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My dinafem discovery and subsequent delight


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lol I was bricking in my cab mate, was watching the stretch and started twitching a bit lol, was thinking version 3 was around the corner but fortunately they stopped as per expected and all was ok, tight though and they'd burn if I ramped the light up to 400 lol

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@@botanics yes mate, gets ya nervous doesn't it.

I remember from the last grow of blue kush that the light ended up at the top. And that was trained wider than these so I figured these were probably going to end up higher. Hence @@Dinafem-Mark my preparation to get the scissors out and the wood and make a new 1 foot tall "tray" that the tent would sit on to give me an extra foot. Kind of like a plinth.

I've just had to raise the light a little bit further so it might happen yet. I don't think it will come to that but I'll be maxed out I think on headroom.

E2a mark you've got to look at things positively.

I've got a cal def which is raping one of my plants.......I look at it like a lesson learnt that calmag is essential for me and is a mistake that won't be repeated.


Have to cut up tent......not a bad thing. Means I can grow bigger plants lol

Edited by blackpoolbouncer
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Anyways. Enough of the doom and gloom.
Its not the end of the world, it just pains me that I know what they want but can't give it to them.

Just a quick lunchtime update while I'm having my joint.
Apart from looking a bit hungry and the cal def on the bk 1 things aren't going too badly.
The Bk1s feed is on the ramp up now rapidly so should put a stop to looking hungry.

IMG 20151217 21773

IMG 20151217 40428

Roll on Saturday and some cal mag then I can get these back up to good health. Her last feed was a ml pl of both grow and bloom so she isn't going without.
I can just see the cal def ever so slightly starting on the bk 2 but she will be happy to wait till Saturday I think.

The little ice cool is now starting to get a shifty on which is good. Still don't think she's gonna end up a massive plant though bit I think she will come good in the end.

Also today we have the bk4 which is getting removed tonight.

IMG 20151217 48768

And finally my hack. Looking good if I do say so myself.

IMG 20151217 39931

Thanks for looking and the great support from my regulars and newcomers alike

Edited by blackpoolbouncer
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The updates are rolling in thick and fast now. Feels like I'm always watering something what with having six plants in the tent at the minute. It gives me chance to photo them out in decent ish light.

Tonight we have the bk 2 and the bk3.

The bk 2 is starting g to show her cal def a touch more now. Luckily this will be her last water without the cal mag so she's gonna be OK. Touch wood.

Apart from that she's looking super. Nothing else to report.

I've decided from here on in not to keep posting temperatures.

Just know that the canopy is between 26-29 and the temp at pot level is around 21-25 c. This is a max/min across pretty much the whole grow. Very rarely do these thresholds get broken so I'll report if they do rather than if they don't.

As you can see from the photos, true to auto blue kush form she is awash with lots of small branches with little buds on them.

As expected there will be no giant buds from these girls but she makes the weight up in lots of smaller dense buds from what I remember.

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Last up we have the auto blue kush 3.
I think I'm gonna train her differently yet. She has mutated into a kind of tiered stepped kinda shape perfect for a corner to be left I think so I'm gonna try her this way as another slightly experimental shape.

IMG 20151217 25900

Thanks for looking folks.

There's one thing that had to be said about these blue kush ladies. They certainly do not lack in vigour lol

Bring on the buds.

Its that most wonderful time of the year, when Santa fetches me some buds. Cos I've been a good boy I have :innocent:

Edit to add. The bk3 got 4.5 litres of 2.5ml pl of bloom feed tonight. Its a little bit cheeky but he who dares wins

Edited by blackpoolbouncer
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@@b33lz33bub thanks dude. Been a bit of a nightmare. I've been kicking myself all week for not getting calmag last weekend but hey ho.....

a VERY hungover me woke this morning to find the Bk1 (worst affected ) telling me she's gagging for a drink......so straight onto phone to my buddy who is fit to drive and organise a lift to the grow shop.

Well fuck me I'm glad I did!!!

There was more police around than I'd just about ever seen. I must have counted at least 15 cars and 3 bikes including dog vans and all. All within a mile.

Not good for the old paranoia let me tell ya but bloody hell I was glad I wasn't driving. Stay safe folks this Christmas.

I believe it was something to do with a bomb scare but I won't say more.

Anyways. I've got the calmag just in time and the Bk1 took 5 litres of 1.5ml bloom. 1ml grow and 2 ml calmag pl.

Here's hoping she perks up a bit. Hopefully I've caught it in time and I'll just suffer a bit of discolouration

Here's how it's looking in the dr80 tardis

IMG 20151219 18170

Thanks for looking folks

Edited by blackpoolbouncer
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Here's a new one to me. The bk 3 has developed a mutation......

Double decker leaves. This is a new one on me. There's perhaps a handful of leaves like this to varying degrees of mutation.

Seen many a skew whiff or deformed leaf but never one like this before.

IMG 20151219 15977

I like it. Certainly makes the most of catching the light

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I'd certainly be taking a cutting of this girl if I want on photos.

Would be a great trait to try and breed on I think.

Nature sure is a wonderful power

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This mutation we do see from time to time but it is a rare occasions.

Nice to see lots of different training methods being deployed so gives other growers some variance.

Nice job and great detailed update as usual mate

All the best


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Up tonight we've got the bk 2.

She's looking nice and healthy and has just been given 5 litres of water with 2.5ml pl of bloom and 2 ml pl of cal mag.

You can see tonight what I was saying about the formation of lots of little nuggets.

This is why they have been left to grow up more with ALL bud sites above the screen. You can see the higher set of branches more clearly but half way in between the tops and the screen is the second canopy with all the secondary branches on

The auto blue kush is only auto I've grown that has this kind of structure. Its very non typical with extremely slender and nimble branches and leaves that allow for good light penetration deep into the canopy with secondary branches with a single bud on top.

IMG 20151220 37115

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IMG 20151220 5875

A week or two and we should be having something that looks like this

auto blue kush

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Thanks for looking. There will always be something new to read in here from now on. Were getting busy.
My little hack got topped back to the first node last night leaving only it's first true leaves. Savage!
But a nessesary action. She needs shutting down to a minimum to carry on ticking over under the canopy in her little 0.5 litre pot for now.
I may proceed with her and top her again at the first node and so on and have a do at mainlining this little girl.
She may auto and chuck some balls out yet lol
Thanks @dinafem-mark
I'm just massively relieved now they have some calmag in them.
Another few days without and I'd be uploading pictures of yellow spotty horrid looking plants
Edited by blackpoolbouncer
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She's stretched quite a bit bud hasn't she, good looking sites and even throughout the canopy too :yep: That mutation you have, I've seen it before but ironed itself out during that grow, love the peculiarities myself mate.

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