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My dinafem discovery and subsequent delight


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These are mental these are BP mate, not seen weed grow like this before, 3 weeks and bit in and look at that girth!! :shock:

I'm gonna be having a bash at some autos next year for sure :yep:

Top job so far mate as always ;)

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BB, besides the soil have you given anything else yet? Silicon?

How did you crack the seeds, straight in soil? Paper towel / glass water then soil?

Were the seeds in soil on a heat mat?

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I see this thread is really taking of. For just over 3 weeks these are stems you would usually see on a finished plant. They look very capable of handling a nice end yield. The scrog screen is filling out very well. These are going very strong. What ever you are doing keep it up :)

Nice detailed update as usual mate very much appreciated.

All the best


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@@LovinTheBeans nothing other than water so far mate. No nothing else. Not even root stimulant or granules.

Told you my soil was the dogs bollocks didn't I lol

Seeds were placed in tepid water for 36 hours till cracked and tap root showing. Then into soil 5 or 10 mm very loosely covered with soil and watered in with a squirty bottle gently.

The two seedlings, one was soaked and then into soil uncracked and the other was straight into soil with no prior prep.

The seeds till they break the ground either go in a kitchen cupboard or a corner of my groom where the temps are steady. I try an keep them at at least 21 or 22c when germing if not a bit more.

No heat mats or anything.

Nothing about my grow is fancy

Compost. Bloom and a tiny bit of cal mag and grow. That is all you need

E2a @@Dinafem-Mark yes mark. There certainly in rapid growth mode lol

I don't think I can really take all the credit here. Your breeders put out fine genetics and I use good compost. All I've done apart from train them is keep there environment nice and give them a water. The hard work is done for me up until now.

The auto blue kush is what got me onto dinafem and I rate it highly. I haven't used another breeder since because of how good it thought that plant was .

Big up the dinafem breeders. Faultless imo

Edited by blackpoolbouncer
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I totally accept that the soil is the bollocks and if moving to soil then clover is the absolute top choice for me without any question. The trouble is, I have 60 litres of coco/perlite/pebbles and I first of all am frugal but also environmentally friendly.... I know their is a way to condition what I have to match the trace elements of what you start in. I'm interested to know.... do you recycle your soil? I think canazyme, some lime, some blood fish, some x, y and secret ingredient of z will give me a "just as good" starting medium.... I 100% believe coco can be conditioned.

I'd love to get 60 litres of clover, but the environmentalist in me would beat myself up at wasting 60 litres of coco when all it would take is some tea / blood fish & bone or WHATEVER to condition the coco..... the key here is the "whatever".... and that is where feedback from anyone in the know would be helpful.... answers on a postcard to me in a PM to not detract from this brilliant diary!

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@@LovinTheBeans yes I do recycle my compost. It gets shaken off the roots into my flower beds outside.

There's a good thread pinned in the non organic compost section on here about reusing compost.

For me though it's got to be fresh every time and the used compost doesn't go to waste.

Had a power cut yesterday so the power was off for four hours. Temps got a bit chilly but it doesn't seem to have bothered them.

Were pretty much gonna let them grow up now. Nearly all the squares are filled with bud sites now pretty nicely spaced. Although you might struggle to make it out there are a lot of secondary bud sites in the gaps which I guess will reveal themselves on photos in the next day or two.

As you can see the canopy is pretty even. There's just one slightly rogue branch that wants to go for it. I'll probably leave her. Because she is in the corner of a frame it won't really matter too much if it's a bit higher because it won't cast a shadow wherever it is in the tent because it will either be directly under the lamp or at the side of the tent.

Anyways, enjoy

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@@sy100276 thanks mate, yes indeed, starting to get some fluffy tops now, some more stretch for some nice long colas now, which from experience with the last grow there's still a bit left, I've still got a fair bit of headroom left and still be comfortable.

Sorry for the crap hps pics again. Its a bit of a faff moving 4 plants around logistically in my small room and I didn't have any battery last night when they were out for a water.

So far I've got away with not using any cal mag and I'm seeing how this goes. If it goes to plan all I'll use is perhaps one or two small feeds of grow and bloom.
I've always been a strong advocate of not needing lots of lotions and potions to get good results.

Been working hard to keep temps nice and stable, especially after there little cold shock the other day. it's been very cold here the last two days but I've kept soil level temps above 23 and the canopy has been a steady 26-28

The little girls are doing great. The bk is bang on shedule. Although the ice cool is only a short little thing she has a certain something to her. A bit of variation is always nice and luckily I'm relying on the majority of my crop coming from these outstanding auto blue kushs

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Things are getting bushy now lol

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Edited by blackpoolbouncer
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Hi mate do you own any growroom glasses?, if you do try putting them in front of the lense for perfect pictures.

Things are really kicking off now. That screen certainly has filled in..Nice job mate. Showing our genetics in the best light :)

All the best


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@@sy100276 thanks mate. Don't know how it's gonna pan out yet lol

@@Dinafem-Mark no I haven't. I haven't even heard of them tbh. They sound intriguing

Yes they have filled out nicely. There's just one square that hasn't filled with a strong branch on the bk 2 but no bother. Its still gonna get pretty full I reckon over the next few weeks fingers crossed.

So first up the bk 1. What a beast. Her trunk is quite the sight now and...well youl see. I'm going to be watering the girls tonight and I think I'll be giving this big mama 1 ml.pl of grow and ramping up the feeds FAST if she takes it well. I can't see why she won't, I think she's ready now.

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These are those fat leaves I was talking about lol

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Now the bk 2. This is the slender girl that was the light feeder.

She will just get plain water for tonight and start the feed with error on the next feed in two days time.

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Then we have the bk 3

She was topped last night and has had her top growing direction altered by 90 degrees very scientifically with a two bits of garden wire.

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And finally the little ice cool

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It was a hard frost here last night and with growing in a caravan this poses some risk. I was on it with my temp control and I've managed to keep em happy in a nice cosy place to grow.

Thanks for looking guys. Fluffy growing tops are the sign that my favourite time is starting :chef: let's cook up a nice big batch of blueberry kushyness

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I use these mate. I use the hps version but they do make mh and led lenses to. I think prescription lenses to :)


I think there are cheaper versions available in the uk. They work great put in front of the lense and will save your eyes :)

Things are looking very nice. Quite surprised at how big they are for so young. Some massive leaves :).and those stems are huge :). Nice job

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Are you growing high heat, high humidity bro? What's the humidity in there?

Whatever your doing there is working hard lol You've got that one dialed in nice.

If you do buy a tent make sure you keep that space you have. The environment and growth you get in there looks bang on man. Plants are looking lovely. Still can't get to grips with that stem either... it's too wide lol

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