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My dinafem discovery and subsequent delight


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They are really coming on. Your training has given you great results.

Very nice my good man.

Hope you have not to deal with any more crazy blokes, over the festive break.

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Mate my WW looks kinda like cabbage by trich development against critcal, there is 0 trichs on them at day 35.

Are they a bit latter developing or am wasting my time? Plants look fine just no trichs or smell, reminded me on greenhouse ww :fear:

Criticals are resin coated and smell lush.

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@@herbal Kent don't panic the ww will pack on the frost when they are ready. A couple days of dark and reduce temps a bit before harvest helps ww alot from diaries elsewhere on the net I had read awhile back.

Edited by tokenroll
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As @@tokenroll said don't panic @@Herbal Kint

I expected the white widow to be insane on the frost but I'd say next to the critical jack I grew she was nowhere near as frosty.

But in terms of strength I found it to be very potent after a cure. Hold on in there I'd say mate. She is a lovely and different smoke.

@@sy100276 thanks very much mate. I'm happy with how this has gone so far as an experiment. Can't wait for some blueberry kushyness

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So tonight a quick update to show you what will probably be the last you will see of the bk3
After all the panic to germinate enough seeds I've now decided I'm going to gift the bk3 to my friend who also took the bk4.it was that or bin it. I've decided I don't trust my veg cab enough for a seeds for diary run so I'm going to utilise the space that was dedicated to the bk3 to bring on 5 young wait for it....
Photoperiod Amnesia Kush :sly:
The time I knock off the photo grow is more valuable than the bud from the bk3 so onwards and upwards. Seeds will be germed in the next few days when I get all my visiting finished for Christmas

IMG 20151226 29526

Remember that little tiny ice cool.....

IMG 20151226 43494

IMG 20151226 36481

This little girl is a strange one. She's been kicking out heavy yellow tips for the last week. She has had no nutrients apart from a touch of cal mag. Strange the bigger she got from day 21 the more sensitive she got. Strange but no biggie. I'm quite happy with her really because otherwise she should make a fine little plant. Not a fine specimen of the strain I'm sure ;)

And finally how it looks in the tent.......Hella full :clown:

IMG 20151226 20452

Peace out guys

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Excellent diary blackpool bouncer.

Very informative and top growing skills.

Because of your diary, I have just ordered some critical jack and blue kush autos to put in next with some vegging plants.

I hope I can do half as good of a job as you have done

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Mate my WW looks kinda like cabbage by trich development against critcal, there is 0 trichs on them at day 35.

Are they a bit latter developing or am wasting my time? Plants look fine just no trichs or smell, reminded me on greenhouse ww :fear:

Criticals are resin coated and smell lush.

It's funny because out of the 4 strains I'm growing right now the WW was the first to sugar up - maybe you have a late pheno but swhe will definitly pack on the triches and weight mate soon.

@@blackpoolbouncer - bring on the new strains and definitly with you getting a head start on the photo strains - may as well mate - maybe manifold one as an experiment?

I'm into week 4 of mine now and looking good apart from my hippie killer - I'll be on to the dinafem autos next in clover and will follow what you've done here mostly if I can. When you popped the autos mate did they go straight under HPS/MH or T5? I'm just wondering where to pop them and if I should pot up or sprout direct in final pots.

Good show!

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Finally think im getting somewhere with these lol i can see the plants taking on their own shape now. Here we are day 29



All thanks to your fantastic info and skills are these looking like they might do ok. I wasnt sure if i was doing things right or not, but today the plants look the best ive seen so far this grow, nice and level on top with plenty of heads starting appear.. cant wait for them to fill in with buds!

Edited by Dan1122
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@ thanks man and all the best. There's two beautiful strains right there.

@@LovinTheBeans aye perhaps. I'm seriously considering mainlining the lot. I'm gonna keep the photo grow quick and pop all 5 and see how I get on in 7 or 8 litres as finals.

Then I can get back to plants that only need 3 weeks to veg but two can fill my tent lol

@@Dan1122 there looking excellent mate. Looks like your getting the hang of it. Once you've been through the process now youl start to see how easy it is to manipulate branches and even the whole plant to do what you want.

Looking dam fine mate keep up the good work. I know your gonna love this when all those flower tops fill in and your trimming a silly amount of colas lol

Don't forget to keep an eye on all those shoots and tops and keep em in sun. Don't let em get shadowed.

Top job pal

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So today's update.....

I've been away since early on the 27th and just got back tonight.

Quite the transformation Ive seen. This did however mean I had to rope my buddy in to do some emergency watering as I hadn't planned on being away for the second night.

He gave them both 2.5 litres each of 3.5ml bloom and 1ml calmag. It would have been too much to ask him to mix up two lots of feeds and fuck about watering a full five litres.

They've suffered a touch with hunger both of them but no biggie and there both looking a bit heat stressed. Again not the biggest problem....yet.....not enough yet for the scissors. To be honest I can live with it. They'll manage I'm sure

Everything got a right good drenching tonight and feed.

The bk 1 got 4.5 ml pl bloom and 1.5ml pl of cal mag...5 litres

The bk 2 got 4 ml pl bloom and 1.5 of cal mag again 5 litres

And the ice cool is still on no nutrients. I've noticed a vast amount of leaves with deformations so I'm putting her down as a mutant. Not full on but certainly not a good show for that strain.

Anyway. On with the show

Bk 1

IMG 20151229 9778

IMG 20151229 10228

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IMG 20151229 34155

IMG 20151229 27841

Bk 2

IMG 20151229 14492

IMG 20151229 42284

IMG 20151229 12420

IMG 20151229 56758

And in the tent

IMG 20151229 21787

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BB do you put the beans straight in soil and straight under the lights in final pots? Or small pots then transplant? How many times u transplant before finals and what light do they get from seed is it CFL, t5 or MH/HPS? I'm sure it's in here somewhere but mahoosive number of posts to trawl through lol.

Edited by LovinTheBeans
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I generally pop my beans intl water for a while till they crack which is usually in 36 hours. Of they haven't cracked I'll pop em in some paper towel or if I'm lazy straight into compo.

I find an uncracked seed in compo can take quite a bit longer.

The seeds are then planted into starter cups 0.5l I think for ten days.

I have facilities to run then under cfls but I'm always dying to get them under the hps after a day or two so they've got the very best of conditions from the day the leaves unfold.

After 10 days I go from my 0.5l pots up to my 12 litre buckets with about 11 litres of compost in em.

With these being auto's I'm trying to give them optimal conditions from day one.

And when I think about it having them under the dual spec hps is doing them more good than being under the cfls.

My first grow they spent the first two weeks under cfls and the seeds were straight into finals and they did just fine...just preference I suppose.

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Thanks man. I try my best.

The bk 2 in particular is a beaut for her bud structure

I like that..."the man with the orange buckets"

Makes me sound a bit James bondesque lol

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