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My dinafem discovery and subsequent delight


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At least you have some seeds to play with next season. I have loads of hacks myself, made by other growers to try out next season. I love outdoor growing its what I mainly do. But its nice to grow indoors during the winter too, when my tents are free of outdoor seedlings lol .. Hopefully that plot you speak of comes good for you next year. I also have to go out looking for more places to grow. I have a few locations in mind, just need to get my ass in gear and check then out lol

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Well my plan to get away without calmag has gone to shit. The big Bk1 has started showing signs she is needing this. BUGGER

Gonna have to make an order today I think. Hopefully I've caught it early enough. I have been anticipating this and not using it was a bit of an experiment.

@@Dinafem-Mark yes it's quite well fertilised but not too hot. I can't find the npk values anywhere. I just know from experience in my day job it works with bedding plants very very well. So I decided to give it a try after having issues with bnq verve.

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BB.... I'm interested in what light cycle do you use from seed and does it change over any part of the grow?

Would epsom salts not sort out your issue there?

Are there any grow nutes you could swap to that already contain cal/mag?

Edited by LovinTheBeans
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Well my plan to get away without calmag has gone to shit. The big Bk1 has started showing signs she is needing this. BUGGER

Gonna have to make an order today I think. Hopefully I've caught it early enough. I have been anticipating this and not using it was a bit of an experiment.

@@Dinafem-Mark yes it's quite well fertilised but not too hot. I can't find the npk values anywhere. I just know from experience in my day job it works with bedding plants very very well. So I decided to give it a try after having issues with bnq verve.

Bit of a shitter on the Cal/Mag mate eh, mine haven't asked for any yet so kept off it, no doubt they'll tell me soon enough, hope it comes soon mate and doesn't effect their output

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@@LovinTheBeans if I gave epsoms now it would make the problem 10x worse.

Epsoms contain no calcium just mag.

Using mag displaces cal so giving it to them would further lock the cal out.

I made this mistake on my first grow

It's 24 hour light from start to finish for me

@@soulfeeder clover multi purpose. Dont be had by the triple price professional stuff. The normal MP is what your after.

@@botanics Aye it is a bit of a shit terms but one I had been expecting.

I just wanted to see if I could get away without it with my water but I now know cal mag MUST be used in my feeding regime.

I had half a feeling my first grow I may have caused the lockout because of one thing or another.....this now proves I had my original diagnosis on my first grow was right because I haven't seen any issues whatsoever when I was using cal mag and now all of a sudden I can see issues arising.

I've been keeping a close eye on the big girl for a day or two and noticed the first condlfirmation signs last night.

Hopefully it will be here Thursday or Friday. And fingers crossed we will still be all good

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Up today we have some shots of the bk 2 I took last night when he got watered.

This girl is drinking for fun. She got introduced to 1ml pl of bloom. I didn't want to give her any grow as she looks like she's got all the N she needs but I wanted to get her on the feeding ladder. The compost is still providing ferts but not for long.

There gonna be running low about now ime.

This little girls performing quite nicely now.

IMG 20151216 15521

IMG 20151215 1577

IMG 20151215 26784

IMG 20151215 39224

IMG 20151216 4792

She's not quite got the stem of her sister but not too shabby.
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These are getting bigger by the day. They look great.

I know you said you keep on 24/0 have you tried other lighting regimes with worse results?

Also I will have a look around for a soil amendment to add to your mix which may stop these cal/mag issues :)

Excellent update as usual. Thank you for the picture update very much appreciated.

All the best


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calcified seaweed possibly, apply to unused soil at the rate of a desert spoon per 10 litres, bag the compost up again, and leave it for a few weeks prior to use, it may work.. As this will release both calcium and magnesium to the soil and plants..

Edited by Dan1122
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Thanks guys. Yes. @@sy100276 it's a bastard having changing water from extremely soft to moderately hard. I'm just going to have to accept I need to use calmag as part of my feed.

Today we have the Big girl Bk1.

You can see here my cal def which is now starting to take a bit of a toll elsewhere too.

I've just come home for my lunchtime doobie and to water the big girl hence why she's looking a bit droopy in the pictures. She wasn't quite ready for a drink last night but today she's telling me she's thirsty and hungry so I've given her 5 litres of water with 1ml of grow and 1ml of bloom per litre.

Hopefully she can hold on till Saturday when she can have some calcium to get her back on track. I've only got a few brown spots on a few leaves so far but it is quickly hampering plant health and I can see it taking hold slowly. So far the bk 2 and the younger ones aren't affected so should be OK.

Sy that was the little stem. This is the bigger one

IMG 20151216 59918

IMG 20151216 17421

IMG 20151216 7835

IMG 20151216 50144

IMG 20151216 52492

Overall were still not looking too bad I think. I'm just itching to give her what I know she desperately needs.
Why oh why didn't I go last weekend and pick up a bottle when I was supposed to.
Anywho. Life goes on. Got 3 other healthy plants and I can't exactly see me getting nothing from this girl lol.
@@Dinafem-Mark I tried 20/4 on my second grow which although was problem free, the cream caramel I grew in on the first grow was bigger than the second grow. To be fair my least successful grow has been on 20/4 lighting only pulling about 3 and a half oz from each plant and I was running a Berry ryder with full training and a cream caramel left to her own devices. Same as the first grow.
I don't think there's anything wrong with 20/4 lighting. But imo 24/0 works better for me.
I personally believe it's the best for them if you aren't fussed about leccy.
If shit gets hot in summer I'll probably have another go at 20/4 but again this is only done on a temperature determined decision.
All the best folks
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Thank you for the lighting regimes info mate. I know a lot of viewers will be interested. Atleast you have tried different regimes and found the one that works for you :)

All the best


E2a - that stem is not right lol seen photoperiod strains veggie for 10 weeks with smaller stems. Hopefully this is a sign she will hold some weight :bong:

Edited by Dinafem-Mark
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Here's hoping.

She only has to produce like 3 and a half oz to give me a gpw lol

And in my book that's a 10 oz plant stem. Obviously it won't be because I've only given her 40x40 but I'd say if there's ever a method to maximise yeild from a small space this is probably gonna be it.

I knew these plants were gonna be big. There's as much soil and root mass as the plants I pull 200 g off just with less training and more effort towards not overcrowding so it's going to be interesting.

My last ABK was a mass of lots of small branches.with loadsa little nugs everywhere. Hopefully this will make her a bit more uniform. There's a bit more stretch to go yet I think once the buds start filling in upwards. Maybe another 6-9 inches

I've still got a foot of comfortable headroom.

I was fully prepared for this grow to cut the bottom off my tent to raise it up another foot if need be lol

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