 leaves that have 4 blades.

Very very odd indeed

She may go all to fuck soon. I think there could be a bit more auto than I first thought in her. Any case I'm not relying on her so no biggie if she does go to fuck.

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Thanks for stopping by
Peace out folks
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