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My dinafem discovery and subsequent delight


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The man with the orange buckets........he says yes!!

Temps all good. Bit toasty at the canopy. Both big girls got fed 4.5ml bloom and 1.5 ml pl of calmag mag. 5 litres.

The little ice cool got 5 litres of 2 ml pl bloom. 1.5 cal mag

Not much to report really so I'll let the pics show the story.

These were taken last night on day 49. Making today day 50 so I'll be looking to chop in roughly a month

Bk 1

IMG 20160102 31815

IMG 20160102 22532

IMG 20160102 5367

IMG 20160102 43400

IMG 20160102 30745

IMG 20160102 2392

I think there all right. Hard to see on phone.

Bk2. This girls the star of the show for sure and has stolen the limelight from bk 1

IMG 20160102 2309

IMG 20160102 42813

IMG 20160102 3331

IMG 20160102 22216

IMG 20160102 14141

And finally the ice cool. She's reached the same final height as the big girls but is not going to produce half as much bud I don't think

IMG 20160102 4993

Thanks for looking folks and a happy 2016 to everyone
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At the rate you're going, you're gonna deplete window cleaners of their buckets BBB :yep:

Happy NY fella, ATB for the year :yinyang:

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Nice one mate, I was rather looking forward to the update, they are coming on very well!

I think the amount of views you've received in here shows peoples interest, and with very good reason ;)

looking forward to seeing how these turn out!!

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@@dannychoo I re use my buckets. No need to go wasting £1 on every plant lol cheers my man. Atb to you too

@@sy100276 aye mate. Not big fat colas but lovely little hard nugs. I hope one of these is as blueberry as the last on the taste. Sensational. One of the bks honks of candied blueberries so fingers crossed. The other is more acrid chemically smelling

@@Dan1122 thanks as always for looking in. I know lol its like you and sy stalk just waiting for an update lol I appreciate it though guys. Nice to get a comment or two cos I know there must be a lot of lurkers lol

Dan thanks mate. Its been a bit of an odd grow this but a lot of that is down to the technique and the strain.

Next auto grow I do after the photo AK I'm going to do the same as these but with two 80 x 40 scrog frames.

40 x 40 hasn't allowed me enough sideways spread for most strains.

Thanks as always everyone. Here's hoping they pack on the weight now. Can't have me enough blue kush.

I'm kinda regretting giving my other away now

However seeing the look on his face at Christmas when I brought that and told him how much to expect from it under the 600w light he's got if he keeps it healthy made it worth it.

Somehow methinks I'll have plenty of smoke for myself off these three.

Will be starting the Amnesia Kush in the next week or two

I'm just waiting to let mark get back then I can ask him some questions on structure and then I can make a plan but I'm considering mainlining them if i can be arsed. Just need to know what the bud structure is like.......the blue kush would not be a candidate for this really for example.

Peace out guys and gals

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Hi @@blackpoolbouncer. How's it going mate? I have been catching up with this thread over the last week or so, amazing stuff man. I'm gonna pull up a chair and try and learn a few things if thats alright?!

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@@LCCvaper but of course. This is an open house with an open jar policy but youve got to take your shoes off at the door.

Everybody's welcome mate and I'm great thanks for asking.

Hope your well yourself dude

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Funnily enough i was just gonna post wheres our update, and when i looked in i seen you already had lol

That sounds like a good size mate, mine are getting large now this one is around 70/70 at the minute. I'm hoping she dont get much bigger lol i got most of the bud sites exposed now, i counted over 50 earlier, i guess ill just havr to wait and see if each one grows as i hoping it will, dense without much air bud??


Blue kush are mental growers lol

Edited by Dan1122
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@@Dinafem-Mark I'm very humbled by your words mate. I'm really glad folks like it. Its about time these auto's and there breeders got some recognition rather than keep getting slated for being auto's.

I set out with this diary to give a bit back to uk420 and help show people that you can grow good amounts of quality weed in little time with low plant numbers in a small space........to me the ideal small percy growers scenario. (200+g every 5 or six weeks never growing more than two plants but I got a bit sidetracked)

Its all about self sufficiency from low plant numbers for me with plenty of variety and good smoke.

Too right bud. Great stuff and suits a lot of growers where tents aren't an option. Nice skills.

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@@Dan1122 looks excellent mate. I'd be letting that grow up now. Looks nice and even. You've done a cracking job. From there on up should be all bud....and no air bud by the looks of it.

Yea mate. The blue kush sure do go for it like the clappers. There a bit of an anomaly I've found. Not many that grow like this so it needs to be treated a bit different than others I've found hence why I've done a more vertical grow this time.

To be honest I miss the low plants where I have more control and I can only achieve this with 2 or less plants in my space

Two plants for me is a good compromise so I can keep variation in the jars without getting too crowded.

I'd like to be able to do 4 plants of different strains but I just cant train em flat enough for my liking.

At the end of the day If i can hit a gpw with two auto's or circa 250g every 5 or 6 weeks with a 2 plant perpetual I think that's the best way for me.

2 bigger plants trained properly gives me a gpw with little to no air bud 5% or less.

4 plants will still give me well over a gpw but I know there's gonna be some airy bud down low on these.

So to sum it up I reckon two plants will give me the best bud in the most efficient way.

Now if I could have 60 x 60 scrog frames things would be different

E2a thanks dude @@bobnudd

Edited by blackpoolbouncer
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I think the blue kush above responded best to the training technique. Others look good but this plant is best of the 3 BK i have. But in future when i go down the auto route again i will try some other varieties.. The cheese has been nice to train flat, plenty of heads at pretty easy to do compaired to the BK. This is the first time ive grown autos indoors and so far ive been highly impressed...Yeah it might cost a little more in leccy but, tbh i dont really care, its al about the growing experience for me, and having plants this size from seed in 35 days makes it all worth it.. Heres a cheese.. lovely plants.. i think ill let them all grow up now ;)


enough of my pics now for the moment :clown:

Edited by Dan1122
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Thanks botanics mate. Happy new year to you too. Hope you had a good one.
Certainly are mate. Won't be long now till the scissors are out now, thankfully not to my tent lol

Not much to report so tonight's update is just a couple of in tent photos and one of the ice cool
These girls just stomp on. The Bk1 is a big ugly girl but her resin production is quite special and she's got a look about her that she's gonna be killer smoke. The bk 2 is forming her tight dense nuggets along the length of the branches with I would say average resin production at this stage.
The little ice cool is also catching up a bit now and is starting to bud up nicely.

IMG 20160103 51281

IMG 20160103 58186

IMG 20160103 5990

Peace out folks.
Edited by blackpoolbouncer
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