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My dinafem discovery and subsequent delight


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@@JAPE thank you so much good sir. I'm really glad you've enjoyed reading it and decided to give auto's a go.

@@Dinafem-Mark your welcome as usual and thanks for popping by. I will keep a look out. Bk1 may blue a bit so we shall see.

Onto what should have been last night's update.

I only managed to get a few shots of the bk 2 in all her glory.

I reckon she is gonna be the first to finish with perhaps a week to ten days left. She got fed 5ml pl of oldtimers bloom and 1.5 ml pl of cal mag. Her sister got the same. The ice cool got 3.5 ml pl bloom and 2 ml pl cal mag.

Struggling to keep ideal temps with this bloody cold weather but we're managing....just. pot level got down to 18 degrees last night. Which considering I live in a caravan and my gas froze up last night so I was relying purely on electric heaters wasn't too bad.....-4 here last night.....chilly in a caravan I tell ya.

Bk2. I've said it before but if this girl was a photo I'd be keeping her.

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And finally we have some new arrivals to the party.
I popped 5 Amnesia Kush beans into water overnight the other day. When I potted up the following day all 5 had cracked but strangely one seemed to have exploded somewhat and 90% shed it's shell. All five went into compo with little hope for the 5th seed. Sure enough she popped up but she had damaged herself beyond repair.
The other 4 have all surfaced but ones just making its mind up which way it wants to grow lol

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Pip pip. Were off......on what for me will seem like a long journey....plan is to get em rooted out in 7.5l as quick as and top em mainline stylee into probably 8 tops and then get em flipped. Might just pop another bean or two as I have a couple of purple trainwreck seeds I fancy a go at.
Probably not...to be honest I'm itching to get back to auto's. Can't be doing with the prospect of restricting my tent to a veg or a flowering cycle as I like to be harvesting perpetually really.
I'm looking forward to getting back to growing 2 plants perpetually harvesting every 5 or 6 weeks....feels like forever till these girls are gonna be coming down.
Peace out folks
Edited by blackpoolbouncer
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They are packing the weight on over this last week or so. How many weeks do the bk have left do you think, 2 weeks?.

Nice too see 100% germination but never nice to lose one, this is nature so it does happen. The 4 ak look great and healthy :)

This will be totally different from what we are used to seeing from you with the photo strains :)

Should be a good show :)

Temps up Midlands are cold mate. Got heating on fullwack and can't get the house above 65o that with 50 quid a week in the gas.

Now it's just me and the wife I think I'll downsize the house :)

Nice update and thank you for the picture update very much appreciated.

All the best


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@@blackpoolbouncer not been in for a while. The bk look to be stonkers,very nice. Good luck with the ak.

Spent a season at blackpool in a caravan,boy do they shake when the wind gets up. Your a braver man than me.

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Thanks sy. Aye the hostile weather isn't kind to my plants in a caravan but I manage it as best I can at this time of year.

Same to you mate. The AK has got my mouth watering. I popped a couple of purple trainwreck seeds in as well which are some old freebies. I've also got an outdoor hack of my own I'm giving a test on the go at the minute so I may flower all 6 or choose the best of the lot.

Time will tell. Depends a bit on what I pull in from this harvest. I may be wanting to get things moving in which case I'll probably flower the lot and just top em once and get em rooted in 6.5s or similar asap.

Big girls got 4ml pl bloom. 1ml pl cal mag

Ice cool got 3.5ml pl bloom 1.5ml pl calmag

No pictures tonight I'm afraid as time was against me.

Pictures on wednesdsy/Thursday when I water next.

