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My dinafem discovery and subsequent delight


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Guest b33lz33bub

Its going great there mate. Lovely to watch a craftsman at work.

@Dan1122 - I'd be tempted to thin that plant out a little, taking out any branches that cross each other. Its a bit hard to see on the photo.

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It looks like I've come back at the right time. The bk,s are really starting to pack on the weight and very nice to hear that bk 3&4 have found a nice new home.

I know you are doing our ak photoperiod next. Can I ask will you be starting these soon or after the bk,s are down. No rush from us it just looked like you had a bit of room in the tent?.

I/we can not wait to see what you do with our photoperiod strains. Will you be scrogging them also?

I have been asked by several members if I can pin this thread and I agree it is a great information thread the issue I'm having is I can not pin any thread in the 2015 section so what I will do is make a new thread on the main page with a link to this amazing grow/tutorial/guide

Thank you for the continued picture update in my absence very much appreciated.

All the best


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@@Dinafem-Mark Thank you kind sir, like I have said I am truly humbled :)

Ive been waiting for you to come back but the plan is to pop em imminently. Just so I know what to expect, do you think the Ak would be a good candidate to mainline into say 8 or 16 big colas per plant or is it quite branchy? The plan will probably be 4 in 11's mainlined or 5 in 7l topped once, I may play it by ear and see how we get on, its hard to decide on a method till i know what they grow like so any information would be great mark

@@tom68 cheers dude, thanks for stopping by and I hope your well

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We're in unchartered waters here mate. I've not grown this strain or seen it grown but amnesia x kush has the potential to be branch whereas some og phenos kick out the 1 branch.

How many are you doing mate?, maybe try half mainlined the others natural?

What I'm going to do is make another thread linking to this as can not pin this thread for some reason :)

All the best


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@@b33lz33bub. Hello mate, ive managed to get over 95% of the plants flowers exposed to direct light now. Thats was my goal with this plant so ill let her flower and see how she gets on. It might be one big mess yet lol or there could be method to the madness ;) we shall see. I'll post a pic when she's done and we'll see what happens. Best of luck with your grows mate, pretty tidy I must say :)

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@@b33lz33bub. Hello mate, ive managed to get over 95% of the plants flowers exposed to direct light now. Thats was my goal with this plant so ill let her flower and see how she gets on. It might be one big mess yet lol or there could be method to the madness ;) we shall see. I'll post a pic when she's done and we'll see what happens. Best of luck with your grows mate, pretty tidy I must say :)

That's the only way you are going to know mate by trial :)

It is sounding good

All the best


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Absolutely amazing, your plants are stunning mate!

Gonna take time to read through this whole thread later ;)

Keep up the good work man!

Edited by Sun Maid Rosin
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Well deserved shout out from DM to sticky your thread BBB :yep:

ATB and good luck in future endeavours fella.


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Well deserved shout out from DM to sticky your thread BBB :yep:

ATB and good luck in future endeavours fella.


The community asked to I obliged it is a really great thread :). Nice job @@blackpoolbouncer :bong:

All the best


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Thank you so much everybody for the kind words. I feel honoured that people see this diary fit to be stickied.
You have been so kind here to me and I have a lot to thank uk420 for.

I feel a bit of a tit now because I must apologise for neglecting my diary and missing an update.
I've needed a few days off from being a grower to concentrate on second hand car hunting so all my time has been devoted to that as well as sorting my old car out for sale.
I took photos at the last update but for the life of me I've not had time to upload the photos.

As some of you may have noticed @@elwin has joined the site.....this chap is a good friend of mine so be kind to him......he is the lucky recipient of bk3 and bk4. So the best of luck is going out to him. I'll have him growing trees in no time.

With me having a few days off from being a grower I've not been keeping as keen an eye on them so temperatures got down low in the tent yesterday when my heater went off overnight and I didn't spot it till tea time. Same thing has happened again last night and it was chilly here.
Its nothing to worry about but it has brought out my old cal def along with a bit of hunger there looking a little tatty but these are the challenges growing in a caravan face. Its hard to keep stable warm temps in here during winter at pot level and it seems this year with me changing my extraction I'm going to need to nip down to argos this weekend and grab a leccy blanket for under the tent.

Last feed they both got 4.5ml bloom and 1.5 cal mag

Tonight's feed they got 5 ml pl bloom and 2.25ml pl of cal mag

4.5 litres each

Its getting late again and I must make a joint before bed so I'll carry on waffling tomorrow.

Here's some pics of the big girls for tonight though. .....warning may be deemed slightly pornographic to some people


IMG 20160107 16448

IMG 20160107 27243

IMG 20160107 4735

IMG 20160107 267

And Bk 2 the star performer. She is just.... Well put it this way. If this was a female photo I'd be keeping her. The smell is divine and makes your eyes sting

IMG 20160107 12500

IMG 20160107 20289

IMG 20160107 28112

IMG 20160107 396

IMG 20160107 5687

Thanks for looking good folks of the Internet. You have all made a small percy grower in his old caravan feel like a king in a castle when he opens his tent. Respect one and all
I'm off to roll a nice large joint of daft strong cured white widow and go to bed.......night all
Edited by blackpoolbouncer
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