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"You ain't no amateur bruv"

BP, these are looking good, so much so that I'm thinking of investing in some of these here orange buckets and individual scrog screens :yep: Top skills on show

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@@Blayz'd lol nothing different or unusual or special

i just try and keep my canopy at 26-28 and my pot level between 21 and 24.

My humidity is something im not so fussed about once they are a few days old and it varies from 10% to 40% rh depending on where in the room i have it but at a guess ifd say it sits on average at 25% rh.

my humidity is always well under 50% which imo is what most people to consider to be very low. Doesnt cause any issues apart from extra transpiration which imo is a good thing when operating a wet dry cycle in large pots.

lol mate that stems got probably 25% thicker now and the big girl has just had her very first taste of anyhting other than plain water. what you see is all the product of the compost fertilisation

plants look a little droopy in the pics particularly the biggest girl, this was just because they were ready for a water, there now standing right to attention, the big lady bk 1 also got 4.5 litres of water last night with 1ml pl of grow

e2a @@botanics thank you kind sir. And heres me thinking about changing from the orange buckets.

If im really honest i dont really like this style of growing as much as my previous ways. i dont have anything like the same versatility or control using these nets as with my usual training methods but it is a means to an end and an experiment and no doubt would be usefull to others

more than anything it is a way of filling my little space to the max and still being able to move my plants around. If it works i think it will make 4 different strain grows easier for me due to each plant having a set space.

When you train for headroom you lose space off the footprint, this for me is a half and half compromise so i can grow 4 in my space which ungirdled i couldnt do

Edited by blackpoolbouncer
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Well see, that's why I'm looking with a view to change, my space isn't the largest but don't want to have to scrog just 1 under a screen, rather have a few different strains, so variety in the jars, different smoke for different mood/time of day etc, reckon 2 of these buckets in my space would be ideal or perhaps 4 smaller containers (got some old 10L paint tubs that would be perfect for this (was going to keep them for a DWC experiment down the line but mmmm, this has got me thinking and I'm always thinking lol

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@@botanics thats pretty much exactly my logic behind this. I like a few different things in the jars

Thinking about it I should have perhaps used some slightly smaller containers too lol I fear I may have a jungle on my hands soon haha

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Starting the training earlier than before mate on the bk3? I have some bk which are 15 days old today and they are growing at an incredible rate, under 1200 watts 24 a day... I could only get biobizz all mix for this grow. Plants seem to be growing very well although I think its a bit much for one plant, which is a cheese, not absolutely sure but I think she might have had a tad too much nitrogen.. Ive been giving nothing but water until now but when it comes to fertilizing ill keep the ec a bit lower for this plant...looking sweet as ever in here mate ;)

Edited by Dan1122
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A bit late tbh @@Dan1122 I should have fitted the scrog frame on Saturday but I was feeling lazy so a bit of lst as a preparation for when I can be arsed. Secondary branches are still a day or two off being trainable at frame height.

Have ya got a diary up buddy.

Off topic but I've just seen my buddy that's getting the grow equipment cheap. He's said help myself. So far I've only seen the reflectors and bulbs but there big ass 600w industrial units. He's got 43 of them so he said help yourself.

In my back up arsenal now I've got two 150w hps setups and now 3 600w setups. Haven't seen the ballasts but for free I cannot complain.

I might have a little play with one. You know just to try. I think it will be a bit of a push in an 80 but cold weather is upon us so I might have one there for cold days to trial.

3x600w will put me in good stead for when I finally move into my bungalow in a year or so time and I have a 40 ft loft to play in.

Ahh It will be heaven.

This will be where you are gonna see some BIG ASS wide plants

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You x 600w hps,s and a 40 ft roof that will certainly be a sight to see :). By the sound of things most would say your humidity is very low in veg but I would say it is working a treat :).

For anyone who will be doing multiple strain grows under a scrog screen then I think this is the right place to be.

I think I've asked this before. Do you add any amendments to your compost mix before you start? Or just go with the npk of the compost you buy? I feel it has one?

Nice update mate

All the best


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Fair play to your mate for offering you that equipment, sounds like a good bit of stuff to look through, youll be well away im sure! i can only imagine how good your plants will be if you fill the atttic in the new bunglowwith all that .....

ive never done a diary before mate, well, only an outdoor one a few years ago which i had to take down in a security scare, maybe i will one day..