@@Dinafem-Mark I think the bk 1 has got 10 to 14 days left and the bk 2 maybe a week to ten days now. I may bring her down Sunday if she's ready but I think I'll stretch em out a tad if they need it

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Reckon you're bang on with your harvest timings from the look of those buds mate and sweet they look indeed ;) I took my girls right at the beginning of the window but would have pushed them a bit longer if I had had the patience lol

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@@botanics yes dude. Don't think we will be far wrong.
The bk 2 is ready to chop now to be honest. The pistils are changing fast and its just packing it's last bit of swell on.
Bk 1 is gonna go till next weekend probably. Although the pictures don't show it well today because my battery was dying and I didn't have flash, this girl is packing some serious weight on.
I don't think I'll be disappointed with the yeild off either bk.
Even the ice cool is packing some weight on. This girl got badly affected by the chilly roots as you can see a bit perhaps where it's locked mostly cal out but other stuff too. This is also exacerbated by the hot canopy. Not a good combo for cal defs.
Anyways. Fucked looking leaves are the last thing on my mind now. The buds are my concern.
The ice cool got 3.5ml pl and the bk 2 just got 2ml pl of bloom. Next feed will be water and then the chop on probably sunday/Monday.

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Remember that extra random seed? Well here she is
Mainlined in a fancy way lol

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I've been keeping this girl lurking in the shadows of my tent for the last two months in her little 0.5l starter trying to suppress her a bit. Seems to have worked what with it being 9 weeks old lol.
This girl is just a tester of one of my outdoor hacks this year and is as much about me seeing what's what with it. At least I'll get an idea before I go chucking 100 beans out which could potentially be shit
Again. Sorry for the dire photos tonight. I'll get some proper ones before harvest
Edited by blackpoolbouncer
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A little better photos tonight.

You can see the devastation those chilly nights with no heater have brought with the Bk1 suffering the worst. It locked cal out pretty bad and a host of other stuff. Cal has been hit the worst and has caused the most damage to her. She's had enough of being so close to the lamp with warm air blowing over her and its taken its toll particularly not helped by those few chilly days for them

The good news is that although she is now looking pretty fucked she isn't half packing weight on and her buds are really surprising me now they are ripening. Almost remind me a touch of Dr grinspoon a bit with sporadic nobbly buds.

She may look a bit fucked but she's packed the weight right on and she is a high resin producer. I think this girl might turn out to be the girl folks may overlook as being the lesser of the two girls but my mind is changing. Her smell is soooooo strong

I got a bit sticky last night taking a few old leaves that had expired out and my arm smelt like it had been dipped in pine disinfectant with fuelly overtones.......pure fire she will be mark my words!!!!






Onto the bk 2
She is beautiful and has been a dream to grow. She has put up with my neglect better than her sister. Her buds are stunning and very dense and tightly packed, very different to her sister. Her smell is more citrus and sweet with a distinct candied blueberry smell mixed with an acrid chemically smell. Bag appeal 10 but I bet her sister will be the connoisseurs choice.
Still. I can't knock her in any way.




And a couple of group shots. Take away those nasty leaves and there's a nice tent full of lovely buds.

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I'd like to take this moment to apologise to mark and the team for letting my game slip a bit on this grow. Although I'll probably not end up far of a gpw I've not given these girls my fullest attention for the last month. A few members may have noticed I've been a bit missing lately and not on form and truth be told I've been having some issues in my personal life that has meant the grow has taken a back seat and been run at a bare minimum along with me stupidly not getting calmag early on has led to me not really doing these girls justice.

I know there's a lot of people on here that have come to expect a lot from me and truth be told I'm human and prone to the error that is life so forgive me for not putting out a perfect grow for all you guys out there in the Internets.

A fresh start with these and time for something completely different lol

Youl notice there's a couple of purple trainwrecks that have joined the party.

Amnesia Kush and Purple Trainwreck. Can't wait......but I'm gonna have to lol

Also in shot is my outdoor hack wild super 07 x (hasphplant2) or (Polish demon) open pollination you see. She's on a crucifix at the minute but that will be swapped when I get my act together tomorrow and go get some garden wire

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All the best folks of uk420
I'm home alone tonight so I intend on seeing how much critical jack and white widow i can smoke lol
Treat myself tonight. Crack open the "special jars"
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I feel a bit better now.

