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My dinafem discovery and subsequent delight


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@@botanics yes she has mate. I'd say probably 2.5 to 3 x stretch during flower on these lassies.
I was expecting this.
this is the last auto blue kush I grew for reference.

auto blue kush day 50-60

Obviously these girls on the current grow have been allowed to grow a bit more straight up which is why I was prepared to "modify" my tent to accommodate lol.

Here's the bk3. I strapped her down low with a bit of masking tape the other day because I'd run out of garden wire.

I've done this to gain myself a few extra inches of headroom for this one.

So we now have 3 bks all scrog caged up doing grand

IMG 20151220 37352

IMG 20151220 43701

IMG 20151220 34463

It's quite the jungle in there lol

Edited by blackpoolbouncer
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busy man there bud,that weird leaf is a corker i`d pull it off and press it in some heavy books,i reckon it would look sweet in a frame on the wall...anyway i wont disturb you bud crack on looking sweet btw :)

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I know mate its a good un. Might have a go at laminating one of them if my laminator will take it lol.

Always welcome round here @@jonthebog mate. Roll a fattie. I'm on white widow and critical jack today. Its a messy sunday

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Looking nice mate.. Although id say your copying my training techniques lol heres my bk yesterday @20 days they are very VERY fast growers.. mine looks very much the same as yours i think youll agree.. I think these bk will get quite big.. All fun eh mate, hours of fun in my case :wassnnme:


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@@Dan1122 yes mate. If that's your final spacing I don't think you for going to have a problem filling your space.

I bet it's not half time consuming for you. Just these few plants take up hours of my time so I can imagine. Looking great mate.

Can always spot yours. You leave your handles on lol

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lol I do mate lol

thats not my final spacing yet I'm seeing how big they're gonna get before deciding on how many I'm gonna keep for the tent. I'm thinking possibly 4 per light at the minute, which will be 8 plants in total under 2 lights. There is 15 in there now I dont think they'll all fit there there, not in a million years

Edited by Dan1122
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Here you are mate..


you can see how much room they have taken up already, man these dinafem autos grow like there is no tomorrow, well for them there isnt really with continuous light lol its like a big day for them haha..

Some plants seem to be easier to train than others im finding, this cheese below looks like i havent done too much to her but most side branches are growing out side ways now and witht the tucking of a few fan leaves all bud sites are basking in the light. I hope the plant likes what ive done for her, only time will tell i guess.. Im starting to like growing these autos indoors as it makes a nice difference to growing photos, what with the training too, its a new genre, like a new hobby lol


wonderful inspiring diary mate, keep up the good work :headbang:

Edited by Dan1122
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Sincerest thanks @Dan1122

To see your plants like that and know I've helped inspire you to grow this way is very humbling.

Honestly dude that looks smashing in there.

You really have made my day mate and I know your gonna love growing this way. I think you've got it well sussed mate.

Give them the space I know there gonna grow big mate.

If I had the space I'd probably give each plant 60x60cm would be ideal for my technique on most plants I'd say they would be comfortable.

I'm pushing my luck with 40x40 frames but I know the blue kush would probably get away with it. These are real stretchy girls and could go as big as 80x80 wide I think if ya kept training em

Blue kush=vigorous for sure

Edit to add. I reckon if you've got the headroom you could either max the tent out for sure in a sog/scrog type way like I'm doing with the bks now and only take a couple out or go wide like the last few grows and probably take a third out.

I suppose it all depends how wide/high you wanna go but I guess you'll see as you go along and can just keep taking one or two out as and when they fill the space. Either way I'm sure your gonna have a tent full of lovely buds in no time

Edited by blackpoolbouncer
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I must say that this is probably one of the threads that has caused more growers to try new techniques @@blackpoolbouncer you are a true inspiration sir and we at Dinafem really appreciate all you have brought tor this sub-forum :)

Now onto your plants :). As usual they look great. Love the detail and the picture update is very much appreciated :bong:

Keep doing your thing mate :)

All the best


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@@Dinafem-Mark I'm very humbled by your words mate. I'm really glad folks like it. Its about time these auto's and there breeders got some recognition rather than keep getting slated for being auto's.

I set out with this diary to give a bit back to uk420 and help show people that you can grow good amounts of quality weed in little time with low plant numbers in a small space........to me the ideal small percy growers scenario. (200+g every 5 or six weeks never growing more than two plants but I got a bit sidetracked)

Its all about self sufficiency from low plant numbers for me with plenty of variety and good smoke.

For everyone out there that's taken something from this I thank you. That was what I want and the more I can give the better.

Power to the people and the peoples plant. The more people I can get growing for themselves and not have to buy another bag of weed the better, or even just any fine member on here learning something or trying something new that helps them suits me.

Thank YOU one and all at uk420

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@@LovinTheBeans yes mate. I'm going to be finding out for myself soon

After the praise from Mark the devastation my cal deficiency took is starting to be apparent and has hit the Bk1 the worst. It may get a bit worse looking yet but there on a good diet of cal.mag so they will be OK if a bit shit looking from here on in.

There also now screaming out for food so the feed next grow will be upped to 3.5ml bloom each probably or something similar with 2 ml calmag mag. Hungry hungry girls

In fact big girls coming to say that.

Here's the bk 2 and Bk1 on right

IMG 20151221 47566

Here's the Bk1. She's looking very hungry indeed. I may even give her a 4ml dose next feed.

So glad I didn't leave the cal.mag another single day

IMG 20151221 31676

IMG 20151221 44913

Then the bk 2. I'm struggling to see cos I'm on mobile so I may have mixed these up a bit. The bk 2 is more slender one

IMG 20151221 1644

IMG 20151221 56202

And finally the bk3 filling out the screen nicely

IMG 20151221 16172

Had a bit of a disaster today.

Went to check on my babies at lunch and have a doob. No problems.

Walked past my caravan at 4 pm and I notice there's no lights on.


Power has tripped. 14 c in the tent!!!

So I go to where my supply comes from and flick it. Lights stay on. Great.

Go past again half an hour later and they have gone again.

Now I'm starting to worry this is gonna fuck shit up.

So I go into my caravan thinking I've overloaded the supply. Turn all heaters off etc. Everything in the van and go back to turn it on.

Still trips..shit!!!

After a bit of a panicking I disconnect my caravan and try again and it still trips.....at least the problem isn't at my end.

Luckily it's just the heavy duty cable that supplies my van had got a bit of water ingress in the plugs so a quick dismantle and a blast with a hairdryer and I'm 20 mins we were back up and running.

However my girls could have been in the cold and dark for up to 3 hours. No big deal I don't think. Just a quick rest for them.

Was quick on getting the roots warm again so we should be good.

Thanks again for looking in

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Hey BB, how many auto's would you think to put in my tent next run? (1.2 meter Sq). I got 4 photo strains in there now, a full tent after 5 weeks veg from seed. what size pots would you use? These will all be Dinafem strains and in clover hopefully. :)

I won't top, just basic low stress stuff only.

Edited by LovinTheBeans
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@@LovinTheBeans if it were me I'd personally say 4 in there would be perfect. 60 x 60 per plant in same pot size as these circa 11 litres.

To be honest me going for 11 litres on this grow in 40 x 40 was being a bit greedy but I knew the strain but in a 1.2 would be grand

Hope this helps mate

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