I decided to run 15 plants under 2 600watt lights in the end, it might be a squeeze yet, but if it gets too much i will take a couple out to make room for the others.. Heres some Blue Kush after a watering @15 days from breaking the soil surface, very rapid growth rates, unbelievable really.. I started some jacky white photoperiod plants from paradise seeds at the same time [for another bigger tent] and these autos have left them standing, its to be expected i guess being grown under constant light!


Ill stick in a group shot when they get bigger, 5bk, 5ww, 4cheese plants, and a critical+, all together.. So being totally inspired by your grows, i thought id give it a shot lol

Edited by Dan1122
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@@Dan1122 @hydro4pot @@Dinafem-Mark lol Woah Woah Woah don't get ideas of some massive operation. won't be completely filling it. But 4 or 6 plants as big and wide as I can go will be the way to go. Also with separate veg area so I'm at the luxury of running photos too and keeping mothers/ breeding etc. A little lab for my tinkering so to speak just with lots more space to play with and walk around the plants rather than having to get them out of a tent.

Just an update of the little uns tonight.

I'm gonna attack the bk 3 a little bit differently I think. A bit more lst first before they get to hit the screen.

You can see in the shots tonight what I mean by tucking the fan leaves behind the leaves of the growing tops. These would otherwise be in the shadows still.

IMG 20151214 13905

IMG 20151214 40701

Then we have the short stuff ice cool. A lovely little plant. But little being the operative word. I hope she gets a bit of a stretch on at least lol I'm glad I'm not relying on this to do a one plant scrog haha

IMG 20151214 22572

IMG 20151214 3273

And lastly what things are looking like in the tent. The bk was potted on today into a 9 or 10 litre pot. This is going to my buddy in exchange for the 3 x 600w lights and whatever else I fancy. He's re gifting it to his brother in law. So all in all its all good. Getting folks growing all over the place

IMG 20151214 26475

@@Dan1122 I fucking love that your using b n q buckets lol
Big up the bnq bucket crew
Lovely looking plants mate. They look spot on :oldtoker:
To be fair it looks like you've stolen some of my photos bubut with plants I don't recognise. lol its weird seing other people's photos with bright orange buckets
@@Dinafem-Mark Dan is a clever chap, hes sussed how to get my shapes so im looking forward to what hes doing
lol he doesn't miss a trick. Keeps a beady eye he does
Edited by blackpoolbouncer
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We all know if you want a 40ft grow you just stick them outside :clown:


Jokes aside :upside: .. for the training the buckets do have really nice edges to clip the ties down.. gotta be so much better than making holes in the tops of the pots!! with you on that mate!!

sorry mate ill get in trouble filling up your diary with me own pics lol

Edited by Dan1122
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No.problem mate. I'm well into that bud.

I'm still searching for an outdoor plot of that calibre.

May have found it but I need to go exploring further. Nice job mate. Very impressive work

My outdoors went to complete shit this year with only my open pollination project accidentally coming off.

Zero bud to smoke but a thousand or two seeds

Yea the buckets are.pretty.canny in that respect. There robust too. I've just potted the bk3 on into a standard garden pot with no lip and its flimsy as fook. If you weren't careful picking it up you rip the root ball in half.

There's a lot to be said for the humble £1 b n q bucket with a few holes drilled in.

@@Dinafem-Mark I do not ammendments to.the soil. It goes straight from the bag. Through a 10 mm riddle of which it all passes. Into the pots and then watered. Boom job done till day 28 ish

Then I'm giving a couple of feeds with grow and following up with bloom.

I'm even trying not to have to use any cal mag this grow.

Just compost. Little grow. Lots of bloom. Water. Light. Fresh air

All you need really in my opinion unless a mag or cal issue pops up

Edited by blackpoolbouncer
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I totally agree the less nutes the better. I've seen some growers giving 10+ ferts to there reservoirs which to me is mind mending. I've usually stuck with grow/bloom/boost the boost was usually cotton seed powder and molasses :)

I think 4-6 plants grown your style will be plenty mate :)

All the best


Oh does your soil mix have a npk ratio?

All the best


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