I've spent zero time on plant maintenance for the last two weeks just getting them out to feed and quickly back in.

Its been good tonight just watering the Bk1.

Stuck a wicked house set on, a real belter, sat down with her and a pre rolled and cleared my head of everything and gave her some love.

I've just had her out of the tent for about 45 minutes. I've been round and removed any nasty bits that are no longer serving the plant any purpose, given her a general tidy up and spent a while sorting the branches out and retain tying them up etc.

Them I mixed up some nutes (4ml pl bloom no cal mag) and sat and had another spliff while she had a nice drink.

She doesn't look too shabby at all now really so pics will come tomorrow as my battery was low when I watered her.

Peace out folks and goodnight.

Was a bit pissed off with myself earlier but I'm a bit more chilled now and happy about the bk1

Probably cos I'm high as a mother funker

Night all

Edited by blackpoolbouncer
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Looking very nice mate. No need to say sorry mate we all need a break from time to time :).

Well we do know the random seed was not a auto lol

Thank you for the picture update mate very much appreciated.

All the best


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Bouncer dude, you aint let anyone down mate with this grow, life is life and unfortunately the reality can spoil the dream of ganjaland sometimes, hope things on a personal level pick up mate, sending vibes :yep:

The plants well, now you say about that BK1 of yours, I reckon she's gonna stamp all over your nuts mate and give you what for lol

Do you know, I'm a bit gutted about my BK5 (she was the runt, with double serration on leaves and produced hardly any smoke) I've had a go at her and she's not got the best of flavours at all mate, but fook me she has the power! Only I have no clones of her as she just didn't put out the bloom :(

The terps you describe though sound very much like my BK4, and what a aroma it is :D.

Keep up the good work bud :yep:

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@@Dinafem-Mark cheers bud. I was getting worked up over nothing really. Just got a bit pissed off at how shit the leaves were looking on the Bk1 but I'm not dwelling on this as her buds are looking amazing now and we're nearly there so I couldn't give a shit If some of the leaves look a bit shit. The bud is where it's at now. Those leaves have served there purpose now.

@@botanics cheers for the good vibes dude it's much appreciated although my situation is gonna be getting worse before it gets better I doubt....women.

Enjoy your smelly herbs mate.....I'm so close now I can almost taste the bk 2.


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Tonight's update we have a Bk2 special.

She's well ripe now I reckon so she is probably gonna be up for the chop tomorrow night. She's just on water and got 4 litres tonight. When she comes out the little uns will get moved into the tent.

So let's get the slightly shabby but beautiful Bk1

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She does have an unusual but lovely bud structure and a wicked scent.
And the star girl, bk 2
She's just spot on in every way. She's put up with some serious abuse and has rewarded me with a beautiful plant full of really compact dense buds that are just lovely to look at. What a plant.
I'm very very impressed with this girl indeed in every way.

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I think I lost my mojo for a few weeks but I feel like it's bouncing back.

Oh and a little suprise this evening. Whilst round @@elwin s house the other day I grabbed a quick shot of bk3 basking under her 600w hps. She's a rather large lady lol

She suffering a tad from environmental issues and the cold but she should reward a new grower with a good few oz to keep him going.

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Oh and the ice cool. Untrained and unsurprisingly isn't going to yeild half as much as the bks and the buds are a lot smaller.

I firmly believe that training makes a plant 100% better for auto's especially. This will be the last untrained auto I grow I think.

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She will still give me an ok return but nothing compared to the big Blue kush girls.

Oh and to add @@Dinafem-Mark yes she def not an auto but I think there's a bit in there still but I suspect they will be a mix of semi auto's to completely photo. I think this girl is nearly all photo but she's behaved a little strange. More on this tomorrow

Peace out folks. Blackpoolbouncer is back and feeling it. Looking forward to some scissor hash tomorrow

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